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Thread: Happy Independence Day

  1. #1
    Dead Sammich's Avatar

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    Happy Independence Day

    When Americans Understood the Declaration of Independence

    The Fourth of July was not always a national celebration of the militarization of American society and of the federal government’s never-ending quest for world domination (disguised as "defending our interests abroad"). Americans did not always attend church services on the Sunday before the Fourth of July to "honor" their "military heroes" and pray that they may kill many more human beings in other countries that have done them no harm. Americans once actually read and understood the Declaration of Independence for what it was: a declaration of secession from the British empire and a roadmap for opposing a highly centralized, militaristic empire of the sort the U.S. government has become.

    I agree with this article. There are already dates set aside for observance of the military: Veterans Day and Memorial Day, but now almost every national holiday has been turned into "celebrate the military day".

    The George Santayana quote goes: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Continually redefining significant dates serves the same as throwing the past down the memory hole.

    For me, the 4th of July means the creation a new nation by saying NO MORE to the tyranny of the British Empire and an appreciation of The Founders, who in pursuit of freedom, had essentially signed their own death warrants .

    Last edited by Sammich; 04-Jul-2012 at 11:23 PM. Reason: a

  2. #2
    Just been bitten Christopher Jon's Avatar

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