View Full Version : Zed for Kids

13-Dec-2007, 04:49 PM
Ever notice that there are so few stories geared at teaming zombies with children. Sure, some of us write about zombie kids, or kids being eaten by zombies or being shot out of cannons as weapons against zombies, but how many of us have ever tried to write a children's story with zombies? As the parent of a future mental deviant, I would love to see some childrens stories written about zombies. You could add all sorts of lovely cartoonish illustrations, give them clever titles, just have a lot of fun with 'em.

Anyone up for trying to write something like that?

I'm gonna' try but theres no fun in doin' it by yourself.

14-Dec-2007, 12:03 AM
There was a Spongebob Squarepants episode about zombies ("Mad Snail Disease") and a couple of Scooby Do adventures related to zombies. That's all I can think of right now.

14-Dec-2007, 09:40 PM
I've got an idea about Santa and the elves in the North Pole fending off a zombie invasion. It would be tongue and cheek and goofy, of course (and so it wouldn't be classified as horror, sci-fir or horror). Too late to write it now. Maybe next Christmas.

15-Dec-2007, 07:47 AM
They start hocking xmas decorations in late august. Its never too late to write about santa and his elves...and his zombies.

18-Dec-2007, 05:27 AM
Would love to see someone mix zombies with Harry Potter and run with it. Not a big enough fan of Harry Potter myself to do the concept justice.

22-May-2008, 11:02 AM
I was walking past the childrens section the other day & the word ZOMBIE caught my attention. It was a book called "Zombies from Uranus" the other day, skimmed the back & it had something to do with zombies being released from bums? It looked kind of cute but didn't appeal to me. Needless to say I put it back and moved onto the Adult books hehehe

23-May-2008, 01:03 PM
PS: I realised the title was "Zombie Bums From Uranus" if anyone is interested. LOL

01-Jun-2008, 04:47 PM
There's that film coming out this year or next, called Solos, The Descendents will be it's English language title. By South American director Jorge Olguin, told from the POV of a group of children. But it definately won't be a children's film.

I have seen the trailer on this site somewhere.

03-Jun-2008, 05:33 PM
Kinda hard to do, really....what with the whole "rip your guts out and eat them while you watch" vibe going on. :blood: :lol:

The best way I can think of would be something like the movie FIDO. Domesticated zombie befriended by young boy. Maybe a survival story for older kids/teenagers. If you figure a way to make it work, let me know. My 10 yo son asks me occasionally why I like zombie movies so much. I dunno. Just do. I can tell he wants to join in, but he's just not ready yet.

09-Jun-2008, 02:15 AM
have a Lord of the Flies/Red Dawn type theme...

The gore wouldnt even be needed...noone has to die for that matter.....

The kids could just be left to fend for themselve and need to establish rules and idea about how things should be done...

Imagine the cellar or not the cellar arguement with kids instead of adults....

They could split into two camps ala LotF have leave half stay.....much to be done with it actually....