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Thread: 110 reasons in 110 minutes why Yawn04 blows (for the Dawn04 haters)...

  1. #61
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    You should have kept this list to 10. The other 100 were blatant reaches.

  2. #62
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SRP76 View Post
    You should have kept this list to 10. The other 100 were blatant reaches.

    In your opinion.

    The point in this post is it's my opinion.

  3. #63
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    My opinion is that everyone is taking this wayyyy to seriusly- its a list made to vent his frustration over percieved hatreds of the film; its presented in a humourous and thought out manner.

    take it for what it is, a mans avatar of dislike towards a film presented the way he thinks will grant the most views.

  4. #64
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mista_mo View Post
    My opinion is that everyone is taking this wayyyy to seriusly- its a list made to vent his frustration over percieved hatreds of the film; its presented in a humourous and thought out manner.

    take it for what it is, a mans avatar of dislike towards a film presented the way he thinks will grant the most views.
    Thank you Mista, you get the purpose of this post.

    I've had countless members in various Yawn04 related discussions ask exactly what I don't like about the movie, and while you can still find all the various reasons that exist around (rather than within) the movie by doing a search of the forum using the search function, I decided to do a definitive "in movie" bitch-list to clearly lay it all out - and, as you rightly point out - have a bit of fun in the process.

    But for some reason the humour has been ignored and the fun's been sapped out of it.

    It still makes me chuckle though, and it was specifically aimed at people who either fancied a chuckle or who held a similar view of the film to me.

    As I've said before, if someone wants to do a bitch-list for Land, by all means. I most likely won't read it, but I'll respect it as someone's opinion, heck even as humour if I find it funny.

    Otherwise, indeed, stop taking this list so seriously.

  5. #65
    Banned Choas's Avatar
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    You forgot one other reason why Yawn04 blows. It rips off almost ever other zombie movie.

  6. #66
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post

    In your opinion.

    The point in this post is it's my opinion.
    I didn't know that what I posted was my opinion; I thought I was posting the opinion of the guy up the street.

    If you wanted any dissenting opinions silenced, you could have just made a read-only thread.

  7. #67
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SRP76 View Post
    I didn't know that what I posted was my opinion; I thought I was posting the opinion of the guy up the street.

    If you wanted any dissenting opinions silenced, you could have just made a read-only thread.
    The point was it was aimed at those with the same view of the movie as I. I requested the thread to be as such, which is in the rules/FAQ, the members should respect the requests of the thread originator.

    There's plenty of Yawn hate/love or Yawn/Land threads already. I was asked to do a list for Yawn04, I did one, put it up for like-minded folk, but then people came in, ignored all the humour, and sucked all the fun out of it, completely ignoring my completely fair request to just stick to enjoying the list itself.

  8. #68
    Dead Mutineer's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by SRP76 View Post
    You should have kept this list to 10. The other 100 were blatant reaches.



    I added your blog to my own blog (Links) !

    You might inspire me to do an arty on the two films.

  9. #69
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Mutineer - added your link to my links.


    Folks, a request please.

    Could we focus simply on the list itself and the humour within it, and not bitching about the fact I don't like Yawn04 - which the thread is obviously about from the start - like I'd say to Christians hanging around the Jerry Springer Opera, if you don't like it, don't see it/read it/watch it/do it.

    I'm asking nicely now, and asked before already. Please stick to the fun of the list, rather than complaining that I have an opinion.


  10. #70
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    I am not your bootlick!

  11. #71
    Fresh Meat dynamitejim's Avatar

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    Great list Minion. One thing that always bugs me is Ving Rhames' character constantly shouting "I gotta find my brutha!" as to why he needs to get out of there. He nevers gives any insight to the relationship with his brother, nor does he listen to any reasoning as to why he shouldn't run out into a million+ swarm of flesh eating corpses. It's perfectly representative of the shoddy characterization that makes it hard for me to enjoy the movie.

