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Thread: Email from tony blair..

  1. #1
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Email from tony blair..

    I just got this as a response to the petition against the gestapo style ID card system labour wants to bring in

    "The petition calling for the Government to abandon plans for a National ID Scheme attracted almost 28,000 signatures - one of the largest responses since this e-petition service was set up. So I thought I would reply personally to those who signed up, to explain why the Government believes National ID cards, and the National Identity Register needed to make them effective, will help make Britain a safer place.

    The petition disputes the idea that ID cards will help reduce crime or terrorism. While I certainly accept that ID cards will not prevent all terrorist outrages or crime, I believe they will make an important contribution to making our borders more secure, countering fraud, and tackling international crime and terrorism. More importantly, this is also what our security services - who have the task of protecting this country - believe.

    So I would like to explain why I think it would be foolish to ignore the opportunity to use biometrics such as fingerprints to secure our identities. I would also like to discuss some of the claims about costs - particularly the way the cost of an ID card is often inflated by including in estimates the cost of a biometric passport which, it seems certain, all those who want to travel abroad will soon need.

    In contrast to these exaggerated figures, the real benefits for our country and its citizens from ID cards and the National Identity Register, which will contain less information on individuals than the data collected by the average store card, should be delivered for a cost of around £3 a year over its ten-year life.

    But first, it's important to set out why we need to do more to secure our identities and how I believe ID cards will help. We live in a world in which people, money and information are more mobile than ever before. Terrorists and international criminal gangs increasingly exploit this to move undetected across borders and to disappear within countries. Terrorists routinely use multiple identities - up to 50 at a time. Indeed this is an essential part of the way they operate and is specifically taught at Al-Qaeda training camps. One in four criminals also uses a false identity. ID cards which contain biometric recognition details and which are linked to a National Identity Register will make this much more difficult.

    Secure identities will also help us counter the fast-growing problem of identity fraud. This already costs £1.7 billion annually. There is no doubt that building yourself a new and false identity is all too easy at the moment. Forging an ID card and matching biometric record will be much harder.

    I also believe that the National Identity Register will help police bring those guilty of serious crimes to justice. They will be able, for example, to compare the fingerprints found at the scene of some 900,000 unsolved crimes against the information held on the register. Another benefit from biometric technology will be to improve the flow of information between countries on the identity of offenders.

    The National Identity Register will also help improve protection for the vulnerable, enabling more effective and quicker checks on those seeking to work, for example, with children. It should make it much more difficult, as has happened tragically in the past, for people to slip through the net.

    Proper identity management and ID cards also have an important role to play in preventing illegal immigration and illegal working. The effectiveness on the new biometric technology is, in fact, already being seen. In trials using this technology on visa applications at just nine overseas posts, our officials have already uncovered 1,400 people trying illegally to get back into the UK.

    Nor is Britain alone in believing that biometrics offer a massive opportunity to secure our identities. Firms across the world are already using fingerprint or iris recognition for their staff. France, Italy and Spain are among other European countries already planning to add biometrics to their ID cards. Over 50 countries across the world are developing biometric passports, and all EU countries are proposing to include fingerprint biometrics on their passports. The introduction in 2006 of British e-passports incorporating facial image biometrics has meant that British passport holders can continue to visit the United States without a visa. What the National Identity Scheme does is take this opportunity to ensure we maximise the benefits to the UK.

    These then are the ways I believe ID cards can help cut crime and terrorism. I recognise that these arguments will not convince those who oppose a National Identity Scheme on civil liberty grounds. They will, I hope, be reassured by the strict safeguards now in place on the data held on the register and the right for each individual to check it. But I hope it might make those who believe ID cards will be ineffective reconsider their opposition.

    If national ID cards do help us counter crime and terrorism, it is, of course, the law-abiding majority who will benefit and whose own liberties will be protected. This helps explain why, according to the recent authoritative Social Attitudes survey, the majority of people favour compulsory ID cards.

    I am also convinced that there will also be other positive benefits. A national ID card system, for example, will prevent the need, as now, to take a whole range of documents to establish our identity. Over time, they will also help improve access to services.

