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Thread: Shades of Chairman Mao

  1. #1
    Twitching strayrider's Avatar

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    Shades of Chairman Mao

    This is a joke, right?



  2. #2
    Twitching Arcades057's Avatar

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    If it's a joke now, it soon won't be.
    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

  3. #3
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    that's pretty ridiculous.

    the amazon link actually works, and amusingly enough, one of the "customer reviews" is actually a couple of bible verses warning of the antichrist....i wonder if they own this shirt?

    america's economy is going to be revived solely by obamamania paraphernalia

  4. #4
    Twitching strayrider's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    that's pretty ridiculous.

    the amazon link actually works, and amusingly enough, one of the "customer reviews" is actually a couple of bible verses warning of the antichrist....i wonder if they own this shirt?

    america's economy is going to be revived solely by obamamania paraphernalia
    I'd love one of those shirts, but I won't give President Obama that much credit.

    I wonder of these quotes are included in the BOOK?

    And Sarah Palin drew flack over that Africa thing? Doesn't he know that there are over 61 states?


  5. #5
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    people seriously need to get over this frenzy,its ridiculous!he may well turn out to be a great president & i hope he does,but he isnt the second coming!The last time people got in such a frenzy over a politician it was adolf hitler & look where that went....

  6. #6
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    A dose of hope and joy is a good thing - but don't over-do it.

    I do feel this whole "Obamarama" thing has gotten out-of-hand ... and all the Hollywood types pawing all over him like there's no tomorrow is just sickening.

    Frankly, rich-ass celebs shouldn't be allowed to preach their political views and opinions, because they're living in a world that no normal person is living in. They're rich enough to live expesive lifestyles and prance around like life's amazing, but the normal person out there has a mortgage and car payments, or has no job at all, or works some dead-end job getting filthy all day long slogging their guts out.

    Anywaaaaaaaay - it'd also be a good idea to calm this whole Obamarama thing down because, indeed, he isn't Jesus: Part II - but also because it's setting up an awful lot of people for a potential disappointment, and indeed grows expectations about what Obama should be doing and can do.


    But then again, here in Britain we just don't do politics like they do in America - nor do we do patriotism in the same manner.

    It's almost like in the UK it's two old beans in black & white with handlebar 'taches in leotards leaping around on the boxing canvas, rolling their hands about ... and in the USA it's World Wrestling Entertainment, with all the fanfare, excited commentators wetting themselves with joy, and big boobies.


    Okay, just fancied having a larf ...

  7. #7
    Twitching MaximusIncredulous's Avatar

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    Aw Christ, 5 days in and we have little blue books containing the uplifting words of our leader. Can't wait to see the shit brewing 2 years from now

  8. #8
    Twitching Arcades057's Avatar

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    You know what? I'm usually the last person in the world to say something like this, being such a big Bush supporter and conservative, but I'm giving Mr. Obama a real chance before I start the negativism.

    Do I think he'll succeed? In all honesty I believe that we'll think he has succeeded even if he hasn't; the media has blown him into such a big deal that he is too big, has too much invested in him to fail.

    His first order, to close Gitmo, was a terribly naive decision--but it was made with good intentions, like Bush's decisions, so I'm still waiting to see.

    In all honesty I'm hoping his policies fail worse than that boat filled with shipping crates that tipped over. I hope the nation succeeds, which is why I'm hoping that his policies fail. America was NOT built on, nor can she survive on, social programs, invasive government, and feel-good bumper sticker sayings.

    At the moment all Mr. Obama is offering are those three things. So let's wait and see whether he actually has some substance up his sleeve.
    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

  9. #9
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by strayrider View Post
    And Sarah Palin drew flack over that Africa thing? Doesn't he know that there are over 61 states?
    I submit that was obviously a REAL case of mis-speaking. I am sure Obama knows that there are 50 states.

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Frankly, rich-ass celebs shouldn't be allowed to preach their political views and opinions, because they're living in a world that no normal person is living in. They're rich enough to live expesive lifestyles and prance around like life's amazing, but the normal person out there has a mortgage and car payments, or has no job at all, or works some dead-end job getting filthy all day long slogging their guts out.
    Two things to this... 1) if a supposed "free" society, you can not limit who would be entitled to free speech, all would have to enjoy that right. And 2), most people in a powerful position are living in a world no normal person lives in, including most of our politicians. I remember a newsclip of Bush 41 AMAZED at the upc reader in a store. He had never seen or heard of one before. They had been around for MANY YEARS prior to that. Shows how it was over a decade since he actually went into a store to purchase something. Think about that.
    Also after Katrina, I remember Barbara Bush saying something to the effect of "a lot of those people are better off now than they were before". What the fuck kind of shit is that?!!??! Yeah, they lost their homes, all their possesions, their pets are dead, the city they were born in and grew up in is a disaster zone, dead bodies are all over...they sure are better off then they were before. I am sure she would have said the same thing had a similar situation happened in Beverly Hills....
    If anything, "rich-ass celebrities" have a lot better perspective than "rich-ass social types", as a large percentage of celebrities were "regular" people prior to becoming a celebrity. They worked low paid jobs, waiters,etc, and realize how lucky they got to "make it", and have a much better understanding of how things effect the common man because they used to be one. People like George Bush, for example, were born into aristocracy. They have no clue what the average person is like.
    Last edited by Philly_SWAT; 25-Jan-2009 at 04:18 PM.

  10. #10
    Walking Dead DubiousComforts's Avatar

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    Speaking of Chairman Mao...

    Quote Originally Posted by strayrider View Post
    This is a joke, right?
    Speaking of Chairman Mao, it's too bad you weren't around when this was going down...

    A real billboard in Orlando Florida

    Clear Channel dances around taking any responsibility:
    In response to inquiries from RAW STORY and the Associated Press, Clear Channel Outdoor issued a statement asserting that the billboard’s content was the product of the local office of the company, and not a corporate decision.

    It appeared to confirm that Clear Channel did indeed place the billboard in question.

    "Clear Channel Outdoor markets are operated locally," Tony Alwin, Senior Vice President, Creative for Clear Channel Outdoor, said. "Local managers determine what copy to use when a location has time that is not sold to an advertiser."

    Clear Channel Outdoor Orlando said they could not respond to requests for comment this week because their press person was "away." They referred calls to their San Antonio corporate parent, which did not return two messages for comment.

  11. #11
    Twitching strayrider's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DubiousComforts View Post
    Speaking of Chairman Mao, it's too bad you weren't around when this was going down...
    Must've been before my time.


  12. #12
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Im just glad we dont have posters of Gordon Browns ugly mug scowling at us from every street corner in the UK!

  13. #13
    Twitching strayrider's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MaximusIncredulous View Post
    Aw Christ, 5 days in and we have little blue books containing the uplifting words of our leader. Can't wait to see the shit brewing 2 years from now
    You seem to be ... disturbed ... by all of this, citizen. Let me see your papers.


  14. #14
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    Not like anyone's being forced to carry the book.

  15. #15
    Banned User

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    That's true... for now.


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