  12. #72
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dynamitejim View Post
    Great list Minion. One thing that always bugs me is Ving Rhames' character constantly shouting "I gotta find my brutha!" as to why he needs to get out of there. He nevers gives any insight to the relationship with his brother, nor does he listen to any reasoning as to why he shouldn't run out into a million+ swarm of flesh eating corpses. It's perfectly representative of the shoddy characterization that makes it hard for me to enjoy the movie.
    Glad you enjoyed my list.

    That whole 'gotta git me bruvnah' schtick wound me up every time.

  13. #73
    Dead Doc's Avatar

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    Well I agree with you on reason 18......

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    DISCLAIMER: I do NOT want this turning into a Land VS Dawn04 thread.

    Well, it was requested, so here it be.

    Truthfully, I didn't expect to get over 100, so even I'm a little surprised...but only by a bit.

    Decided to post them on my blog, rather than, just so I don't have to censor the voluminous amount of swearing.

    Consider this my definitive list of reasons why I hate Yawn04 ... well, kinda ... at least in terms of what's on screen. The other main reason was the script, which I thought was atrocious, and that's kinda reflected in this list.

    Also consider it a bit of fun in itself. And again, I don't want this to turn into yet another Land VS Dawn04 thread, cheers.



    Well I got through your first 9 and concluded youwere nothing more than a fan boy. Period. A fan boy, by the way, that is not very that must have missed some of the original Dawn. I take you to the air port scene in the original. You had the black guy shooting the closet door. Remember that? Then he opened that doorandtwo kids RAN, yes I said RAN, out and attacked him. Which takes me to point #10 on you list about zombies not running. How could you miss this? Better yet why is this a problem for you in the Dawn '04 movie yetit happens in the original. Of course I stopped reading your list at #10 because that made it obvious you were 100% fan boy. In other words your complaints have zero merit to them. I hope I am not the only one who caught point #10 on your list. I'll go read through this thread and see.

    Dawn '04 was a dran good zombie flick. It took the idea of Night & Dwan and rolled them into one movie and did so rather well. Also, it makes setting up a nice neat trilogy. Dawn, Day, and Eve of the Dead. Zack Snyder should direct them as well. He proved he could take the idea of GAR's first two movies put them into one and do it well. What the heck GAR seems to be doing stuff he's happy with so why not.

    Quote Originally Posted by DubiousComforts View Post
    I understood and agree with your point: there's no reason why there can't be running dead. I simply disagree with how it was handled in DAWN '04--it was utilized as a crutch. The filmmakers just couldn't figure out how to make a viable threat out of slow-moving zombies.
    I don't buy your argument at all. "The film makers couldn't figure out how",,, please. GAR's zombies are waaaaaay creepy while Snyder's are flat out horrorfying. If you had to be in either world which would you choose, GAR's or Snyder's. Hands down it would be GAR's if you want the best chance to stay alive.

    I also like the idea shown in the '04 movie where you only turned if bitten. I love both movies equally. I like how both never let you know what causes the infection. Both films have their faults it's just funny how folks let their inner fan boy take over regarding either version. Sort of like your dad trying to get you to listen to the music he grew up with when you have your own. Both are really great movies in their own right and Romero gets credit for starting it all.

    Quote Originally Posted by DubiousComforts View Post
    The most influential films in this genre are about IDEAS not "zombies," which is why the original DAWN succeeds while the remake DAWN is mindless junk. It's simply splitting hairs to become so hung up on the categorization that you miss the point.
    I find the comment that Dawn '04 is "mindless junk" rather mindless. How? Based on what? In the original you have a group of people tring to survive and in '04 you have the same. Both movies dropped the ball as far as the fact that there would be no power at the mall. Both movies had social comments. I find it funny that there are two sides here. I guess if you take the mentality of Dubious and switch to music then every rock & roll song made after Elvis is "mindless junk". Better yet every horror movie made after the first is "mindless junk". I don't buy that at all. These are two fantastic movies in their own right. Both are a blast to watch. Why is it that fans of the original complain about the slow point in '04 yet the same can be said of the original as well. Talk about splitting hairs. Wow.

