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Thread: IAZM2 - official update & cock tease thread...

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    IAZM2 - official update & cock tease thread...

    Okay peeps, with IAZM2 progressing ever forward, I'm gonna make this the thread for updates and teasing little crumbs of information for you Zombie Man lovers and beanbag ticklers...

    Below, welcome to Chez-Zee!


    Below, a small group of captures from the raw footage of some inserts I shot today for one of the segments of the film. Not very descriptive I know, but like I said - cock tease , also, it shows off the snazzy look you get with a DVX *drools*

    DVX Goodness

    For any DVX Nerds out there I used:

    MasterPed = -5
    Chroma Level = +5
    Gamma = CineLikeV
    White Balance = A (default Panasonic preset)

    Also, I was using (but obviously not evident from a still shot):

    Shutter Speed = 1/250
    Gain = Medium / High
    OIS = Off
    Zoom = between 30 and 60 (occasionally the full 99)

    The latter was just for these particular shots, but I plan to use them in another sequence ... and maybe for the entire sequence where the inserts I filmed today, are placed.

    Finally, after news of Germany's bizarre videogame related legislation proposals, I replaced a line of dialogue with a new one related to said legislation. Obviously as I'd "locked" the script a couple of weeks ago, I couldn't add in a whole chunk (five drafts was enough, you've gotta move forth sooner or later and I'm very pleased with the script, so it's all good). But aye, I replaced a line to incorporate that gag.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 16-Dec-2006 at 11:44 AM.

  2. #2
    Twitching Maitreya's Avatar

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    It appears that your embedded files have been owned.

    "You bitchass zombie mother****er, I swear to God I'll **** you up"

    Official member of the Zombie Man Fan Club est. 2007

  3. #3
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    *grumbles* F*cking putfile and all these stupid multiple URLs and codes and wank! Fixed the links, no longer embedded, so f*ck putfile for being complicated. Anyway - there you go chaps.

    Also - I'd appreciate this thread staying on topic, cheers.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 16-Dec-2006 at 06:02 PM.

  4. #4
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Bit more news, had a second pre-production day, had Ben over to do a bit of rehearsal as well as work on his zombie acting - he hasn't been a zombie yet, even though he technically played one facing away from camera in the final shot of "Trapped" back in summer 2005.

    Got some footage of him rehearsing, might post some footage, or more likely pics in due course.

    Word from Ben himself, he's looking forward to being in IAZM2, he really enjoyed IAZM1, even calling it my best work thus far (comedy wise). He was also saying he really digs the script for IAZM2, being that it somewhat takes the piss out of sequels and most importantly takes the piss out of 'cash-in success' and celebrity culture.

    Like I said a while back, I don't wanna make IAZM1 all over again, so expect something a bit bigger and a bit different.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    I don't wanna make IAZM1 all over again, so expect something a bit bigger and a bit different.

  6. #6
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Finally got off my lazy arse and started editing the pre-recorded dialogue for the film this afternoon, it's coming out nicely actually, it sounds better than it did for IAZM1, I used the same microphone, but worked on my pronunciation, aimed my gob at the microphone differently and put a kind of gauze over the mic to cut down on noise, it's coming out rather nicely.

    Still got the rest of the dialogue to edit, there's 23 chunks of dialogue to do, and I've done 5 of them (sent off to Knox so he can practice listening to them on his mobile while acting the actions of Zombie Man).

    Anyway, I'm pleased with how the dialogue is coming out, much clearer with less hissing (e.g. at letter "s" or "c", or with "ch" or "sh"). Hopefully I'll get the dialogue done before we start filming, or before I start editing anyway.

    With IAZM1 I was lazy with the dialogue recording and started editing before I'd done it, then because I was lazy I had to stop editing until I'd done the dialogue - record it (which took ages, as some might have seen in the featurette/out-take thing I posted a few weeks/months back), then upload the footage (decided to use my camera instead that time), then rip the audio from the video, then process the audio and then make the final audio files to then put it in the edit so I could start editing again! *sigh ... gasp*

    That's a lot of "then" isn't it?

    Anyway, this time I hope to avoid that hassle - recording straight into Cool Edit is so much easier and now the quality is better than before with a couple of new techniques I've employed in saying the actual words on the page - and this time, I rarely f*cked up!


    Merry Xmas everyone!

    jingle my bells ... couldn't resist saying that...


    The budget has utterly ballooned to a whopping £4.55!!!

    A veritable make-up extravaganza!
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 24-Dec-2006 at 04:40 PM.

  7. #7
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Good News!

    Today (27th) was the first day of filming for IAZM2.

    We managed to get all the shots I most definately needed, there wasn't time to start getting Day Two shots, but hopefully we'll get everything tomorrow (or the day after - weather depending).

    Today's shoot involved a lot of set ups and coverage and two locations. The next day will involve one single location and simpler set-ups (but longer takes).

    Towards the end we were losing the light very fast on a rather dull day in general and twice it started drizzling, which was fine for Ben and Knox who were doing their acting inside a car, but I was stood outside wearing not enough clothes getting wet (at least my camera had a towel over it!)

    Still though, I got some excellent footage, I'm very pleased with what we got today and I will see about putting a little teaser trailer online for you chaps for a New Year's treat.

  8. #8
    Again, NOICE!!!

    Looking forward to seeing the (cock) teaser man.

  9. #9
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Something funny Gareth spotted recently (and then gave me), a t-shirt which looks strangely familiar ... or a co-incidence.

    WEAR ME!!!

