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Thread: REC vs. Quarantine - SPOILERS GALORE - Do Not Enter if You Haven't Seen Them

  1. #1
    Dead dmbfanintn's Avatar

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    REC vs. Quarantine - SPOILERS GALORE - Do Not Enter if You Haven't Seen Them

    Friday night I sat down and watched REC. WOW!! What a great movie!

    Saturday afternoon my daughter and I went to see Quarantine. WOW! What a rip off!

    I knew it was supposed to be a "remake" of REC, but I did not realize it was going to be a faithful scene by scene remake. Even the dialog was almost an exact copy of REC. I didnt really enjoy Quarantine because it was so faithful to the source.

    I felt REC was better than Quarantine, but it may have been due to me seeing REC the night before. I dont know, but I like REC better...

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  2. #2
    Walking Dead CoinReturn's Avatar

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    United States
    I watched an HD rip of REC a few months ago, and found it to be one of the best horror films in years. I saw the preview for Quarantine, and it looked as if hey gave away a big scare (when the camera is panning across the attic and the zombie kid comes in to view) along with the very last shot of the movie (main character gets dragged away). Did they change the ending at all?

  3. #3
    Dead dmbfanintn's Avatar

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    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by CoinReturn View Post
    they gave away a big scare (when the camera is panning across the attic and the zombie kid comes in to view) along with the very last shot of the movie (main character gets dragged away). Did they change the ending at all?

    Yeah, your right, they gave both of those away in the trailer. IMHO REC was better done and those two scenes you mention were better in REC as well.

    The ending was not changed at all. The lights were out and the camera man was watching the creature through night vision. Chick makes a noise and the creature attacks camera man. You see the attack through the night vision of the camera as chick picks it up. The creature hits her and the camera falls to the floor. She crawls toward it and then is suddenly pulled into the shadows, Credits roll.
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