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Thread: UK : Daily Mirror - Page 19 ... anyone?

  1. #1
    Harvester Of Sorrow Deadman_Deluxe's Avatar

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    UK : Daily Mirror - Page 19 ... anyone?

    Anyone in the UK check this out?

  2. #2
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Nah I don't read that paper, any chance of a scan or some info?

  3. #3
    Harvester Of Sorrow Deadman_Deluxe's Avatar

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    Lost my hard drive last week ... logging on with this moody laptop until i fix it. I will save the page from todays paper and scan it in at a later date when i am up and running again ... but it is well worth asking around people you know for yesterdays daily mirror (27th March 06)

  4. #4
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Think I'll wait for the scan (cheers dude), I don't know anyone who reads the Daily Mirror

  5. #5
    Harvester Of Sorrow Deadman_Deluxe's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie
    Think I'll wait for the scan (cheers dude), I don't know anyone who reads the Daily Mirror

    I imagine most of your friends can't read ... period

    I got the paper right here, i will save it for scanning once i have a new hard drive ... prepare yourself!!!!

  6. #6
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    *prepares self ... nearly has a hernia*

    Well...SOME of my friends aren't too hot on the literary front, that's for sure...some though, damn, BOOKS all over the shop!

  7. #7
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Hmmmm, I wish someone would scan this. I love reading "foreign" periodicals. Nearly lost out on a lot of good sightseeing when I was in the UK just from spending too much time reading the papers in the morning.

    Oh, can you give a hint as to what's up on pg 19?

  8. #8
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Deadman is going to scan the page like he said, just has to wait a couple of days until his new hard drive is installed.

  9. #9
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    well if your that desperate minion zombie here you go:

    27 March 2006
    6 shot dead at fancy dress party
    By Stephen White
    SIX people were killed and one was badly injured when a reveller opened fire at a zombie party.

    The gunman then shot himself dead as he was challenged by a policeman outside the house where he had left a scene of carnage.

    One terrified couple survived the massacre by cowering in a locked bathroom while the maniac blasted through the door with his shotgun.

    Neighbour Cesar Clemente told how he saw party guests fleeing in terror as the gunman went on the rampage.

    The 25-year-old said one victim staggered to his doorway with blood pouring from his arm and stomach.

    Another collapsed in bushes nearby.


    Mr Clemente added: "I asked the man what happened and he said only, 'I've been peppered'."

    The attacker had been invited to the party - where guests in their teens and 20s were made-up like zombies in movie Night of the Living Dead - and left at about 7am.

    He went to his Dodge pick-up truck and armed himself with the pistol-grip shotgun and a shoulder belt full of cartridges. The man, said to be in his late 20s and with no history of violence, then forced his way back into the two-storey house where he started shooting.

    A patrolling policeman heard the gunfire and went to investigate.

    When he arrived at the home in Seattle, Washington, he was met by a partygoer staggering from the flat with a gunshot wound.

    The officer spotted the attacker - dressed from head to toe in black - and challenged him.

    Before the officer could shout "Drop your weapon" the man rammed his gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger.

    Before he embarked on his murderous mission, the killer sprayed "Now" in orange paint on the pavement outside and on a neighbour's property.

    Three of the dead were found in a living room, one at the front door and another on the porch steps. The sixth died in hospital.

    The victims had been relaxing at the party on Saturday after a themed rave called "Better Off Undead". Most were made up to look like they were dead with dyed hair and painted faces.

    Police said the bloodbath was Seattle's worst mass murder since 1983 when 13 people were shot dead at a gambling club in the Chinatown area.

    Police chief Gil Kerli-kowske said: "It's one of the largest crime scenes the city has had." He described the killer's shotgun as "a weapon not designed for hunting purposes but for hunting people".

    The man also had a handgun on him. An assault rife and bullets were found in his car.

    Mr Kerlikowske said the gunman had lived in the area for five years and was "quiet and humble".

    Police said they could not find any motive for the slaying.

    only cus i like ya though..... becuas eyour another britsih him fan,lol.

    but seriously it was on the papers sites archives ,its sruprising how many things turn up on newspaper sites when searching the word zombie,lol.

    sorry i beat you to it deadman.
    Last edited by Danny; 29-Mar-2006 at 09:42 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  10. #10
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    lol, I wouldn't call me desperate ... at least not for a news article...I'm desperate for other things,

    But thanks anyway, an interesting read ... *sigh* mentioning Night I see...geez. Although the zombie angle is probably getting a lot of press just out of the irony of the situation...hmmm...

    And yes, HIM rock!

  11. #11
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    actually there has been a thread about the actual incident in the general discussion area for a while now.

    and yes HIM do rock.

  12. #12
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    True ... wasn't sure what the article was going to be, but now we know...

    I had a mix cd on in the car this afternoon - first track - "Vampire Heart" by HIM...I just love it when it kicks off for that 20 to 30 seconds before the final chorus, crank that up loud and it makes you feel like putting your foot down ... if only there weren't all these bloody trucks/sunday drivers/road works/morons on the roads...still, makes a car journey less stressful than it usually can be.

    Damn the A49! Damn it to hell!

  13. #13
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    wouldnt know im technically only 18 in ...11 days (woo xbox 360 baby) so i still go on the bus to college, but i regularly use HIM or lordi/iron maiden to block out the chav crowd.

    and vampire hearts good, but i prefer the live version i got it off kazaa or something and its only 3 mb if you want i can email you a copy its pretty good.


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