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Thread: TWD 4x10 "Inmates" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN**

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    TWD 4x10 "Inmates" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN**

    Please keep all talk of episode 4x10 "Inmates" specifically inside this thread.

    If you have a theory for a following episode, please use the "spoiler tags" (visit the HPOTD FAQ to find out how to use them if you don't already know).

    Similarly, if you're going to discuss plot points from the comic book, please use "spoiler tags" - not everyone is up-to-date on them, and some people don't read them at all.


    Episode 4.10 – Inmates: “The group encounters many obstacles in their quest to find stability and safety, but sometimes all they have to guide them is hope.”

    Written By: Matthew Negrete & Channing Powell
    Directed By: Tricia Brock
    The writers did episodes 4x04 and 4x05 respectively, while the director has previously helmed 3x12 "Clear" as well as 4x04.

  2. #2
    Dead facestabber's Avatar

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    "She's back"!!!!!! Good stuff. Good stuff

  3. #3
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Great episode from top to bottom. This one took a different approach and everyone had their moment. Revelations, returns, and debuts; excellent stuff.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  4. #4

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    I don't know who lucked out more, Daryl ('stuck' with Beth ) or Bob ('stuck' with Sasha AND Maggie.) On the other side of the coin, I wonder who is in the shittier situation - Tyreese babysitting 3 kids on his own (until Carol showed up) or Glenn alone in the apocalypse (until he finds the last lesbian on Earth.....and later when MOTHER F*CKING ABRAHAM SHOWS UP!)

    Very glad to see Abraham, Eugene, and Rosita...sweet, sweet Rosita....translated to the TV show. Gonna be crazy to have Tyreese, Abraham, Michonne, and Daryl all kicking ass together, should they all last long enough to meet back up. They could take down a friggin' herd. 4 most badass characters in the Walking Dead universe.

    Dug the episode being out of order chronologically. Also thought it was cool how they built suspense with the zombie with Glenn's haircut. Glenn was badass this episode too, using the swat outfit like in the comics. Solid episode all around, I'd say Season 4 is over all definitely the strongest yet.
    Last edited by JonOfTheShred; 17-Feb-2014 at 04:49 AM. Reason: gtsfgrhvjb

  5. #5
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Crackin' episode. I likewise enjoyed the story telling in this one - little snippets here and there, and jumping back and forth in the timeline and showing how things stitched together - and then we get a little glimpse at the reason behind that "those who arrive, survive" message on the radio.

    Lizzie's a friggin' psychopath in-waiting snuffing out those bunnies (notice that they were sat in the same area, and that weird mess behind that fallen tree were the dead bunnies).

    Nice that we got a bit more at the prison, and with Glenn doing what he does best as well - gathering supplies - and in a kick arse riot suit too (wading through the walkers was awesome).

    Lots of nice pairings here and there - two very different emotional coping responses in Beth/Daryl ... Glenn teamed up with one of the enemy ... Tyreese teamed up with Carol (and not knowing why she wasn't there!) ... interesting ... interesting. Cool how they kept you guessing and on your toes with the bus and the walker that looked like it might have been Glenn, and then we don't see, but we get this big reaction from Maggie that slowly shifts, so we're left kind of scattered - until we see that he was actually back at the prison.

    I wonder if we'll get a backstory on the bus, or whether that's just gonna be left alone now - a cheeky way to get shot of all those additional Woodburyites and get their cast back down to something manageable.

    And woohoo - Abraham & Co! LOTS of interesting stuff going on in this one.

  6. #6
    Dead facestabber's Avatar

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    Agreed with ya minion about Glen. I thought he was a great character in season 1 & 2 but faded from what made him cool in 3 and 4. Good to see him make a comeback. This was a very busy episode with so much great stuff to discuss. So much that I'll let y'all do it then I can cheaply chime in. Hahahaha. Wyld should have a field day with his favorite little psycho Lizzie. I expect a lot from you Wylde

  7. #7

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    Mentioning the bunnies and the rats now makes me realize who Lizzie is meant to be, it's also a portent for something major that will affect Carl and Carol.

  8. #8
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Yeah ... some meaty drama coming sometime soon with this nutjob Lizzie on the prowl - those poor little bunnies!

    Now, I only read the comics via the trade paperbacks, so I don't get to see the issue-by-issue cover art, but apparently the 3-shot of Abe & Co was a spot-on likeness for it. Pretty cool - I'm glad that Gimple has put far more focus on the comics again, as Mazzara definitely drifted too far off-path. I don't want a direct adaptation, but I think Gimple's got the balance right - he's an established fan of the comics already, so I think that's really been helping the show, and has been great for rediscovering the appropriate balance.

    Kinda harsh for Carol and Tyreese to just leave that dude hanging out with his walker wound ... like, 'so long pal, we're sodding off to Terminus'.

    It'll be really interesting to see if everyone gets back together and how it all goes down with Carol - Tyreese doesn't know, but Rick does, Maggie does, Daryl does, Carl does ... interesting...

    ALSO - that riot gear POV shot was awesome - all those walkers right up in your face eager to gobble you down. Creepy.

    TWD 4x10 Memes:

    Last edited by MinionZombie; 17-Feb-2014 at 05:41 PM.

  9. #9

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    So much went on this episode. And let's hear it for me and those others who called it that Carol would return once the Prison was no more. Even better, Tyreese is with her, Lizzie and the sane sister (her name escapes me ATM). So we're gonna get to see Tyreese seeing what Lizzie really is...and knowing "the truth" about Carol, when all the others just know the story Carol told. Smothering a BABY? You can't tell me NOW that Lizzie isn't the odds-on favorite as the killer. No, I'm NOT saying that Carol is "INNOCENT"...because she truly does believe in euthanizing when someone has reached the point of no return and there isn't sufficient manpower to have someone watch each terminal individual waiting for the moment they expire.

