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Thread: DjfunkmasterG's Top Ten Films of 2009 - Best and Top 5 Worst

  1. #1
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    DjfunkmasterG's Top Ten Films of 2009 - Best and Top 5 Worst

    So MZ posted his list so ifgured I would counter his list because I did disagree with his honorable mention of Gran Torino However I wanted to out what i thought were the best films of 2009 and of course the worst of 2009.

    Lets start with the good:

    1. The Wrestler - MZ and I both agree this is a great film, and I think not only Mickey Rourke turned in a fantastic performance, but one performanced overlooked was Marisa Tomei's as the aging stripper Randy the Ram would do anything to be with, however what stands out about this movie is the overall execution and style. Done with a documentary flare it brings you the ugly down side to a fading star. it is so unsettling at times you really begin to connect with the cast in every way, shape and form.

    2. Zombieland - While low budget zombie films are a dime a dozen, Hollywood financed and backed zed flicks are few and far between, and great ones are really scarce. ZL brings out the comedy full force, and of course will talent like Woody Harrelson on hand you know this film will be a crowd pleaser. Ranks in my top 5 Zombie films.

    3. Public Enemies - Johnny Depp as John Dillinger. Michael Mann gives us a period film that is a little rough around the edges because of the use of digital technology, but turns in a true gangster action epic for which is known to execute with near perfection. Truly one of the gems of 2009.

    4. Gran Torino - Technically released in 2008, this received its wide release in 2009 and brings Dirty Harry back with Dirty Harry. Clint Eastwood directs the story of ex-korean war vet Walt Kowalski whose long time neighborhood has changed for the worse, infact the world he has known and grown up in has changed for the worse and Walt doesn't want to change with the times, but an event triggers him to become the protector of an immigrant HMUNG family that lives next door and we see Walt not only stand up for whats right, but undergo a transformation that is truly awe inspiring.

    5. The Taking of Pelham 123 - This Tony Scott helmed remake brings us the star power of John Travolta and Denzel Washington. A great instense thrilled epic about a hostage situation involving a hi-jacked subway car. Travolta does his best when he is playing the bad guy and this is a performance as great as his turn as the evil Castor Troy in Face-Off.

    6. Up - Another CGI entry from the folks at PIXAR. Need I say more? No I think not.

    7. Monsters Vs. Aliens - Here is a flick i originally thought would be so-so but instead I found to be quite charming in its appeal and not too mention its LOL a minute moments, especially courtesy of Keifer Sutherland playing General W.R. Monger, and Stephen Colbert as the president. Definitely a must see for kids and adults and worthy of my top 10 for 2009.

    8. District 9 - What this movie pulled off on a $30,000,000 budget is just freaking outstanding and awe inspiring. Hollywood should take note that you don't need hundreds of milllions of dollars to make great EPIC entertainment on a budget. One of the better Alien invasion flicks to come out of the industry in sometime and I am sorry to have waited to catch it on Blu-Ray instead of in theaters.

    9. Pirate Radio - The somewhat true story of how Pirate took of the UK and the consequences that followed, however while the premise of the film does tick to the trial and tribulations of the whole pirate radio phenom, it does have its moments with a great cast and story of how a handful of DJ's took on the government and brought rock N roll to the masses.

    10. Cadillac Records - Another flick released in late 2008, widely released in 2009 brings you the story of Chess records and Muddy Waters. Some people will laugh at the liberties taken with the characters of Chuck Barry and Etta James, but Jeffrey Wrights performance as Muddy is just awesome, for lack of a better word. The man eats, sleeps and breathe's Muddy. See the rise and fall of the great Blues icons and how their resurgance became someething we still chat about today.


    1. Halloween II - Wasn't it bad enough RZ butchered Halloween, nope, guess not. This bastard had to go and not only screw that up but completely fucked up H2. Stop casting your wife Rob, she has no talent.

    2. Friday the 13th - Christ... where do I start? Fuck It... Just avoid at all cost.

    3. 2012 - Aside from the eye candy of the world falling apart this latest from Disaster king Rolan Emmerich is just total rubbish and deserves to be thrown the hell out.

    4. Avatar (aka Ferngully 3)- $300mil and 12 years of waiting for James Cameron to bring us something new. Aside from the eye candy visuals (Move over Emmerich, Cameron owns this thrown) the flick has a boring story and inept cast and is just ripe with political correctness at every turn. If I have to sit through one more flick of minorities getting their asses handed to them or being infringe upon, disguised as some sort of future war epic, i am going to puke.

    5. Inglorious Basterds - If Death proof wasn't bad enough to sit through with 2 hours of horrendous dialog and 10 minutes of action, Quentin Tarantino out does himself here by giving us 2 hous of dialog and 30 minutes of action, and a character named the bear jew. However I will say i did get a new respect for Eli Roth, but in the end, this overacted, 2 ton heavy dialog filled script is pointless, worthless and shouldn't even be classified as a war film. In fact it is a slap in the face to great war films. QT should be shamed.

    Please keep in mind these choices are just my opinions and should only be treated as such, but in all honestly 2009 was a mediocre year for films, and all the event films of 2009 have been an extreme let down.
    Last edited by DjfunkmasterG; 27-Dec-2009 at 01:05 PM.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  2. #2
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I will agree that the "event films" of 2009 have, in general, been a let down.

    Transformers 2 was beyond retarded (but was still enough of a guilty pleasure to be "okay"). 2012 ... well I've already spoken about that in my list of flicks I saw in 2009 at the cinema (as seen on my blog, link in my sig) ... T4 was pish, and just gets pisher everytime you see it ... ... erm, what other ones were there that were shite?