    The petition also talks about cost. It is true that individuals will have to pay a fee to meet the cost of their ID card in the same way, for example, as they now do for their passports. But I simply don't recognise most claims of the cost of ID cards. In many cases, these estimates deliberately exaggerate the cost of ID cards by adding in the cost of biometric passports. This is both unfair and inaccurate.

    As I have said, it is clear that if we want to travel abroad, we will soon have no choice but to have a biometric passport. We estimate that the cost of biometric passports will account for 70% of the cost of the combined passports/id cards. The additional cost of the ID cards is expected to be less than £30 or £3 a year for their 10-year lifespan. Our aim is to ensure we also make the most of the benefits these biometric advances bring within our borders and in our everyday lives.

    Yours sincerely,

    Tony Blair"

    basically a load of spin,and a big "up yours you plebs" from labour who do want they want despite overwhelming opposition to a lot of their policies

  2. #2
    Twitching Arcades057's Avatar

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    Hahahaha!!! "Just listen to me, little one, and everything will be OK."

    Time for a revolution, Brits. We did it once here (and we need another one, but that's besides the point)! Show us why you once held sway over much of the world! Throw them out!!!
    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

  3. #3
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    yeah i got the same email, i only wish it was from tony blair and i only wish i could reply... let the bastard know what i really think of him.

    i agree completely, its a big up yours, we dont care what you think, we're going ahead anyway.. there's only one way to get a message to these arseholes and thats to vote conservative at the next election.

  4. #4
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Yep, I got the same damn thing ... 10 year lifespan my arse (2 to 3 apparently from indepedent experts).

    Anyway, the usual spin and lies and "up yours you wankers" crap from the bastard himself.

    Not surprising, they just ignore everything that the people of the f*cking country say, it's sickening. Just look at the news coverage given to the anti-Road-Tax petition (now coming up on 1.7 million signatures), and yet they're just either saying that we're all a bunch of inbred morons who are out-of-touch (a bizarre theory to say the least, and especially hypocritcal) or "f*ck you, we're doing it anyway" ... sickening, and like Andy said, the only way to get Labour out is to vote for the only people capable of actually shafting them once and for all. Simple as, there's no space in British politics, especially now, for *HUGE SIGH OF DISDAIN* protest voters.

    Speaking of Petitions, Liam (you're probably reading this thread), what was the link to that petition against that bullsh*t legislation proposal against 'violent' porn? I'll pass the link on to the Melon Farmers, because that proposal is yet another ill-considered (and totally taste-based) Tabloid-attention-seeking piece of garbage from the time-and-money-wasters known as Labour.

  5. #5
    Walking Dead _liam_'s Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Speaking of Petitions, Liam (you're probably reading this thread), what was the link to that petition against that bullsh*t legislation proposal against 'violent' porn? I'll pass the link on to the Melon Farmers, because that proposal is yet another ill-considered (and totally taste-based) Tabloid-attention-seeking piece of garbage from the time-and-money-wasters known as Labour.
    its total crap. theyre banning violent porn cause some guy who watched kinky videos all day abducted and murdered someone, and her mum kicked up a fuss that was duly noted.

    i could wheel out some tired arguments about the man's entire life up to that point being a bigger influence than a few years of kinky porn, or of religion influencing more heinous acts throughout history- should we ban that? should we ban the white album in lieu of the tate-la bianca slayings? but i really cant be bothered.

    will they ban films with s&m related plotlines or subtexts? what the about music of nine inch nails, cradle of filth or the genitorturers? what about fetish clubs? kinky clothes? will they all have to go too?

    gun crime is rising, are they going to ban hip hop?

    if this legislation is passed, i am leaving the country as soon as i can, end of.
    "Naturally, the common people don't want war, but they can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
    Tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and endangering the country.
    it works the same in every country."

    -Herman Goering, Hitler's Reichsmarschall, at the Nuremberg trials.


  6. #6
    Dead Purge's Avatar

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    I sympathize with my British friends; your government is falling prey to the same Neoconservative plague that ours has.

