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Thread: TWD 6x07 "Heads Up" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN*

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    TWD 6x07 "Heads Up" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN*

    Please keep all talk of episode 6x07 "Heads Up" specifically inside this thread.

    If you have a theory for a following episode, please use the "spoiler tags" (visit the HPOTD FAQ to find out how to use them if you don't already know).

    Similarly, if you're going to discuss plot points from the comic book, please use "spoiler tags" - not everyone is up-to-date on them, and some people don't read them at all.


    Directed by: David Boyd
    Written by: Channing Powell
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 21-Nov-2015 at 04:52 PM.

  2. #2
    Dead facestabber's Avatar

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    I said I thought it was best if Glenn had died. But I actually didn't mind how they did it. Right or wrong tactic on the writers part is debatable but I'm content and have moved on.

    Holy shit is the appropriate word for Alexandrians. They have a huge problem. And it bites. To survive and escape that is going to deplete the ammo stores. Can't wait to see the additional chaos that Jessie's kids are building up to do. The little fucker with the Glock and stolen ammo is set up for an assassination. But the little brother just received Carols advice that you must kill to not become a monster. Oh boy.

    Carl is annoying as ever. I wouldn't bat an eye if he got killed and that's a huge statement from me. But I'm sure he'd screw up the death scene.

    The standoff between Carol and Morgan is about to get real. Speaking of Morgan. Though I could not live with his beliefs. I liked his reflection on Ricks decision from Clear. He wanted to kill Rick and yet Rick let him live. Then you have the Daryl Aaron dynamic that he spoke of. Kind of messes with your head.

    I like led the Glenn and Enid scenes. She s a weird one for sure but I want to see when she has to offer. Either way the mid season finale looks to be explosive and I'm sure will end with a major tease.

    Why have father Gabriel anymore?

  3. #3
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    from the 6x03 thread:

    reply # 12:

    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    ...but then i rewound the scene, and noticed glenn landed under the worthless coward, and intestines aren't found in the shoulder/chest area, so glenn is okay and is most likely going to be alive after he crawls under the dumpster and waits until the walkers are drawn off by other chaos in the region. i pray i am wrong and a major character bought the farm, but i'm predicting a huge cop-out on this one.
    reply # 51:

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    If he isn't dead, I will personally pay $100 to every member who called it. That's how sure I am.
    pm me when you've got your checkbook ready, andy.

    and holy cow, alan sepinwall from's write-up concerning this bullshit writing tonight uses the same "misery" clip i used a week ago in this thread:

    Last edited by ProfessorChaos; 23-Nov-2015 at 04:42 AM. Reason: twd writers are a joke

  4. #4
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Very satisfying episode all around. Smart decision to reveal Glenn right in the very beginning. "Heads Up" is a very fitting title considering the ending.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

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    As pointed out in previous threads, Glenn and Nicholas could easily have escaped through the building with the stairwell rather than allowing themselves to be engulfed by the horde. They didn't even need to move aside the mattress and try their luck upstairs, all they had to do was simply go through the OPEN WINDOW that had a CONVENIENTLY PLACED PALLET RIGHT UNDER IT FOR HUMANS TO CLIMB UP. Plus the much talked about chipboard supposedly blocking the entrance at the top was very flimsily put there, as I suspected from the sloppy way the barrier downstairs was also put up. They could easily have moved it and gone in.

    As for Glenn crawling his way under the dumpster without any scratch and bite from all those zombies staring down in his direction and trying to grab something to munch on...

    Last edited by JDP; 23-Nov-2015 at 10:29 AM. Reason: link

  6. #6
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Glenn's reveal was handled just fine. He even knifed walkers who were going for him, in turn creating some cover for himself. The show did put themselves in a no win situation but I got what they were going for, especially after listening to Gimple himself explain their decision. I could do without it but it wasn't the worse thing ever. The handling of Andrea back in season 3 was far worse. Only people who genuinely dislike the show will continue to harp on it. I'm already past it.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  7. #7
    Just been bitten DayoftheZ's Avatar

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    Ill be honest I was a little disappointed with the whole GLenn thing because it was a cool way for him to go out totally unexpected. (That said I think if you read back I saw this coming, so look forward to my hundred dollars)

    The rest of the episode I dug big time especially Glenn and Enid and Rick and Tobin (Who by the way has been a good back ground character). I loved that Glenn followed the same path as Michonne and Heath and put the Alexandria walker down. Rick has happily gone from the a-hole he was in the first episode to the Rick we have loved from day one.
    I laughed loud at Tara defying Rick, just one of them comedy moments that tickled me.

