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Thread: Vampire - The Masquerade Bloodlines

  1. #1
    Dead LoSTBoY's Avatar

    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Scotch Land

    Vampire - The Masquerade Bloodlines

    Aquired this after seeing it in Gamespys top 10 scariest moments and I have just finished completing it.

    At first I though it would be like the first game, a 3D RPG like Neverwinter Nights or Dungeon Seige where you control more than 1 character. However this is a first person/3rd person RPG like Oblivion where you contol your own fights instead of clicking on a character and watching them duke it out.

    Good graphics that - at first - were very slow and caused a very bad lag on the controls. But getting fed up with it I perused the Bloodline forums and managed to solve the problem (Increase virtual memory page file to 1.5GB and run in Win98 compatibility)

    The game and storyline are pretty good, as well as using your vampire abilities you get a good assortment of guns and weapons like the katana. Plenty side quests that get you money and experience. Hou have to stick to the vampire masquerade code which means you can't show your abilities in public, 5 times and you lose. Different vampire clans to choose from, for example the Tremere who are the mages of the vampire clans or the Nosferatu (Kaos would like!) who are good as hiding & sneaking but are butt-ugly and have to use the sewers to move about cities.

    The freaky mansion mentioned in the Gamespy article is indeed freaky, but I wasn't that fraked out because my guys a vampire and all the ghost was doing is throwing pots and pans around the place. The place I was most freaked out was up in the mountains, you have to wait 3 minuites for the tram to return all the while a big ass werewolf is chasing you around the place.

    What I found fun was that I was in the blood bank and there was a woman about to die without anyone around so I fed her my blood and she became my ghoul. She found me again and became my pet who waited in my apartment and brought back blokes for me to feed on. But me with my pure heart, I told here to go away and I got some humanity points.

    I could go on about all the features, but all I'm going to say is BUY IT! Highly recommended from a gamer nerd.

  2. #2
    Cool man, I'll keep an eye out for that one.


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