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Thread: My Sainsbury's fiasco

  1. #1

    My Sainsbury's fiasco

    Okay, so this morning I'm shopping at Sainsbury's for ingredients to go with this evenings mulled wine*. I get the checkout with a whole bunch of stuff and suddenly the checkout imbecile asks me, "Have you got ID?" Normally this would be okay but s**t, I am 35 years of age!!!

    At first I thought she was joking and/or paying me a compliment but she was serious! Some old biddy next to me in the line thought it was ridiculous too, as I clearly dont look under 21, so then the checkout girl pulls the "oh, it's just a formaility" spiel. To cut a long story short, I protested and got the wine but what an absolute joke it is that a thirtysomething would be asked for ID - in one of the biggest supermarket chains in the UK, no less.

    I guess the point of this is to ask if anyone else has had a similar thing happen to them.

    * Capn's mulled wine, a top Halloween/Firework night drink:

    - 2 bottles of fullbodied wine, preferrable a good Cabernet Sauvignon
    - 1 half-bottle of good quality brandy
    - 1 pint of water
    - 2 chopped lemons
    - 2 cinnamon sticks
    - 3-4 whole cloves

    Heat gently to a simmer for 10-15 minutes (don't boil otherwise the alcohol will burn up and you wont get drunk ) whilst stirring slowly. Bottle of beer whilst prepping is optional, LOL.

  2. #2
    Chasing Prey

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    this story is absolutely true:

    One week when I was 19 I was on the way to work, from Walthamstow to Osterley (Far east to far west London)...before setting out I went to my local shop for 20 Marlboro cigarretes...when I got into the shop and asked the old lady for "20 marlboro please" she looked at me accusingly and said "how old are you?"....I replied "how old do you think I am?" she smiled and said "17?"....bare in mind you only had to be 16 to buy ciggies back I replied "well sell me the ciggarettes then!" and she did...

    two days later I was in Osterley, at the end of my normal journey to work, when I decided to pop into the local shop guessed it...20 marlboro cigarettes...I walked up to the counter, and said to the identical looking old lady behind the counter "20 marlboro please..." she looked at me accusingly and said, again you guessed it "how old are you?" I asked her "how old do you think I am?" she said....

    wait for it...

    "17?"....*SIGH*...."well sell me the damn cigarettes then!!!"....bah!!!!!!

    I also got ID'd for GTA: San Andreas, I was in my 20s at the time...the girl who served me at Gamestation, couldn't have been older than 17, and she asked me how old I was, again I asked her how old she thought I was...her manager came over and said "look it's nothing personal, we ID'd a 30 year old yesterday"...I simply said "that says more about your shopkeeping skills than it does my age"...offered my card for payment whilst point blank refusing to show age related ID, he accepted and I went about my day...

    Funny stuff really...
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  3. #3
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Last time I got ID'd was when I was either late 19, or early 20 ... probably buying some horror DVD, or violent game I think (if I remember right, it was Kingpin, which I'd missed out on way back in the day, so I got it for a few quid and set about gibbing my way around the game later that day - and when the cleaning lady came to clean my uni residence en suite the following morning, hehe) ... so yeah, not been carded since then.

    My family is all quite blessed in the sense that we all generally look younger than we actually are, so that's great for being anything older than 17, before 17 you wanna look older, but afterwards you wanna look younger.

    I'm starting to think I do look older than I might think, or maybe I feel younger than I look...or something, I duno ... I look at people who are two or three years younger than me, who look properly grown up, and then I look at myself and think "how the f*ck can I be OLDER than that person?!"

  4. #4
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    If I don't go to my normal store where they know me, I get carded every time I buy booze.

    It doesn't bother me, though. I figure if you just show them your ID and pay for the stuff it would take less time then arguing with them about it.

  5. #5
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    see its the opposite for me, i often get asked my age by new people i meet and go "20?, jesus, you look 16!", which i guess might be because i dont smoke or drink something and live a little cleaner than most dudes my age but i guess itll be a good thing in ten years when im 30 and people say i look 25

    -but on the flipside of that i NEVER get asked for id for absolutely anything.

    maybe its the hair or something.

  6. #6
    Dying DawnGirl27's Avatar

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    My family is blessed with the "look younger than you actually are" gene, and has led to some embarrassing situations.

    Instance #1: Went to a R rated movie and got carded (I was 25)...

