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Thread: "Britney's New Look"-New South Park

  1. #1
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    "Britney's New Look"-New South Park

    Anyone else catch this episode of South Park last night? Instant classic! I'll be catching the re-airing tonight, and if you missed it last night, I'd suggest tuning in as well....or just go to and have a look. Much better than last week's episode.

    couple of good quotes:

    "Britney is obviously very upset about her MTV performance, Ron, and so she's become desperate. Most troubling for her is the fact that her disguise has total camel-toe!"

    "Absolutely. Major camel-toe, Tracy."

    "It's Britney Wa-ouch!"
    Last edited by ProfessorChaos; 20-Mar-2008 at 06:30 PM.

  2. #2
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    The "Britney wa-ouch!" one had me in stiches too.

    Good episode this week, last week's was a bit of a damp squib, not that great to be honest. But this week's had a bit more clout.

    When Britney blows her own head off, I did actually sit there a bit silent like the lads on the show itself, duno why, just packed a bit more punch this episode ... the whole Children of the Corn thing was funny, even though I've never seen that movie.

    Interesting comment on the media blitz regarding this sort of thing. Kind of a double-edged here in the UK with Heather Mills. Complains and lambasts the media for portraying her negatively (meanwhile she's certainly displayed much odd behaviour), but she's courted the media as well to her own ends.

    Meanwhile McCartney, who honestly was an arse for getting married to her so quickly, comes out cleaner because he just stayed out of the whole media circus itself.

    I think Britney should have just given up being on stage and gone behind the scenes a good 2 or 3 years ago before all this head shaving and whatever business, which is silly to have on prime-time news when there's bombs going off, soldiers being killed, natural disasters wiping people out, our respective government's affront to civil liberties, China's completely arrogant affront on any sort of free speech, the state of Africa and so on and so forth.

    Quality episode, it certainly sticks out for, well, one obvious reason at least.

    I look forward to next week's ep.


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