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Thread: Deadscapes II: August 2007 Update

  1. #1
    Kashwak = No Fo Cereval's Avatar

    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Chicago, IL

    Thumbs up Deadscapes II: August 2007 Update

    [Also posted HERE and HERE]

    Things are getting interesting now. As we approach the end of the month, B-roll and supporting scene shoots have gone surprisingly well. As I keep on saying, I hope I'm not jinxing myself in referring to this as uncommon in my project experiences. The final week of this month will be critical and if things go as planned (and as smoothly as they have so far), there'll be plenty of zombie goodness to reveal. In the meantime, July and August have gone well:
    • Radio segments were next on the agenda after completion of the news sequence. As of this update, 99% of these audio setpieces are complete.
    • A detailed shoot schedule has been laid out for the duration (and brunt) of this production. Full shoot days of principal photography come to about 5 days, not including the supplemental scenes and such that have been shot thus far.
    • I had a little time to do some storyboarding for certain sequences. Since I'm the DP, they're really more like shot notes for me but will help me keep tabs on specific scenes on shoot days.
    • Yesterday marked the final scene to be shot before the big principal shoots. In the next few weeks, there'll be some b-roll to get, a bit of set work, props / FX, and hopefully some testing.

    All the above is building up to be what can only be described as a good time when we start slinging blood around and blowing the back of zombies heads out. I think and hope this one has a chance to be received well.

  2. #2
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
    Super Moderator

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    Feb 2006
    The Mandatorium
    Awesome, sounds like it's all going very well indeed. Bring on the zombie carnage!

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Cereval
    All the above is building up to be what can only be described as a good time when we start slinging blood around and blowing the back of zombies heads out.
    <rubs hands>


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