    Instance #2: When I went with my mom to order flowers for my wedding (age 26), the girl tells me I'm not old enough to get married, and gives me a once over - you know, the 'Is she pregnant and has to?' look... (and no, I wasn't, )

    Instance #3: Happened two years ago when I went to drop something off for my husband where he had just become manager. This kid yells back, "Hey, T! Your daughter's here!" My husband and his best friend (the boss) burst out laughing, and the best friend told him I was his wife. The poor kid slunk into the office and didn't come out again while I was there.

    I get carded at the liquor store when I go, and the ID gets a thorough once over, along with close scrutinization of my face.

    I still only look in my late 20's - no one guesses over 28, so I guess there could be worse things to deal with.
    Last edited by DawnGirl27; 01-Nov-2008 at 01:21 AM.

  7. #7
    Chasing Prey Yojimbo's Avatar

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    Dudes, I'm 40 and still get carded from time to time.

    Last week I was carded by a cashier at the local supermarket for a bottle of Cuervo. I asked the cashier if she really thought that I could pass for 20 (our drinking age is 21) and she said that she has a hard time telling the age of asians and african americans. Ok, I'll give her that, I guess.

    But yesterday evening, on the way home from work, I stopped in at a gasoline station to pick up a pack of smokes, and was carded by the dude behind the bullet proof glass window. (Here in the states, you have to be 18 in order to purchase cigarettes) So, being 40 and a little annoyed, I asked the guy, "Do I really look like I could be 17?" and he said, that he had to card anyone that looked below 30. Stupidily, I had left my wallet in my desk at work, and this moron refused to sell me the smokes without my ID. Found this to be more than a little annoying. So I asked the guy behind me in line, an elderly african american man, to please buy my smokes for me, explaining my predicament. The old dude was cool about it and agreed to get the smokes for me, adding "He sure takes his job seriously, doesn't he?"
    Last edited by Yojimbo; 02-Nov-2008 at 03:23 AM.
    Originally Posted by EvilNed
    As a much wiser man than I once said: "We must stop the banning - or loose the war."

  8. #8
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Yeah. . here they will fine a shopkeep if they don't ID.

    I get carded from time to time. Expecially if i am sans-beard. When I am rocking my R.j. MacReady beard, I get no cardings at all!!
    "When the dead walk, we must stop the killing, or lose the war."

  9. #9
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by clanglee View Post
    Yeah. . here they will fine a shopkeep if they don't ID.

    I get carded from time to time. Expecially if i am sans-beard. When I am rocking my R.j. MacReady beard, I get no cardings at all!!

    Separated at birth? LOOK APON THEIR BEARDS & DESPAIR!!!

    (sorry...full time beard wearer....)

    Y'know, even w/ a beard (rapidly going gray at that) I still get carded now & again...clerks who give a crap are afraid of getting busted for NOT carding...lazy a$$ kids who don't give a f*ck seem to be the ones who pass me by. Doesn't bother me, even though I'm obviously old (enough). I used to be in retail for 11+ years...I know they're just doing a job.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    Yes, I noticed this too. I've always thought Jim Morrison looks like McCready.

  11. #11
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by capncnut View Post
    Yes, I noticed this too. I've always thought Jim Morrison looks like McCready.
    or indeed vice-versa.
    "When the dead walk, we must stop the killing, or lose the war."

  12. #12
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by capncnut View Post
    Yes, I noticed this too. I've always thought Jim Morrison looks like McCready.
    Oddly enough, I had never thought about it until I read the post that I replied too...a sudden flash just hit me & there it was....

  13. #13
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Must have been my use of the word "rockin'" with the word "beard". I'm sure that the fact that the thread does concern alchohol doesn't hert either!!
    "When the dead walk, we must stop the killing, or lose the war."

  14. #14
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by clanglee View Post
    Must have been my use of the word "rockin'" with the word "beard". I'm sure that the fact that the thread does concern alchohol doesn't hert either!!
    True, that! Mr. Mojo Risin' would be proud...

  15. #15
    Dead Skippy911sc's Avatar

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    Earlier this year I went to a Jewel-Osco (Grocery Store) to buy a case of beer and the old lady behind the counter asked for my id. I gave it to her, then she asked for my wife's because she had accompanied me. My wife left her purse ion the car, so the lady refused to sell it unless my wife went out an got it. I told my wife to go get it and to take her time (It was a busy night at the store and the lines were building). The manager came over and said it was policy and I told them that fine I'm sure my wife will be a back in a few minutes. He finished the check-out before she came back.

    I under stand the law and am willing to give my ID any time a shop keeper needs it, but just because she was with me??? that makes no sense. What if one of my kids were with me...they would not allow me to purchase??? Stupid Policy.


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