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Thread: Still Photos from this weekend

  1. #1
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Still Photos from this weekend

    *WARNING: Large files coming up, so give 'em time to load.

    This weekend was a FANTASTIC weekend of filming! Things were flowing so well that on Saturday we did something we have never done before on Trapped OR on Deadlands: we wrapped an hour and a half early!

    It helped that we had a kick-ass group of actors, including Jim Krut (whose cranium was intact for this part. ).

    Jim was extremely nice and friendly to everyone on the set. A class act. We appreciate him taking the time to be part of Trapped, and it was nice to see a seasoned actor dish out the goods consistently, take after take. Simply amazing. It was a privilage to be on set with him. Thanks Jim!!

    The other actors were on fire also! The feeling on the set on Saturday was just phenomenal! Spirits were as high as i've ever seen them and all of the actors just nailed their parts. I guess everyone was feeding off the good energy on the set. This flowed into Sunday, making one of the most productive weekends ever.

    Here are some of the pictures I took over the weekend. I ended up with about 200+ still photos and 4 hours worth of behind the scenes video footage. Yes, I know, I have been promising more BTS videos - I'm working on it.

    Jim Krut & Gary, reviewing the script

    Dave Cooperman returns from Deadlands to be in Trapped. Here he is in action, opposite of Jim Krut.

    The evil government agents prepping for a meeting...

    Michelle returns from Deadlands for a cameo appearance in Trapped

    Jim giving orders to Dave Cooperman and Philip J Martin (also returning from Deadlands).


    Ok, that's enough pictures for now. You already know too much. If I showed you any more we'd have to kill you.

  2. #2
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Sweet-ass pics there dude. It certainly looks like things are going well, glad to hear the filming this past weekend was great, it certainly is a superb thing when it's all going well and the spirit is good and things are just working, that's when the best work gets done.

    And you know me, I just drooled over the DVX's in those pics, hehe...are those rubber-band-in-a-plastic-thing mic holders (forget the proper name) good? I was thinking of getting one, rather than just using the normal round clip thing the DVX comes with (again, forgotten the proper name).

  3. #3
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    i see sylar snuck into the goverment agents meeting

  4. #4
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    are those rubber-band-in-a-plastic-thing mic holders (forget the proper name) good? I was thinking of getting one, rather than just using the normal round clip thing the DVX comes with (again, forgotten the proper name).

    They're microphone shock-mounts.

    Yes, by all means, you need one if you're recording sound and you want it done right. Even using a shotgun mic mounted on your camera as opposed to the on-board mic you should have one. Keeps unwanted vibrations from the floor and other weird audio glitches from sneaking up in your audio.

    If you mount the mic on your camera or on a boom without a shock mount and so much as gently tap the boom pole or the tripod - hell, even moving the mic cable around somtimes - you'll hear it through the mic and on film and it'll sound massively loud, ruining what could be a great performance by screwing up the audio.

    Shock mounts, GOOD! Go get one...worth however much it costs if ya want supurb audio. Dj can probably tell you where he got his and about how much they run. It's a worthwhile investment, that's for sure, and I don't think they're that expensive. You could rig one up yourself using a small piece of sturdy, rigid tubing or PVC pipe (about 2" in diameter) and wrapping rubberbands in a "+" shape across the openings in a way to suspend the mic - sorta like this one:

    You just need the mic "suspended" - which keeps the vibrations it will pick up at bay. The difference between audio recorded with one and without one is like night & day.

    MZ - has anyone told you that you have an unhealthy obsession with DVX100's?
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 12-Nov-2007 at 05:53 PM.

  5. #5
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Nobody told me until you did just now, Lou...but the DVX100B is my mistress and she's horny, Lou...very, very, very horny and I must obey her whims.

    Yeah that's it, a shock mount thingy. I spotted one in the brochure leaflet thing for the shop where I got the camera, so I must get around to getting one as well as that 5m XLR cable I've been meaning to get for fookin' ages.

    I also saw a tripod dolly on a photo you sent me, how are those things? Does it give decent shots? I guess it depends on the surface.

    Also, there's a setting on the DVX which turns off some, I duno, automatic audio level thing or something (forget the name of it), I should turn that off right? I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to sound issues, I'm all about the visuals baby.

    But yes, I do have a shotgun mic, so woot!

  6. #6
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Nobody told me until you did just now, Lou...but the DVX100B is my mistress and she's horny, Lou...very, very, very horny and I must obey her whims.

    ok, that's it. It's official..... You're nuts.

    I also saw a tripod dolly on a photo you sent me, how are those things? Does it give decent shots? I guess it depends on the surface.
    Well, since i'm not operating the camera I couldn't tell exactly, but Dj was using it for dolly shots this weekend and he seems to be pleased with the results. In the office we were shooting in, some of the carpet has some snags, divets & dents from furniture, etc. and caused a few issues while he was tracking shots, but I think for the most part those shots are turning out really good. If I remember correctly, the dolly shots in Deadlands around the military meeting in the shelter were all tracked using that exact same tripod dolly unit.

    About that auto-leveling setting on the DVX - that's a Dj question for sure as far as what he's using for TRAPPED (yeah, that's right, I said it, wanna fight about it Dj?! TRAPPED!! TRAPPED!! ), but from my personal past experience with auto-leveling equipment, I would say leave that sh*t off. It's basically audio compression on-the-fly (raising audio when it's too low, lowering it when it's too high - trying to keep the volume "even" so-to-speak) and it's waaayyy too hard to predict what it's going to do. If someone is speaking quietly and someone interjects in a loud voice, it could dip the volume low enough to kill the soft-spoken persons voice all together. That could prove disasterous. I'm not sure how quickly the DVX auto-leveling reacts, nor do I know how hard it will compress, but I think it's safe to say leave it off. If you have sound issues as far as volume is concerned, it would be easier to fix them in post with a dash of compression after-the-fact.

    I do have a shotgun mic, so woot!
    Sweet! now if you get yourself a shock mount or build one (it's not hard), you'll be on your way to fantastic audio reproduction.

  7. #7
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    I just plug in the mic and crank the audio full blast. I don't worry about those little things in case it is too loud in the headphones, if it is, I just adjust the levels.

    The dolly unit is only good for smooth surfaces but if you are in a location like we were (office building) and need to move the camera room to room then just roll the fooker where ever you like.

    I was doing many dolly shots with it this weekend. Out of the 12 tapes shot 3 are all dolly shots. For every stick shot we did I followed with hand held and Dolly.

    Today I just bought another Terra Byte of HDD space for all the video from this flick. I still haven't deleted the Deadlands footage off my other External HDD's because a new release is coming in about 6-8 months, but once that newer release is out that footage is gone. No need to Keep it. Not like Deadlands will ever see a super duper remastered HDD version anytime soon.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  8. #8
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    Not like Deadlands will ever see a super duper remastered HDD version anytime soon.
    You mean Deadlands isn't coming out on HD-DVD?

    I'm disappointed.

    I just plug in the mic and crank the audio full blast. I don't worry about those little things in case it is too loud in the headphones, if it is, I just adjust the levels.
    WHAT?! You just blast the mic line-in full blast!? Aren't you worried about clipping or has that not been an issue?
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 13-Nov-2007 at 12:58 PM.


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