    Not Avatar, cos that was my flick of the year IMHO.

    It was a good year for flicks coming a bit from left field though (Zombieland, for instance).

  3. #3
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    While Retarded (Transformers 2) I couldn't add it to the shit list when so much other stuff was in that list that so deserved to be there... including Avatar (sorry guys, but the hype behind the flick and what we got as the finished product = huge let down)

    Terminator Salvation... christ on a pogo stick... That was beyond a waste of time and money, but still not enough to add to the shit list. Both of these could easily come in at #5 on the shit list, but IB and Avatar just irked me so much more that they made the jump on the list.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  4. #4
    You know, I love and respect both you and MZ but how the fuck you can include Zombieland in your top fives really has me scratching my head.

    <scratches head>

    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    Cadillac Records - Another flick released in late 2008, widely released in 2009 brings you the story of Chess records and Muddy Waters. Some people will laugh at the liberties taken with the characters of Chuck Barry and Etta James, but Jeffrey Wrights performance as Muddy is just awesome, for lack of a better word. The man eats, sleeps and breathe's Muddy. See the rise and fall of the great Blues icons and how their resurgance became someething we still chat about today.
    Busting to see this film. Really looks tops.

  5. #5
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by capncnut View Post
    You know, I love and respect both you and MZ but how the fuck you can include Zombieland in your top fives really has me scratching my head.

    <scratches head>

    Busting to see this film. Really looks tops.
    Agreed. I don't know that I would have necessarily placed "Zombieland" in my worst of the year category, but it's leaning in that general direction. I personally thought it was awful and silly, but that's just my opinion.

    Then again, I guess I was one of the few people that actually liked Rob Zombie's H2. Call it a guilty pleasure I suppose, but I just enjoy Rob Zombie's over-the-top Redneck Oasis films where things are made to be as dirty, trashy, and trampy as can be. I sort of see his films as black comedy with some great gore as opposed to horror. And in this respect, while I didn't consider H2 to be anywhere near as interesting/unique as his re-make of "Halloween", I actually really enjoyed his remake of "Halloween" as a bit of a psychological thrill-ride. Of course, you can't compare it to the original, but I don't think anyone should really. They're two completely different visions.

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  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post
    Agreed. I don't know that I would have necessarily placed "Zombieland" in my worst of the year category, but it's leaning in that general direction. I personally thought it was awful and silly, but that's just my opinion.
    I can understand why someone would like Zombieland in a silly quick-fix sense. You know, like Empire Records or something like that. But a serious contender for 'film of 2009'? Get the fuck out of here!

  7. #7
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I'll point out that Zombieland is in no "Top Five" of mine, zombie or otherwise. But it is in my Top Ten of 2009 - and my Top Ten isn't in any order, as I can never do that. Collections of ten are as much as I can muster.

    I might have to revisit my All Time Top 50 and see if any of 2009's offerings make it in to knock anything out of place, or if there's some re-organising to do.

  8. #8
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Zombieland is a great movie, I like it while some do not. Considering Land was total turd, and thats from the master... Zombieland could have been 80 minutes of a zombie drooling blood and it still would outrank LAND. However, in regards to the films I have watched for 2009 I did find Zombieland very entertaining, infact after multiple viewings the films kept getting better and better, like Dawn of the Dead (orig) it gets better and better.

    ---------- Post added at 02:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:59 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by capncnut View Post
    You know, I love and respect both you and MZ but how the fuck you can include Zombieland in your top fives really has me scratching my head.

    <scratches head>

    Busting to see this film. Really looks tops.
    It has flaws, but Jeffrey Wright as Muddy Waters is just stellar stuff
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  9. #9
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    Gents, you're both (this means you, as well, DJ) letting us down. What about the decade?

    I expect your picks and observations for top ten films of the decade on my desk by the striking of clock on New Year's Day.

    Sharpish, now.

    Of the decade:

    Lets see

    Training Day
    Man on Fire
    3:10 to Yuma
    American Gangster
    Batman Begins
    American Psycho
    Planet Terror
    Sin City
    Pirates 1: The Curse of the Black Pearl
    Iron Man
    Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
    Gone Baby Gone
    Million Dollar Baby
    No COuntry for Old Men
    There Will be Blood
    The Wrestler
    Letters From Iwo Jima
    The Departed
    The Aviator
    United 93
    The Bourne Supremacy/Ultimatum
    Chrildren of Men
    Cinderella Man
    Walk The line
    The Cooler
    Mystic River
    Gangs of New York
    Catch Me If you Can
    Kill Bill Vol 2
    Casino Royale (2006)
    Monsters Inc
    Good Night and Good Luck
    Public Enemies
    Black Hawk Down
    The Taking of Pelham 123
    Intolerable Cruelty
    The Incredibles

    Sorry my brain is mush... but that would be my best of the decade so far.[COLOR="Silver"]
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  10. #10
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Sooner or later I'll no doubt compile a list for the decade ... will have to dig out some lists of movies released in those years though so I don't miss anything, as well as dig back through my Top 50 of All Time (

    Speaking of which, I might have to look at my Top Ten of 09 and see if-and-where I can squeeze them into my All Time Top 50...blimey.

  11. #11
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Just a question to ponder thought upon, but isn't having an All Time list sort of pointless.... I mean, in all honesty nothing has ended yet, so it really can be said "All Time" Because something better could come around and replace.
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  12. #12
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Are you suggesting an "Up To This Moment" list then?

  13. #13
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Yes, as a matter fact I am...

    Ohhhh, we haven't done anything yet!
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  14. #14
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Well, All Time (Up to 2008) List is what it is.


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