    [QUOTE=bd2999;135843] I really hated the character of Anna. Really hated her. I know we are supposed to sympothize with her, but she forgets her bf in a few weeks and is ready to move on (alright fine but you watched him die and come after you, that has to count for something but we are all ready for some love right away),

    This isn't uncommon at all in people. A husband or wife can lose their partner and turn to someone very qucikly. Ever hear the phrase 'rebound'? When people have something very emotional or tragic happen they are qucik for find somethng to cling to. It's normal. You could also see this in the original Dawn as well. When 'flyboy' bought the farm didn't you sense something between his gal and the blackguy? To be honest you could sense it alittle before 'flyboy' died.

    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    You missed out hubbies eyes going all funny (in just a few mins)! And of course this didn't seem to happen to any other zombies!
    Again another point made by someone who didn't pay attention to Dawn '04. The eyes changing did happen through out this movie. From the fat lady to the gals dad to the new born baby. What movie were you watching by the way I'm just curious.

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    I was more groaning at the animal/dinosaur/cougar-like noises they made. They may be zombies, but they've still got human vocal chords.
    First off you are dealing with things that have a very basic mentality. Also, when it comes to their vocal chords how would they sound? I hate to turn this into a science thing but if theie other organs aren't working then would the vocal cords still have moisture and work as they do when you are alive? Sort of like 'cavemen' without the body producing all the moisture that keeps things running well. Just a thought.

    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    Funny that a channel directed towards black people plays it when the two black characters are some of the most generic, cardboard, and cookie cutter characters ever on film. They could've just inserted this guy into the movie twice and it would have the same effect:
    That's BS. You have two totally different characters. One being a street thug and the other a well grounded man who's trying to hook up with what he thinks is left of his family, his brother. Simply amazing you think this way. When the street thug sees the world going to hell he is trying to do what he thinks is the right thing for once in his life. He finally gets it that there is something bigger than himself. Yet folks whom claim there is NO social comentary in this movie misses it when Zack Snyder it hits them smack dab in the face with it. If only more people in real life would put the children they bring into this world before them selves the world would be a much better place. That is a HUGE example of social comentary in Dawn '04 and you missed it totally. Heck, that's bigger than any social statement I've heard GAR fans point out in any of his movies. Shame on you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Really? Oh! That still sucked though (IMHO).

    It sort of felt like they were spoon feeding you cos they think the audience is dumb... Look this person is not human anymore, look their eyes have gone all horrible...

    Another example of it's fine if GAR does it and giving other directors heck for doing it. Another fan boy moment. All this dislike of Dawn '04 is really based on nothing at all but pure 100% how dare anyone remake a GAR zombie movie. Childish.

    Quote Originally Posted by MontagMOI View Post
    The Zombie Diaries and Diary Of The Dead are both better zombie films than Dawn 04. And their zombies don't have superpowers.
    I have yet to see TZD (this movie looks very good) but to claim that Diary is better than Dawn '04 is crazy. Diary is GAR's worst to date.

    I also am wondering what the claims folks are making that people in Dawn '04 did stupid things. Like what? People were trying to find a safe place. Two groups made it on foot to the mall while another group in a moving truck tried to reach a posted safe spot that had been over run then got to the mall from there. Makes sense to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dead Hoosier View Post
    I don't think Snyder thought Dawn04 to be anything more than what it was -- a good horror/action flick (with perhaps the best opening in the genre's history), pretty simple-minded, and a great homage to the original. It's the Romero WORSHIPERS -- the same people that critisized Land haters for having too big of expectations -- that have since knocked it.
    You are so dead on right Hoosier. Thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    I'm not a Dawn04 hater - But I'm frustrated by how unecessarily 'empty' it is!
    Empty, how?