    Also ROSITA.

  8. #8
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Ok, first of all, now that the Glenn situation is out of the way, let me express how excited I was to see the return of Rosita’s hat! She looked great and true to the comic again. She actually did something this episode too! It wasn't much but a step in the right direction. Finally. I like how they are keeping her a strong character too. Let's keep it up.

    Let's talk about Morgan for a minute. Say what you want about his behavior lately but he did bring up a fantastic point about how Rick saved Morgan’s life even after Morgan clearly tried to Kill Rick. Rick didn't give up on him. However, the wolf he has locked up is a totally different character and I believe there is no way he can be changed. Unlike Morgan himself, there isn't a spec of morality left. Who's to say he was ever a nice guy anyway. Morgan is coming off as dangerous the way he was sneaking around looking for antibiotics for his prisoner. I'm really looking forward to his confrontation with Carol next week amidst the horde of walkers that entered their home.

    I liked the Glenn and Enid pattering too. Here's a comic theory that jumps to mind.

    Enid may replace Sophia and stay with Glenn and Maggie. Who knows.

    Rick interacting with Tobin was also nice. Tobin comes off as a nice guy and sums up most Alexandrians pretty well. He's becoming a nice addition.

    Father Gabriel once again got played by Rick. Lol. Hilarious.

    Tara giving Rick the finger stayed true to her character. She's lovable but I fear for her safety.

    Spencer crawling along the zip line kinda felt just thrown in to service comic fans. The zip line played an important part and was a memorable moment for sure but on screen not so much. Not terrible but could have been set up a bit better.

    They really are scraping the bottom of the barrel when Eugene is getting called up for weapon training. Makes sense nonetheless.

    Glenn putting down Walker David was a nice touch. I felt bad about the guy. I good redshirt that was given just enough time so he can convey emotion.

    What the f*** happened to Heath since returning to Alexandria? Was Corey Hawkins out promoting Straight out of Compton during this time period of filming? One of the downsides of such a big cast.

    Once again, it was a really good idea to open the episode with Glenn’s reveal. It set a nice pace and I'm sure a lot of people enjoyed the episode much because of it. I know lots of casuals who couldn't get into the last 3 episodes because of that hanging plot thread. Granted, the last two were decent. Nothing to write home about.

    Loved the end sequence. From Carol’s pursuit of Morgan, Ron stalking Carl with an armed weapon, to the sight of the balloons getting our survivors attention; only to end the moment with the tower finally falling after some pretty good buildup. Heads up.

    I really liked this episode and I can't wait to see how everything wraps up next week.

    Also, Nicholas’s corpse was pretty creepy the way it was staring at Glenn.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  9. #9
    Just been bitten DayoftheZ's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    I liked the Glenn and Enid pattering too. Here's a comic theory that jumps to mind.

    Enid may replace Sophia and stay with Glenn and Maggie. Who knows.

    I had that thought too and I would be just fine with that. It would work well.

    Rick interacting with Tobin was also nice. Tobin comes off as a nice guy and sums up most Alexandrians pretty well. He's becoming a nice addition.

    Tobin has red shirt written all over him, but I hope when or if he does bite the bullet it means something because what he said to Rick made sense. I really like the character and the actor plays him well.

    Spencer crawling along the zip line kinda felt just thrown in to service comic fans. The zip line played an important part and was a memorable moment for sure but on screen not so much. Not terrible but could have been set up a bit better.

    I remember this from the comic but thought it was an other character, am I right or is elapsed time messing with me? I thought it served a purpose to show that Rick has perhaps not fallen as far as we thought, even Deana stepped off the crazy train for a moment!

    Glenn putting down Walker David was a nice touch. I felt bad about the guy. I good redshirt that was given just enough time so he can convey emotion.

