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Thread: DEADLANDS 2: TRAPPED 2009 UPDATE (Dist. and More)

  1. #1
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    DEADLANDS 2: TRAPPED 2009 UPDATE (Dist. and More)

    Well, it has been a while since I have updated everyone about Deadlands 2. So here it goes.

    The re-edit is going smashingly well. I am 95% complete on the re-edit and have trimmed a lot of fat from scenes to make the cut a lot more tighter and have better flow. I haven't deleted any scenes perse, just re-arranged them for flow, or omitted shots to make them move faster. I have also included brand new never before seen footage. Stuff, those who attended the premiere and festival screenings or have done reviews haven't yet seen. Lets just say I added an additional zombie attack I was originally going to leave on the cutting room floor. (I will point it out in the directors commentary)

    I have also changed the ending a bit, while it still ends close to the same way as it did in the work print version, I am re-working how it flows.

    I have also composed 3 new tracks for the film, one in collaboration with Brian (LouCipherr), the other 2 on my own. I have done a fusion mix of Synth based sound with orchestral arrangements, and Piano blurbs for two of the tracks, and the third is a club based track for the bar scene.

    DISTRIBUTION - We have had a few offers for distribution for the film in the last few weeks. One I flat out turned down as they wanted to do strictly web based streaming. Another I am currently waiting to see the contract, and the most recent just finished watching the screener and we are hashing out details.

    MPAA RATING - Deadlands 2 will be rated by the MPAA. Both the distributors I am talking with now want to get it rated and feel the cut how it stands now would receive an R with no problem, so that would be cool, and it makes me feel easier knowing that my recut will get the R as well because I actually tamed some of the gore down, not so much that I cut it out, but I just cut it differently so that you get the same impact and length of the scenes as I had envisioned them, just in such a way that it won't make the conservative MPAA scowl at the zombie violence in the film.

    THEATRICAL RELEASE - One of the distributors wants to do a 10 theater theatrical release with the film in major markets (NY, LA, Miami, Baltimore etc) They are aiming for an early October 2009 theatrical release, and want to push the DVD out October 20th or 27th 2009. They wanna use the theatrical showings as an advertising campaign.

    WORLDWIDE RELEASE - This will get a Worldwide release. One of the international distributors has asked for multiple markets and to include theatrical with it as well. I guess overseas they low their low budget horror and these films seem to do well. He was very excited in talking about the possibilities of what it can do in the overseas market.

    ONE LAST SCREENING FOR THE FILM - I am going to arrange another screening for the film in Hagerstown, which will be the completed version of the movie. I will post more details once they become available.

    Hope these updates keep you guys interested until the movie gets released. Sorry for the delay, but with the economy turning to shit the low budget distributors are drying up, so you have to have you A game on even the microbudgeted stuff like Deadlands 2 in order to get picked up. The days of Troma quality DTV Mini DV films are drying up fast. Infact if Deadlands 1 were the film I was looking to get distribution for the most likely stance woul dbe, no thanks, but the upped quality in terms of the overall production has helped bolster Deadlands 2 in the indie zombie genre.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  2. #2
    Good luck with that, I hope it all goes well, son.

    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    Sorry for the delay, but with the economy turning to shit the low budget distributors are drying up, so you have to have you A game on even the microbudgeted stuff like Deadlands 2 in order to get picked up. The days of Troma quality DTV Mini DV films are drying up fast.
    Damn f**king shame. You can't beat a good indie flick.

    And Lloyd Kaufman rocks!

  3. #3
    Dying DawnGirl27's Avatar

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    Best of luck, DJ - good to see you still have some options.

  4. #4
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Blimey, a significant news flood there Deej.

    All sounds rather spiffing to me. Excellent work!

  5. #5
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    UPDATE 2/16/2009 -

    The re-edit is going better than expected. While I cut out about a minute of existing footage from the movie, I have also added, 3 new scenes not seen during the theatrical version/promo copy.

    Brian and I have also been hard at work on a brand new score for the film. While not every song has been replaced, about 65% of the music is brand new and much more cinematic.

    We have also found a Distributor. While I cannot say who it is yet, I can tell you the DVD will street October 13th World Wide.

    More news to come to in a few weeks

    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  6. #6
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    UPDATE 2/16/2009 -

    The re-edit is going better than expected. While I cut out about a minute of existing footage from the movie, I have also added, 3 new scenes not seen during the theatrical version/promo copy.

    Brian and I have also been hard at work on a brand new score for the film. While not every song has been replaced, about 65% of the music is brand new and much more cinematic.

    We have also found a Distributor. While I cannot say who it is yet, I can tell you the DVD will street October 13th World Wide.