  7. #7
    Yeah, I got the same thing. I read a third of it and sent it to the trash can.

  8. #8
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    i dont care if it "stops terrorism or not" its one more step towards being born with barcodes on our foreheads and being designated a job for life, its the loss of freedom thats got people pissed blair you damn gimp.

  9. #9
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    It won't stop terrorism, that's the point, a piece of plastic won't do sh*t. Now, intelligence agencies that effectively track known individuals and communicate with other agencies properly - that stops terrorism.

    It's important not to create a new climate in a country as a result of terrorism, because that's letting terrorists win. The best thing to do is not change how we go about our day-to-day lives (e.g. I-friggin-D cards), and instead improve the efficiency of the agencies already in place and in charge of rooting out the bastards ... then when they've got their men most definitely, bring on the 24/Casino Royale style questioning...

    Liam - you still didn't gimme the link to the petition, ya silly goose!

  10. #10
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    I have mixed emotions...

    Personally I have no issue with the concept of an ID card. If it means it's easier to prove who you are, and therefore - more importantly - for the police etc to realise you're not who you say you are, I'm all for that.

    I couldn't care less if my details, DNA structure, finger prints, retinal scan and even a stool sample are all stashes away for proof of who I am...

    My only concern is how effective it actually will be... Terrorism in reality is very overblown... We've invaded countries over it, been told there's hundreds of sleeper cells at work, and arrested thousands of people... However, in reality we've witnessed a few groups with minor organisation over the past five years. So the argument of the ID system to combat the "terrorist threat" seems as farcicle as the figures they regularely pump out about how big the threat is.

    Remember these are the same groups that told us Al Qaeda had huge Thunderbird'eque mount bases in Afganistan. If they can be THAT wrong about that, they can be wrong about ANYTHING!

    Now, terrorism aside, if the ID card meant less illegal immigration and a general tightening on illegal activities I'd be up for it... I've yet to be convinced though a bit of plastic in your pocket will help with this though...
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  11. #11
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    But ID cards won't improve immigration. The only way to improve immigration is actual people at the borders, a system which controls the ins and outs of people to/from Britain and keeping everything checked and squared away.

    A gaping big open door, with or without a piece of plastic with someone gurning on it still means there's a huge open door just sitting there with people flowing through it like water through a fully open tap. And if passports can be faked - ID cards will be faked.

    And if the gubment can't put together a computer system for the NHS without it imploding, how the hell are they gonna manage to do the same with a vast quantity of information about every person forced into this scheme? Labour just simply can't make things work, they say "by 2010" or "in the next 5/10 years", but they just assume it'll all happen magically, they forget that they're actually there to do a job.

    I was completely balled over by something Blair said yesterday (or reported to have said yesterday at least), basically it was 'if you don't like this way, come up with your own suggestion' - WHAT THE F*CK WERE THEY ELECTED TO DO???!!!

    That just goes to show how far their contempt for British citizens has gone, it's sick.

  12. #12
    Walking Dead _liam_'s Avatar

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    i think it might have closed now though...
    "Naturally, the common people don't want war, but they can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
    Tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and endangering the country.
    it works the same in every country."

    -Herman Goering, Hitler's Reichsmarschall, at the Nuremberg trials.


  13. #13
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Purge View Post
    I sympathize with my British friends; your government is falling prey to the same Neoconservative plague that ours has.
    It's funny you said that Purge, 'cause I was going to say the exact same thing: "Welcome to our world"

  14. #14
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I'm rather surprised The Melon Farmers didn't pick up on it, damn these petitions for closing too damn soon!

    Maybe they could do another one...

  15. #15
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    I see blair has also rejected the road pricing petition which got over 1.5 million names,and is still determined to bring this satellite tracking thing in that charges you per mile driven & automatically reports you for speeding etc!to say we live in a democracy is an absolute joke now,he thinks he knows what is best for all of us when he clearly knows fark all!and labours solution to every problem that comes to them is to punish the public via taxation i feel really strongly about these two petitions & its obvious a lot of other people do as well,i think they are pushing people too far now & will soon feel the backlash


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