    Loved that, it really completed what was a nice part of that intense episode and gave another Alexandrian meaning.

    Ron stalking Carl with an armed weapon,

    This episode got me thinking who I should support, Ron or Carl, because frankly Carl came across as a real tool in this episode.
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  10. #10
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    *phew* So Glenn IS alive ... just as I had changed my mind during that week between 6x03 and 6x04 ... now where's Andy with that cash?

    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    Glenn's reveal was handled just fine. He even knifed walkers who were going for him, in turn creating some cover for himself. The show did put themselves in a no win situation but I got what they were going for, especially after listening to Gimple himself explain their decision. I could do without it but it wasn't the worse thing ever. The handling of Andrea back in season 3 was far worse. Only people who genuinely dislike the show will continue to harp on it. I'm already past it.
    I studied the scene very closely - and also went back to 6x03.

    Regarding the position of the fence and the dumpster - as was previously criticised:
    On further inspection - as seen clearly in this episode - there always was a space between the dumpster (and the wall surrounding the dumpster on three sides) and the fence. So this also means that jumping from the dumpster onto/over the fence wasn't much of an option. In the wide shot showing the long line of walkers filling the alleyway you can see walkers between the fence and the dumpster (and on the other side of the fence).

    Seeing Glenn drag himself under the dumpster, in practice, fully satisfied me. I did wonder about Glenn's legs - seeing as they weren't covered by Nicholas, who was lying across Glenn - but upon further examination of the scene you can see that the walkers are packed in so tight they couldn't even eat Glenn's legs if they wanted to. The entire epicentre of their focus - and accessible food - is Nicholas' torn open belly.

    I figured it was an awfully tight squeeze under there, and it is - even Glenn, who is a pretty slender dude, barely fit underneath it. Good to see that, as I was thinking once the 'under the dumpster' theory had been presented by another poster, that he was able to sort of barricade himself in with nearby walkers that went after him.

    As for the window: a big old kick in the nuts, for sure - and I believe that's why Glenn pauses for a moment. There had been covering over it, and you might not have noticed it when running away from those walkers. You'd be wanting to stay outside and able to move elsewhere than get trapped inside an unknown building - so Glenn wouldn't be looking at that as an option - and by the time it might be it's too damn late.

    As for the door: the wood boarding it up was placed on the outside. Glenn kicked it out from the inside of the building with plenty of room (and no pressure of impending doom) to kick it off. You wouldn't have been able to kick that wood cover down. You would have had to pry it open - and with what? They had no crow bar.

    Quote Originally Posted by facestabber View Post
    I said I thought it was best if Glenn had died. But I actually didn't mind how they did it. Right or wrong tactic on the writers part is debatable but I'm content and have moved on.

    The little fucker with the Glock and stolen ammo is set up for an assassination. But the little brother just received Carols advice that you must kill to not become a monster. Oh boy.

    The standoff between Carol and Morgan is about to get real. Speaking of Morgan. Though I could not live with his beliefs. I liked his reflection on Ricks decision from Clear. He wanted to kill Rick and yet Rick let him live. Then you have the Daryl Aaron dynamic that he spoke of. Kind of messes with your head.

    Why have father Gabriel anymore?
    1) Glad you felt good about how they had him survive. I thought it was interesting what Gimple said on Talking Dead regarding why they did that plot - the whole "not knowing" angle for us viewers to put us in the same position as people like Maggie have been over all the seasons. It's manipulative in a way, but then again we're always being manipulated in any TV or Movie or Book or Music or anything that we enjoy or experience, so this isn't much different, and getting Gimple's intention behind the whole thing was very pleasing.

    2) Ron? Yeah ... fuck that guy ... everybody hates Ron, even Jessie doesn't much like him and he's her son! Oh and Sam ... yeah ... that pep talk from Carol, and his reaction, is setting off alarm bells for me. Some crazy shit is going to go down. I'm kinda scared for Judith now ... oh geez ... Maggie was talking about her (character development for a baby) ... oh man ... ... I've got some serious fears for Judith now! I don't know how or why something could happen, but now my mind's racing over the possibilities for the mid-season finale.

