I have to say I didn't exactly catch the last ten minutes of the movies dialogue because two jerk ushers at the theater walked into the movie stood at the side and proceeded to yakkity yak and exchange jokes loud enough to make it hard to hear what the actors were saying... but I had a rough idea of whether the ending was happy or sad...

I really liked the movie... I felt the dialogue around the dinner table was quite well written and really loved the question the movie essentially posed... a good lot of people want wars to end, poverty to be over, for the world to be at peace and safe for us all... but would you be willing to pay the price?

It lagged a bit here and there... I really dug the cameo by the chick from the first film and the new spin on Dr. Buenell being female... the action scenes were decent and it had a few jump at'chas.

Since i'm not sure on the end 100% I can't really comment on that but as a whole I really enjoyed it and will totally pick out the DVD and pay $18 bucks for it when it comes out instead of waiting for it to discount.