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Thread: SWEET ****ING ZOMBIE JESUS! ~or "a short rant about junk mail"

  1. #1
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    SWEET ****ING ZOMBIE JESUS! ~or "a short rant about junk mail"

    everyone gets junk mail occasionally, i rarely do but man, when i do its a winner, this is one particular gem ive recieved 3 times with the exact same story with different names.

    some woman has had her husband murdered in a white farm thing in africa, now she has been forced to move with the her 31 year old son as immigrints to south africa and they are homeles (yet somehow they have access to a word processor and the net
    then "she" proceeds to tell me her son is "retarded", in those exact words, and that luckily her husband has sold all his farming equipment ,totalling up to 8 million u.s dollars, the day before he died, but wouldnt you just know it becuase there now immigrints in south africa she cant get at the money, once again dropping in the homeless and retarded son thing a couple more times.

    so here it comes, "if only we could gain access to your bank account to make a transaction we would gladly leave 5% in your acount, please send your details to address so i think its just a return address sort of thing.

    and on the last line, "i also am dieing of breast cancer".


    who would honestly fall for this **** and how are these guys in "south africa" getting MY address to begin with, i mean 3 times with the exact same story to the letter but with 3 different names.

    what a world we live in guys

  2. #2
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    People that fall for that sh*t almost deserve to have their bank accounts raped, I mean geeeezus-titty-f*cking-christ!

  3. #3
    Banned HLS's Avatar
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    I get those emails all the time. I heard of one old man lost all his retirement savings. What you need to look for is people using yahoo messenger to try to get bank accounts.

    I get these men IM'ing me claiming to be Americans in Africa on a contract job but you look at their profiles and the profile photos looks seriously fake. You can tell they are not British or American by the way they type, seriously bad sentence structure and their total unfamiliarity with American culture. They usually try to start a conversation with you by iming you a love poem. OH PLEASE! I decided to bull**** one of these people as a test and before I knew it he was asking for my bank account numbers.

    Some male friends of mine get similar scams from women in Russia or something.

    Majority of my spam is penis enlargement, penis rings and viagra adds

  4. #4
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    i actually did a bitch blog all about my fugly self over this one.

    since then i got three messages about "free text messageing" and such, no junk mail and such for months and now loads at once, bladd'y 'ell!.

    edit- yes, its a peter griffin t-shirt

  5. #5
    Twitching Maitreya's Avatar

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    Haha, I'd love to get a spam IM like that. I'd **** with that person so hard!

    "You bitchass zombie mother****er, I swear to God I'll **** you up"

    Official member of the Zombie Man Fan Club est. 2007

  6. #6
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    It says the owner of the video doesn't allow embedding of the video, so it's gotta be watched on YouTube ... got an external link?


    *pulls the retard out of his head and spots the "go to video page" link below the video*

    *another sigh*

    This computer is being a retard, will have to watch it on the other one.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 15-Feb-2007 at 05:57 PM.

  7. #7
    Twitching Debbieangel's Avatar

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    I've got that one too I just "empty" or "delete" but it is soo annoying !!What is a shame is the people that buy into that BS!
    What is sadder yet is there are people out there that have a really hard time of it that do need help and people like this ruin it for them that really could use the help, and it makes it hard to believe their story when they tell it because of jackasses like this!
    OK, there now I am ranting LOL!!!

  8. #8
    Banned HLS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maitreya View Post
    Haha, I'd love to get a spam IM like that. I'd **** with that person so hard!
    I get them all the time. I will be minding my business and ill get a love letter via IM on yahoo about "love is eternal and has no bounds " and other mushy stuff streight up from a total stranger. lol I mean Jesus! I go check out the profile and the photo is always of a man far too hansome for words and looks as if it was cut out of a fashion magizine or play girl or whatever. The conversation is always the same. I am a wealthy business man "yada...yada..." and I would ask where do you work and the answer is always the same. I am in the oil business(usually) and I am working in South Aferica on business at the moment. lol I like to **** with them sometimes. Cheap internet entertainment but if you play along they always ask for your bank account numbers. Real pathetic. I get love letters from those people on page. Aparently many people report them for the accounts are always quickly deleted from

  9. #9
    Walking Dead slickwilly13's Avatar

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    *L* Can't trust them Africans, especially Nigerians. I personally know some people from there and it is a very crooked place. If it is not armed soldiers kidnapping enigineers from oil rigs for ransom then it is internet scams. I knew this girl who got lured to Nigeria last year for a modeling gig. To make a long story short she was taken against her will for ransom and never heard from again. Maybe sold to a sex ring. Who knows.

  10. #10
    It must be totally insulting to recieve mail like that because it is obviously aimed at the 'lesser minded' individual. Who the hell is gonna fall for that load of ol' bollocks? Like the longhair said in the video , what are you gonna do? Hand over yer pin number and bank details? I think it must be some sort of joke to be quite honest.

  11. #11
    Rising kortick's Avatar

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    here is one for you

    you may have heard this
    i dealt with this guy
    cuz i work at a casino

    talk about how people can be stupid

    this guys line is the same

    he goes to a casino and picks an old couple
    and tells them that his refrigerated lobster truck
    is broken and he cant afford a tow
    and if he cant get the lobsters to the restaurant
    they will die and he will lose all the money
    so if they will "lend" him anywhrer from $300-500
    he can tow the truck to the place and get paid
    then he will repay them with interest and throw in a bunch
    of 3 lb lobsters too

    so many people gave him money he was wanted
    in 3 states
    these people actually went to the atm and gave him the money

    he came to the place where I work but
    we had pics of him supplied by the state police
    and we were aware of his rap

    he left before he could get nabbed
    but was picked up soon after

    so believe it or not
    people actaully fall for these things

  12. #12
    Walking Dead slickwilly13's Avatar

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    It very low when crooks prey on good-hearted people who would give the shirts off their back to a stranger. These people need to be ran over by a truck.

  13. #13
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CapnKnut View Post
    It must be totally insulting to recieve mail like that because it is obviously aimed at the 'lesser minded' individual. Who the hell is gonna fall for that load of ol' bollocks? Like the longhair said in the video , what are you gonna do? Hand over yer pin number and bank details? I think it must be some sort of joke to be quite honest.
    you do know that was me right?

    and i should point out this wasnt one of those email ones this actually came in the mail, printed off a pc, but its happened like 3 times ,actual letters asking me for the same damn thing, bloody con artists, i told my friend's yesterday and they didnt beleive me, they thought i was taking the piss till i read it to em.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    you do know that was me right?
    Course I did. I was just pulling ya leg.

  15. #15
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    It's always funny to finally get to see what someone looks like, not funny as in "ha, you mong!", not at all, what I mean is that sense of "ah", cos although you never have an image in your head of what someone looks like, you're always kinda surprised for some reason...hehe.

    Could this be a regular 'thing', Hellsing's vlog-o-gripe-o-the-week?


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