    More news to come to in a few weeks


    best of luck gary. the only thing that the snippets of deadlands 2 that i've seen have made me feel is a burning desire to see the whole film.

    um, where's that working copy at again?
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  7. #7
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    We have also found a Distributor. While I cannot say who it is yet, I can tell you the DVD will street October 13th World Wide.
    The intrigue heightens further.

    Some right tidy news there Deej, noiiice.

  8. #8
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Took today off from editing because I felt like re-arranging my studio around. I was going to work on the film, but said I have busted my ass on it lately so a day off is ok.

    Literally thinking of taking a mid-afternoon nap.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  9. #9
    Dying DawnGirl27's Avatar

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    Congrats on finding a distributor, DJ! Hope you had a good nap - you deserve it!

  10. #10
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Thanks Dawn, however, we are back to square one. The Distributor and I couldn't see eye to eye on how the film would be dealt with in terms of release.

    While territory was never an issue, format, and advertising became a sticking point. Mostly, they were hoping to double dip everyone on a Blu-Ray release later on, and I was against it saying if the BR could not street day and date with the DVD I wasn't interested in doing a Blu-Ray release. I hate when distributors double dip fans, unless the newer version contains some extra features, but in this case they wanted to release same thing on Blu-Ray at a later date.

    Also advertising came into play, in that they only wanted to do a viral WEB campaign, and I said well I pretty much dot hat already, what about print advertising?

    Sell Sheets
    Ads in Horror Mags

    No word was received back on those issues so I felt and they agreed we should just part ways.

    No Biggie, I am in talks with another distributor who is just patiently waiting for me to finish the new edit.

    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  11. #11
    Dying DawnGirl27's Avatar

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    Glad you stuck up for your (and the fans) best interests. Best of luck to you with the new distributor. Editing going well?

  12. #12
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Blimey Deej, I can certainly say this about you, you stick to your guns (in the best sense).

    I trust you got my email regarding notes about the ending?

  13. #13
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DawnGirl27 View Post
    Glad you stuck up for your (and the fans) best interests. Best of luck to you with the new distributor. Editing going well?
    Editing going pretty well, I have stepped back quite a bit this week as I am sick again... surprise. I expect it to be another 4-6 weeks. I was watching what I had edited together so far and I actually trimmed another minute off the movie, so now it is clocking in at around 82 minutes, give or take.

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Blimey Deej, I can certainly say this about you, you stick to your guns (in the best sense).

    I trust you got my email regarding notes about the ending?
    Yes I stick to my guns. While some say i go over board with wanting to be involved in the business end I say well it is my way of keeping the Distributors in check so the release doesn't end up half assed and screwed up.

    I am very protective over my work, love it or hate it, got to make sure a Night 68 doesn't happen. Plus if they don't want to come to my terms, screw'em I will find someone else.

    My terms are not overly outlandish.

    Blu-Ray on Street Date, otherwise no Blu-Ray release
    I want say on the artwork, not final approval, but I want input
    Control of which features appear
    How the films is marketed and advertised. I don't want it marketed as a full blow Zombie Horror Film, becuase that is not what it is, the film is a Zombie Action/horror film. Done in the vein of an Action film, with zombies and some horror elements. Nothing worse than a misrepresented film.

    Got your notes, will be fucking with that this weekend to see how it works. so far a majority of the ending is changed around from the original release.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  14. #14
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Hey everyone, I come with another UPDATE.

    As of 3:56pm EST 03/16/2009 I have finished the films re-edit, except for two musical pieces I need to work on with Brian (LouCipherr). At this point the picture is 100% locked. The film clocks in at 84:32, which makes it 30 seconds shorter than the original version, but contains over 2 and 1/2 minutes of footage that was never edited at the time of the original cut.

    The film also contains a newly composed score. I replaced over 70% of the films original score to make the film darker in mood. the pacing is nice and tight, and the sound mix is coming along nicely. This time I opted to do a straight 2.0 Channel mix as opposed to a 5.1 which the original version had.

    Brian and I are getting together this weekend to work on the two musical pieces, and after tht I just need to drop them in and render it all out.

    I will do a small self release of the film through my website, and I will offer to purchasers both versions of the film + the soundtrack for probably $20.00

    So essentially you will be getting a 3 disc set:

    Disc #1 Directors Cut (New Edit)
    Disc #2 Original Cut
    Disc #3 CD Soundtrack of the films score.

    I expect to do this small release around Late June early July. I will keep you posted as things develop.

    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  15. #15
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Kick ass dude. I rather look forward to getting a peep at the new cut.

    Sounds like you've really been in there tinkering away like a demon.


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