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Thread: New alan wake stuff.

  1. #1
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    New alan wake stuff.

    i started avoiding wake vids because they were all getting samey, this has got me amped up again for it, reminds me of alone in the dark meets silent hill.

    Which is just fucking dandy.

  2. #2
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    It's about time we got some real, proper gameplay footage on the go - clearly Alan Wake is nearing it's debut.

    One thing though - they need to have a kind of 'snap to' aspect whenever enemies appear behind him, and you get one of those 'cinematic' moments that shows you them, but when that moment is done with you're still facing away from them - there needs to be an automatic 'snap to' element, or some maneuveur you can do to make a quick turn - I can see it becoming a bit annoying.

    The "dvd boxset" element to the story telling and level design though, looks really cool.

    It's still a ways off yet, so I'm trying to not get interested in it beyond my normal level of "I've got it pre-ordered, and have had it pre-ordered since 2007", until the time is right to start popping that boner...

  3. #3
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    i really liked the dvd menus and stuff in alone in the dark, like you finish the "episode" and can save and turn off and the next time you load up you get a "last time on alone in the dark" and a series of flashbacks to get you back up to speed.
    Not necessary but ive been known to get stuck, drop a game for weeks and come back and have no idea whats going on, plus alan wake as a playable twin peaks meets silent hill is just bitchin'

  4. #4
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Wow, the lighting looks absolutely amazing. Fingers crossed we don't get pushed back again!

  5. #5
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    so it appears that instead of a solid release date, they are giving us information about dlc. hmm....

    this dlc trend is getting a bit fucking ridiculous. announcing dlc for a game that's not even got a solid release date seems a bit $$$-hungry to me. why not just put more content into the initial release of the game? unless this game has a storyline that lasts for at least 10-12 hours, i feel that them charging for additional content is fucking lame.

    map-packs for multiplayer games like halo and call of duty are one thing, as well as significant amounts of content that add lots to the game, like the fallout 3 add-ons....but i'm not too sure what to make of this announcement. but to quote the star wars films, "i've got a bad feeling about this".

    guess i'm just burned that this game has been delayed forever, still doesn't have a solid release date, and now they've decided to let us know that they plan to charge extra for stuff that is in the works but won't be shipped with the damn game when they finally decide it's ready for us.

    with this announcement, this game is now moved to the back burner in my mind, and i may just wait till they come out with the obligatory collector's edition re-release or wait till it's in the bargain bin.
    Last edited by ProfessorChaos; 07-Jan-2010 at 07:30 PM.

  6. #6
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    The whole DLC thing is a worrying way for games to be heading I think, but its growing rapidly & will carry on until it gets boycotted I reckon. I dont own any of the current gen consoles so I dont know how much you guys are having to shell out for extra stuff, but even on the PC it keeps cropping up! At least on the PC though the community release a hell of a lot of free mods & stuff. Arma 2 is practically run by the modding community, and the games developers are more than happy for it to be that way. Bohemia interactive gave us a basic campaign & a complex mission editor with the game, and the entire code has been left open & unlocked for the modders to play with it as much as they like, resulting in constant awesome new maps,campaigns,armies,vehicles etc, all for free

  7. #7
    Walking Dead CoinReturn's Avatar

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    You know they're working on DLC, who cares when the announce it? As long as you get a great standalone game, it shouldn't make a difference.

    Also, there's the issue of compressing any extra data onto a DVD9, and these expansions sound much bigger than what Fallout 3 offered. I'm thinking they'll be similar to what Half Life 2 offered in Episodes I and II.

  8. #8
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I'm fed up with this DLC mania too.

    And I'm also fed up with being shafted because I don't have Xbox Live. Clearly a lot of people don't have XBL, so this constant arse ramming is pissing me off.

    Fortunately Episodes From Liberty City came out, so that was something, but it is fucking annoying to do it this way.

    As for Fallout 3, I got that on PC, and they've made the first 4 of the 5 DLCs available on two separate add-on pack discs. But I only bothered with Brotherhood of Steel and Point Lookout as they were the ones I was interested in.

    Anyway, for fuck sake, gimme the fucking game and make it as seriously awesome as I expected it to be when it was first fucking announced a bajillion years ago, and fuck off. They'd at least better release the DLC on a disc for us folk who don't have XBL too - but the top priority should be shipping a complete, working and awesome FULL main game.

    This DLC money grabbing culture has to stop. It's getting out of hand.

    *rant over*

  9. #9
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    DLCs for PC have the advantage of being "easily" acquired by other measures. THere's noway in hell I'm gonna pay 50 bucks for all four DLCs for Fallout 3.


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