    3) I was so glad when Carol followed Morgan over there - at least we've got someone extremely capable who is now mixed up in that scenario. Agreed also on the Rick vs Morgan talk, it was really satisfying, and strongly argued both sides of the divide, which was compelling and fascinating. They both made excellent points. However, I think as Michonne said - it just ain't that simple anymore - and you have to look at the context. If someone's attacking you without provocation, and especially in such a brutal and sadistic fashion, it's safe to say that they're no good and beyond redemption. Nice that Rick got to do a bit of detective work regarding the Wolves who attacked him.

    4) Seeing Rick tear down those posters was hilarious ... but to be fair to Gabriel he's got his own thing going on, his own strength in a way, so his defiance was kinda nifty in a small way. I reckon that meeting will be cancelled now, though!

    Quote Originally Posted by DayoftheZ View Post
    The rest of the episode I dug big time especially Glenn and Enid and Rick and Tobin (Who by the way has been a good back ground character). I loved that Glenn followed the same path as Michonne and Heath and put the Alexandria walker down. Rick has happily gone from the a-hole he was in the first episode to the Rick we have loved from day one.
    I laughed loud at Tara defying Rick, just one of them comedy moments that tickled me.

    Also ROSITA.
    Agreed on all of this. Tara's middle finger cracked me up - classic Tara - and I too loved that Glenn found walker David to put him down (and the note). An ideal bit of character stuff, too, as it made him change his mind about leaving Enid behind.

    Good to have some solid Rosita time, also.

    Lots of stuff going on in this one, but I'll shut up now and have a think about other things I dug about it...


    TWD 6x07 Memes:

  11. #11
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    Ah Minion I love the Maggie Meme.

    As soon as I saw Glenn knock down the 1/4 inch flimsy particle board I figured JDP was fist pumping in the air.

    Every time we get to this mid season break, and it comes way too fast, I tend to dread the cliffhanger. Season 2 was a gut punch with Sophia walking out and Rick having to step up and do what Shane wouldn't. I still have contempt for Shane for causing all the chaos and then sat by as Rick had to do the dirty work. Back on topic. Season 4 was another brutal blow with Hershel being slaughtered. And then we see Maggie's heartache as Beth is carried out. What ever we get I'm sure its gonna hurt.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by facestabber View Post
    Ah Minion I love the Maggie Meme.

    Every time we get to this mid season break, and it comes way too fast, I tend to dread the cliffhanger. Season 2 was a gut punch with Sophia walking out and Rick having to step up and do what Shane wouldn't. I still have contempt for Shane for causing all the chaos and then sat by as Rick had to do the dirty work. Back on topic. Season 4 was another brutal blow with Hershel being slaughtered. And then we see Maggie's heartache as Beth is carried out. What ever we get I'm sure its gonna hurt.
    1) Maggie makes anything and everything better.

    2) Yeah, we've had some rough mid-season breaks in the past ... with all those walkers flooding in, and with Ron being an arsehole, and with Carol giving Sam some advice which will no doubt being totally (and probably tragically) misconstrued, and a Wolf locked up in one of the buildings, I'm thinking some serious shit is about to go down. I'd be surprised if we get out of it without a little bit of heartbreak.

    A death theory for 6x08:
    For some reason I have a terrible feeling that Judith is going to die ... it was just that scene with Carol/Sam, as well as the Maggie/Rick scene, that's got me all nervous.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 23-Nov-2015 at 06:22 PM.

  13. #13
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    I don't get it why would Sam hurt Judith?

    - - - Updated - - -

    "I remember this from the comic but thought it was an other character, am I right or is elapsed time messing with me? I thought it served a purpose to show that Rick has perhaps not fallen as far as we thought, even Deana stepped off the crazy train for a moment!"

    Andrea was trapped in the guard tower so Glenn and Heath used the zip line to attempt and make it to her.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  14. #14
    Just been bitten Staredge's Avatar

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    I want to see the outtake reel when she says Shane instead of Lori. You know it had to happen.

    My thought on the cliffhanger:
    Carl loses an eye

  15. #15
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    Staredge I'm in agreement regarding your spoiler.

    All I know is after Sunday all I have left is to suffer through the Holliday's and a miserable winter.


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