    Day Two Round Up:

    Well chaps and chappettes, day two of filming is done and it's a wrap!!

    A much better day for weather today, essentially the same as yesterday - but minus the drizzle and with intermittent sun, so it was a brighter day in general and didn't get so dark so quick.

    Today we have more pages of the script to cover, but fewer set ups. Yesterday it was many more set ups, but shorter shots, today we had several long shots and one in particular was a long take (but it'll be broken up with cut aways and medium/close ups).

    We were filming in Llangarron on this back road and were left completely alone except in between one of the final groups of shots when one of the landowners in that area came driving past. He pulled over (as he knows Knox) and had a quick chat. It's not everyday you see three blokes in the middle of nowhere with a camera - one bloke with his eyes blacked up and another bloke with a white face, sunken features and red eyes bags.

    I got back and had a quick squizz at the footage and it looks rather good, I'm actually looking forward to editing it together. Usually I dread editing, mainly for the reason of actually getting into it than the actual clicking and such.

    I'm the sort who prefers to film the stuff and then (if possible) hand the footage onto someone else to edit ... although I very rarely get to do that, hehe.

    So it was 46 minutes of stuff from yesterday and 48 minutes from today. Plus about 10 from a pre-production day, then about another 8 from the other pre-production day, and I've got a good 2 hours of footage to pour over ... and only one hour of space on the hard-drive ... methinks it's time to get that external hard-drive plugged in and get some sh*t transferred!

    Anyway, like I said before, I hope to get a teaser trailer up for a New Years treat as well as some screen caps. I'll also be looking forward to receiving some photos Knox took on his fancy-arse phone from today as well ... including the obligatory "director pointing" shot.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 28-Dec-2006 at 06:04 PM.

  10. #10
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    did it really take more than a day to shoot?, dont take that in a negative way but i figured something like trapped might have taken that long but i thought something like this might have been a sit down and talk about it then go out for an afternoon and shoot it kinda jobs.

    and oh aye, you gotta have a pointing shot, only recently i was watching some footage of a little "making of" i was starting to shoot for my zombie film, scouting locations and whatnot, and as i watched myself on screen, which is a rareity in itself, i DO point a hell of a lot at absolutely nothing

  11. #11
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Directors man ... they cree ... no wait, they use their hands a lot.

    Nope, IAZM1 was very much off-the-cuff and was all shot in one afternoon. It was a mere 7 pages.

    IAZM2 is 17 pages and has 3 locations in comparison to IAZM1's single location. There are two zombies in this one, not just one, and that involves make-up being applied to the face.

    Also, being my fancy new camera there's so many options to play with, so with a much grander visual style to IAZM2, in comparison to the first film, it takes longer.

    The first day, like I said, involved a shedload of set-ups and the second involved fewer set-ups, but much longer takes. So that in itself takes time. Then of course, there's no time for rehearsals ... well, not really anyway. I get those acting for me to go over the script in their own time so they have at least an idea of what's going on.

    Of course, bringing Ben "Trapped/Smack Addict/VHS" Connell into the IAZM franchise, I had him come over for a pre-production day where we worked on his zombie acting and such, so there was rehearsals there.

    There was also another pre-production day where I shot a bunch of inserts for one sequence, which also afforded me the opportunity to experiment with the camera.

    Then of course, there's music to get sorted - fortunately Dj and Lou have been helping me out on that front, so IAZM2 is gonna sound great. Then there's all the dialogue to record and edit/filter.

    And obviously, the whole scripting/planning process takes a lot of time and concentration as well. Prior to the first day of shooting I was up until the wee small hours planning shots and going over the script to kind of pre-shoot it in my head.

    So as you can see, there's shedloads of stuff to do.

    And, indeed, IAZM2 is very different from IAZM1. There's similarities, but I didn't wanna just do IAZM1 again - what's the point?

    IAZM2 is to IAZM1 what Dawn of the Dead is to Night of the Living Dead ... or what Clerks 2 is to Clerks.

    Here's a little wang-tickling screen cap to show off a bit of the visual grandeur you'll be seeing in IAZM2:

    Last edited by MinionZombie; 29-Dec-2006 at 10:44 AM.

  12. #12
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    yep thats the weather here too.

    and aye, different locations double the time instantly, it seems, and i know of too other independent film makers in my area that if you have to go to as little as 2 locations within 2 miles of each other after one most of us are too stressed out, and by that i mean lazy, to do the next area on the same day.

  13. #13
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Some screen caps from the raw uploaded footage (this is stuff from Day One):

    Day One Screen Caps

    left to right, top to bottom:

    1) ZM gouges some 100% coovan out of his nasal cavity between shots.
    2) Ben providing "script girl" and fluffer relief.
    3) ZM does a bit of air guitar.
    4) ZM shuffling around.
    5) ZM and Ben "get gay" with each other after a take.
    6) That's right, ZM, you're maths is coming along nicely.

    And - tada, a bit of IAZM2 postery goodness.

    Touch my face...

  14. #14
    I love the poster man.

  15. #15
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Well I told you I'd do one, and here it is - the I Am Zombie Man 2 internet only trailer!!!

    I cut this together last night, I was up until 2am making it (then had a great 10 hours of kip afterwards ) It's 2 minutes long and is 7.2mb in size. It's best to let it fully download, then watch it in one go.

    Enjoy and lemme know what you 'fink.

    I Am Zombie Man 2 - internet only trailer
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 31-Dec-2006 at 12:28 PM. Reason: I'm never finished...


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