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Thread: Interesting article at Cnet regarding new Sega console

  1. #1

    Interesting article at Cnet regarding new Sega console

    There's been a lot of rumours (mostly false) over the last year or so about Segas return to the console market. This week there's been a new spark to the rumours and a few reports have popped up on game sites.

    Click for article.

    Sega Ringedge ()? Dodgy name but damn I'm buying that if it's true. I think with Nintendo running away with the current gen war, Sega could well follow suit.

  2. #2
    Survey Time axlish's Avatar

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    It'd be ballzy of them to try after the titanic failures of the Saturn and the Dreamcast. The Dreamcast was actually a decent system if you didn't get a bunk one, which I did and had to haggle with the game store owner to give me a replacement.

  3. #3
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Blimey, a new Sega console?

    Interesting ... especially considering the huge success of the Xbox360 and the Wii ... if the PS4 happens, is there room for a new Sega console, as much as my nostalgia chip would find that ever-so nice.

    If the PS4 didn't happen, then maybe that would be worthwhile doing for Sega ... ... but if the PS4 does happen ... that's a huge-ass gamble, especially as they'd most likely be making a 360-beater (or trying to anyway).


  4. #4
    Walking Dead slickwilly13's Avatar

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    It would be a bad move to jump into the console or handheld war right now. Nintendo has held an iron grip on the handheld market for nearly 20 years. They beat out 3 colored handhelds: Turbo Duo, Atari Lynxx, Sega Game Gear w/ spinach colored graphics. Booted out SNK's Wonderswan. And held their heads high above the water against the PSP.

    If Sega jump into the console wars right now they would be competing against 3 other systems. How would they survive? Seriously. I do not see it happening. MS and Nintendo alone would bury them.

  5. #5
    Survey Time axlish's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by slickwilly13 View Post
    If Sega jump into the console wars right now they would be competing against 3 other systems. How would they survive? Seriously. I do not see it happening. MS and Nintendo alone would bury them.
    There is no secret formula to Sega's success, it is actually quite easy. Sega should do exactly what they did for the Dreamcast, except this time, make sure all consoles are working properly before shipping out. If that first run of Dreamcasts were worth a shit, it would have been smooth sailing as the console was popular, and was the first 128 bit system out. They know a little more about what is required now (hard drives, internet access) so perhaps they can get lucky. Sony seems ripe for the picking.

    On the other side of the coin, they seem to have a good relationship with Nintendo right now (Genesis, Game Gear and Master System games are selling on the Virtual Console on Wii) and jumping back into the console market could damage that and ruin a nice income stream for them. RISKY!

  6. #6
    Actually the Dreamcast was holding it's own against the PS2 initially with over 10 million units sold before it was unjustly discontinued. Not only that but games like Shenmue had graphics that killed anything the PS2 had to offer, even though the console was released sixteen months before.

    Right now the PS3 and 360 both have little over 20 million consoles sold, not that impressive really. I think a new console from Sega would seriously stir things up in the next gen war. It would be a 'shit or bust' move but I think Sega intend it to be. They have learned from their mistakes and they have a huge dedicated fanbase, the Ringedge () would make a mint in Japan alone.

    In terms of all the deals they have with Nintendo and the rest, just imagine if Sega had all their own games exclusively for their very own console: Condemned, Crazy Taxi, Full Auto, House Of The Dead, Jet Set Radio (unfortunately a new game was proposed recently but rejected in favour of a Sonic title), Mad World, NiGHTS, OutRun, Panzer Dragoon, Phantasy Star, Sega GT, Shenmue (pretty please with sugar on it), Sonic The Hedgehog, Super Monkey Ball, Virtua Fighter, Virtua Tennis, etc. Not to mention all the old classics online.

    It would seriously rock!
    Last edited by capncnut; 08-Feb-2009 at 05:33 PM.

  7. #7
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    I imagine sega have built up a fair bit of cash by now after touting loads of games & even their flagship characters across all formats in recent years,its probably put them back in good stead to have a bash at the console market again!I'd love it if it blew microsofts efforts out of the water & bill gates got bitch slapped

  8. #8
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    In terms of the nostalgia factor, and the fanbase, it would make more sense to do it sooner rather than later ... but other factors make you think to the contrary.

    We'll see I guess.

    If they do come back, I hope they do well ... ... and I'd kinda want them to bitch-slap the Playstation, as it was the PS1&2 that bitch-slapped Sega back in the 90's.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    If they do come back, I'd kinda want them to bitch-slap the Playstation, as it was the PS1&2 that bitch-slapped Sega back in the 90's.
    Damn straight, man. Bury those bastards once and for all.

  10. #10
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    i'd much rather see "big brother" microsoft take the hit,they need knocking down a peg or two

  11. #11
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by capncnut View Post
    Damn straight, man. Bury those bastards once and for all.


  12. #12
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Nothing like kicking a man while he's down eh?

    It would be a very bad move for SEGA to try and make a comeback to the console market if you ask me, their position has been taken by microsoft and there is no space for a fourth competitor, also lets face it, SEGA havnt had a good console since the megadrive, plus as has already been commented on, they have a good thing going with nintendo at the moment, if they do attempt a comeback they risk blowing that.

    All in all, it would be a very bad move for SEGA.

  13. #13
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    Nothing like kicking a man while he's down eh?

    It would be a very bad move for SEGA to try and make a comeback to the console market if you ask me, their position has been taken by microsoft and there is no space for a fourth competitor.

    Thats not to say that microsoft are now going to hold the console market from here to eternity though,that would be pretty shitty if thats the case!i just think microsofts ambitions & size are bad for the gaming industry

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    Thats not to say that microsoft are now going to hold the console market from here to eternity though,that would be pretty shitty if thats the case!i just think microsofts ambitions & size are bad for the gaming industry
    Well the Wii has sold over 20 million units more than the 360 so Microsoft don't really hold the console market.

    I think it would be refeshing to see a new console from Sega but damn, they gotta change the name.

  15. #15
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    Sega Ringedge

    What next? The Sony Turdstar!?


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