    That, and Tyreese knew he dropped the ball when he heard that first gunshot. He's seeing all these people go down like dominoes...unable to save anyone, and then the shot...and his facial expression was all "Oh, DAMN. What did I just do, running off and leaving those girls." Then Carol comes to the rescue (which is going to create a real damned conundrum for Mr. "If everyone else died, and it was just me, you, Carl and Judith...I wouldn't want you around my kids" Rick. Having saved Judith, Rick can't very well at some later point go "While I appreciate you saving my daughter and the two young girls who look to you as a mother-figure, we've been through this already so I'm kicking you out AGAIN."

    Not to mention that with everything that went down at the Prison, Rick's dilly-dallying about coming clean to Tyreese has (inadverdently) created what amounts to an accidental "Conspiracy of Silence"...since Tyreese has now been thrown into Survival Mode with the woman ostensibly believed to have murdered his squeeze and that other guy. A problem that is only going to become more exacerbated if and when Carol ends up saving Tyreese's life from a Walker he doesn't see or somesuch...If Tyreese doesn't "even it out" by saving Carol in return before finding out what the others believe to be the truth. It's kind of difficult to walk over and strangle someone whose watched your back and saved your ass when there was no one else.

    That, and given how fragmented the group currently is...and given all the losses....Rick can't justify ousting a proven survivor/combatant at this juncture. So I'm guessing he's gonna initially remain quiet about the Carol issue...and then realize that initial decision is more binding than he wants it to be. Because if Carol sticks around for X period of time, during which everyone "in the know" stays silent, how would they later tell Tyreese? At that point they're complicit in the whole mess, and Tyreese would be unable to trust any of them. It has Group Fracture written all over it, and (assuming the majority of the people eventually re-coalesce into one large group) NO ONE is going to be in a hurry to splinter the group all over again. Let's remember that Daryl wanted to go looking for Carol, but Rick played the "You're needed here, you've got responsibilities" card to keep him from doing so. I believe it would be a completely different story with Daryl if Carol was actually standing there.

    All in all an excellent episode. I loved the stuff with Glenn...and the bus tension was ACTUALLY tense. Don't know what to think of this Sargeant Abraham guy. My first impression was that he's cut from the same cloth as the military commander in 28 Days Later. I could be wrong, since it's a snap judgment...but that's my initial impression.

    I'm liking the back 9 of this Season a lot so far. My ONLY concern is how long it's going to take for everyone to group up. The Woodbury/Prison back-and-forth has demonstrated that consistently jumping from one setting/group of characters to another setting/group of characters beyond the short-term is problematic, to say the very least.

    There's a lot more rattling around in my head after this episode, but it all hasn't yet gelled into a coherent whole as yet.

  10. #10
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    I'm confused about Glen.
    Wasn't he on the bus at the end of Too Far Gone?
    Last edited by kidgloves; 17-Feb-2014 at 08:38 PM. Reason: damn auto correct
    The body is the instrument on which imagination plays.


  11. #11
    Fresh Meat

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    Heres my take:

    Spoiler*******************Dont read if you dont read the books*****************

    Carol and Tyreese are going to hook up just like they did in the comics. The director dude seems to like to go the way of comics more then last guy did. Tyreese will find out after they do the naughty a couple times. However, I think it will be the three foot tall demon person that actually killed and burned the people at the prison but carol didnt want her to take the blame cause deep down the girls remind her of sophia still. I think at some point Michonne and Rick will hook up (nasty as hell just cause to me it doesnt seem to fit). Terminus ends up being the "Alexandria Safe Zone" just not how it is in the books.

  12. #12
    Dead facestabber's Avatar

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    Hey Wylde do you watch The Talking Dead? An interview with Carol, in her wording, makes it seem like she was the one that ended Karen and other guys life. She explained her initial reaction with Tyrese was fear after seeing him swing his hammer with vengeance and wondering if "he knew what she did". I'm not saying your Lizzie theory is completely dead but the way she explained it made me feel more toward her as the killer. And your right about everyone including Rick welcoming her back. Their protected society got blown up and in a world where friendlies are getting less and less you have to regroup with who you know.

  13. #13
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    Very enjoyable episode indeed, lots to take in as I've only just watched it, but it was good to see Glen using his head and tooling up. Glad that the sexy lezza girl survived, she was another innocent victim of the governor, and hope she gets to stick around.

    Just realised that Abraham is "Cooper" from Southland (which ironically I just watched all 5 seasons of over the last month or so, so I like the actor and will welcome him and his character to TWD!)

    Oh, Lizzie is scarier than any walker! Ricks little baby had a narrow escape there...unlike the poor little bunnies.

    Last weeks episode, although solid didn't rock my socks, this weeks just fills me with the feeling that "we are back!"
    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  14. #14
    Dead Doc's Avatar

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    I'm confused now. The midseason finale seemed established that they had a rendezvous point in the event of emergencies. So, did the writers forget or something...why didn't the characters just go there?!

    And how in the heck did everyone on the bus become zombified or zombie-chow?

  15. #15
    Twitching sandrock74's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc View Post
    And how in the heck did everyone on the bus become zombified or zombie-chow?
    I would think all the bullet holes on the bus would indicate someone (or someones) got shot, died and reanimated. Done.


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