View Poll Results: Should smoking be banned?

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  • Yes, everywhere.

    2 6.67%
  • Yes, in public places and bars.

    7 23.33%
  • Yes, in public plaes.

    3 10.00%
  • No, barowners should decide wether they want it or not.

    13 43.33%
  • No. Period.

    5 16.67%
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Thread: Smoking ban?

  1. #1
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    Smoking ban?

    Ban smoking? Or let it go?

  2. #2
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Smokers are in the minority - fact.

    Second hand smoke doesn't do anyone any good - fact. It's unfiltered and makes up the majority of lingering smoke in the atmosphere, so smokers are 'double' smoking if you think about it in a way...

    Smokers choose to smoke, and can breathe both fresh air and smoke with ease - non-smokers cannot.

    If you wanna smoke, fine, but leave it at home or in non-public places or in designated "fagging areas" as I like to call them.

    Smoke, magically, seems to not take any notice of invisible lines drawn in Little Chef seating arrangements.

    There should be smoking bars, and non-smoking bars I guess, or specific rooms for it, because I'm sure the vast majority of non-smokers would like to go out for an evening and enjoy a few pints down the pub or some cocktails in a club or whatever and not come back with your hair, skin and clothes reeking of fag smoke, your lungs on fire, your eyes stinging and so on.

    I don't mind people being smokers, I'm currently working with a smoker, I don't complain if he lights up in his car when we're driving around, but he's courteous to open the window, so it's all good.

    So yeah, I don't mind someone smoking, especially because it brings a lot of money into the system (even though it ends up draining it out again at the NHS ), but I'd like to be able to do normal everyday things without having to breathe someone else's smoke.

    At least drinking isn't passive, you can't get drunk from sitting by some downing a few pints, but you can get fugged up and manky feeling if you're around a load of smoking smokers on a night out...

    I've go no problem with weed though, there's a point to smoking that, you get high...but what's the point in smoking fags? They addict you, they have all sorts of perversely sickening chemicals thrown into them (including that stuff they put into dead people apparently!!! ), and what do you get out of it ... really? After you're addicted all you're doing is feeding the addiction, which you didn't require in the first place...

    At least with some weed you get high and can put it in a muffin or a brownie.

  3. #3
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    if its outside walking around town and the like i havent got a problem, unless you walk past "one of them" and they blow it right in your face, but inside i say ban, cus it sucks if your a non smoker and you get that rank smell stuck to your clothes so you go round smelling of it all day and thats before the adverse health effects, though smoking is way worse than drink, since its about a 90% chance that youll get cancer from cigs and only about 10 for beer.

  4. #4
    Walking Dead Cody's Avatar

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    wtf i had a post before hellsing...anyways it doesnt bother me

  5. #5
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    *twists invisible dick dastardly mustache*

    mwa-hahahahaha!, ive taken your post cody adn youll never see it again hahahaha!

  6. #6
    Banned User

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    the end is very near
    they PC GOOKS have now taken to banning
    table salt for people who "Eat Out"
    Now at this time if I were faced with almost the same dilemma as Snake PLissken 3 use the sword of damocles
    "welcome back to the stone-age mo*o's!"
    without a second thought or a moments hesitation
    deactivates decoys, would do well to bask in the final glory of incandescent light bio*ches forthwith none for you

  7. #7
    Dead Mutineer's Avatar

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    Yes, in public places and bars.

    I smoked for 22 years and come JUNE 21st; it'll be 2 years since I've had a single drag

    I quit cold turkey.

    To this day, I wonder why the hell I ever smoked. I feel better, I breathe better, I have more energy, I don't smell like ASS on a STICK ... I probably spent

    $ 25,000

    For what ? For Cancer ? Emphysema ? Think about that; you're all chillin one day and then you spit up a lil blood; run over to see DOC GREEN and he says 'You have cancer' and then you die 20 some odd years before you should have

    For what ? Because it tastes good ? Because it gives you a high ? Because it calms your nerves ?


    I feel like a dumbass after smoking that long. I really cannot believe how easy it was to quit. Cold turkey. Suffered thourhg withdrawl for less than a week, then it was all mental ...

    easy as weezy


    So yes, BAN it in public places. You really think other people want to breathe your **** in ?

  8. #8
    Banned User

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    "I'd smoke 2-3 of these thing's a day,....if I had the bread"
    invokes spirit of old redd foxx t-shirt
    maybe its just a case of
    "u gotta wash dat a**" if you smell of a**
    pic on t-shirt of Fred sandford in junkyard holding a hose with the previous in a caption balloon
    Last edited by Bongholio; 29-Apr-2007 at 01:20 AM.

  9. #9
    I voted for the barowner option. The smoking ban don't bother me 'cos the herb is barred from everywhere anyway.

  10. #10
    Banned zombiegirl's Avatar
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    Generally I really don't care if an establishment is smoke free or not. As long as it has a non smoking section I am good. Bars on the other hand are full of smokers. Smokers love to smoke while having a drink. If fact how many smokers here who normally average a pack or so a day go through a pack in one night if they go to the bar? I would think that it would be bad for business to make a bar non smoking unless you were in a major metro area.

  11. #11
    Banned User

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    candy is next
    "let them eat gene modified corn syrup"

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    *twists invisible dick dastardly mustache*

    mwa-hahahahaha!, ive taken your post cody adn youll never see it again hahahaha!
    "Ah! So it's you thats been stealing all these missing posts..." <twirls bongsaber> " you must pay, NOOTCH!"

  13. #13
    Banned User

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    cosh numpty
    doh my vote is like last

  14. #14
    Rising Terran's Avatar

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    I think Bar owners should decide....

    If they lose business because they allow smokers than its their loss......some other bar that doesnt allow smokers should get the other buisness

    But if they allow smokers there should probally be some sort of regulations with air flow/filtration....
    They made us too smart, too quick, and too many. We are suffering for the mistakes they made because when the end comes, all that will be left is us. That's why they hate us.

    There is no target consumer! Only targets. Targets that will tremble as their new master hands down edicts in my glorious booming voice!

  15. #15
    Walking Dead Cody's Avatar

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    or have..."smoking night".......every friday. thats cool.


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