View Full Version : Question about Depend your Castle

11-Mar-2006, 04:23 AM
During the game that I played, at approx 100,000, this guy who was about 20 times bigger than the regular dudes came out. I couldnt pick him up. Did anyone else see this? If so, what the hell do you do against him?

11-Mar-2006, 06:42 AM
by the time those giant guys come along you should have a good collection of archers built up, all you can do is trip him up enough so they can pick him off.

13-Mar-2006, 09:48 PM
You can also send out a couple suicide bombers to take him out. I killed him only to have another come instantly to fill his place. I was unable to kill him before he and the horde of enemies destroyed my castle walls. When I fortified my walls I lost all my archers and my workshop guys (I had about 8 archers and 5 workshop guys) so I hadn't had the chance to build them back up yet.

I was disappoined though, the damn forums logged me off because I was playing the game so long. My score didn't even register!