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Thread: Et:qw

  1. #1
    Dead CornishCorpse's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Surprised that there isnt already a thread on this? The free demo has been out for a couple of days and boy is this game alot of fun. Enemy Territory Quake wars is..the best way to describe it is what happens if you merge Halo and bf2 and throw in a bit of gears of war for good measure. The game is a prequel to quake 1 showing us the mighty war between the Strogg invaders ( pissed off cyborgs, imagine the borg with a cigar ) and the GDF ( Global defense Force ), after a long waiting period the game hits shelves end of this month and boy what a ride. Aswell as the usual tanks and choppers there are the diffrent classes plus alot of good fun features. Heres a few which caught my eye:

    Flying Drone- a small flying robot which you can fly into the enemy before pulling the trigger.

    Stealing- Both sides have a covert ops side which means you can take on the form of a fallen enemy and sleek behind enemy lines. Ive seen plenty of spy hunts already and had many a stare down with members of the opposite team waiting for them to use their fight or flight mechanism.

    Deployables- Building large turrets that make a helluva alot of diffrence in a game, hell the anti infantry is sessentially 20 miniguns but with smart playing you can easily take em out.

    Hacking- You can hack enemy deployables sadly not to put em on youre side but put them

    The Cyclops- This bastard child of all things metal, imagine a five story Metal Gear and then imagine stomping around the battleground while listening to the constant ping ping ping of small arms fire rattle off the armour.

    If youre looking for strategy or just brainless killing you can find satisfaction here. Unlike BF2 you wont be forced into teams and the game speed allows games to flow alot easier and more fun. Pulling the pin on a EMP grenade and then streaking towards the Cyclops can change the whole momentum of a game.
    Last edited by CornishCorpse; 17-Sep-2007 at 09:26 PM.
    Why arent you laughing?


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