View Full Version : New Fiction Contributions...

07-Sep-2013, 04:37 PM
* The Shortest Horror Story Ever Written - Short General Horror story (http://fiction.homepageofthedead.com/forum.pl?readfiction=1134H) : It isn't a good idea to burn one's bridges.
* The Manticore - Short General Horror story (http://fiction.homepageofthedead.com/forum.pl?readfiction=1135H) : For a very long time he had hunted the monster. Now he'd caught up with it, but there was a last surprise in store.
* Zombie Diaries - Short Living Dead story (http://fiction.homepageofthedead.com/forum.pl?readfiction=1136H) : The boredom of day to day existence as a zombie, when you've been used to something better in life.