    Quote Originally Posted by SRP76 View Post
    You should have kept this list to 10. The other 100 were blatant reaches.
    hahaha I thought the first 10 were reaches so I didn't bother reading the rest.
    Last edited by Redman6565; 01-Jun-2008 at 04:45 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  15. #75
    Just been bitten

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    Quote Originally Posted by dynamitejim View Post
    Great list Minion. One thing that always bugs me is Ving Rhames' character constantly shouting "I gotta find my brutha!" as to why he needs to get out of there. He nevers gives any insight to the relationship with his brother, nor does he listen to any reasoning as to why he shouldn't run out into a million+ swarm of flesh eating corpses. It's perfectly representative of the shoddy characterization that makes it hard for me to enjoy the movie.
    He wanted to get to is brother because it's his brother and he's on a military base. Sounds a little safer than a mall to me. As to why he didn't listen as to why he shouldn't run out into a million+ swarm of flesh eating corpses. Last time I watched the movie it hadn't changed, he didn't do that. I liked Ving in this movie his acting was better than the two cops in the first Dawn.

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Thank you Mista, you get the purpose of this post.

    I've had countless members in various Yawn04 related discussions ask exactly what I don't like about the movie, and while you can still find all the various reasons that exist around (rather than within) the movie by doing a search of the forum using the search function, I decided to do a definitive "in movie" bitch-list to clearly lay it all out - and, as you rightly point out - have a bit of fun in the process.

    But for some reason the humour has been ignored and the fun's been sapped out of it.

    It still makes me chuckle though, and it was specifically aimed at people who either fancied a chuckle or who held a similar view of the film to me.

    As I've said before, if someone wants to do a bitch-list for Land, by all means. I most likely won't read it, but I'll respect it as someone's opinion, heck even as humour if I find it funny.

    Otherwise, indeed, stop taking this list so seriously.
    I think this was a GREAT thread. Why people can't stay on topic is funny to me. Why compare Dawn '04 with Land? I think both versions of Dawn are great and a lot of the bitching aimed atDawn '04 was pathetic at best. I hope I made my points well enough for people to step back and think about what they were saying. Maybe rethink their complaints a little bit. I find it odd that a zombie fan can't enjoy both these movies. Pretty sad.

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Thank you Mista, you get the purpose of this post.

    I've had countless members in various Yawn04 related discussions ask exactly what I don't like about the movie, and while you can still find all the various reasons that exist around (rather than within) the movie by doing a search of the forum using the search function, I decided to do a definitive "in movie" bitch-list to clearly lay it all out - and, as you rightly point out - have a bit of fun in the process.

    But for some reason the humour has been ignored and the fun's been sapped out of it.

    It still makes me chuckle though, and it was specifically aimed at people who either fancied a chuckle or who held a similar view of the film to me.

    As I've said before, if someone wants to do a bitch-list for Land, by all means. I most likely won't read it, but I'll respect it as someone's opinion, heck even as humour if I find it funny.

    Otherwise, indeed, stop taking this list so seriously.
    I think this was a GREAT thread. Why people can't stay on topic is funny to me. Why compare Dawn '04 with Land? I think both versions of Dawn are great and a lot of the bitching aimed at Dawn '04 was pathetic at best. I hope I made my points well enough for people to step back and think about what they were saying. Maybe rethink their complaints a little bit. I find it odd that a zombie fan can't enjoy both these movies. Pretty sad.

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Thank you Mista, you get the purpose of this post.

    I've had countless members in various Yawn04 related discussions ask exactly what I don't like about the movie, and while you can still find all the various reasons that exist around (rather than within) the movie by doing a search of the forum using the search function, I decided to do a definitive "in movie" bitch-list to clearly lay it all out - and, as you rightly point out - have a bit of fun in the process.

    But for some reason the humour has been ignored and the fun's been sapped out of it.

    It still makes me chuckle though, and it was specifically aimed at people who either fancied a chuckle or who held a similar view of the film to me.

    As I've said before, if someone wants to do a bitch-list for Land, by all means. I most likely won't read it, but I'll respect it as someone's opinion, heck even as humour if I find it funny.

    Otherwise, indeed, stop taking this list so seriously.
    I think this was a GREAT thread. Why people can't stay on topic is funny to me. Why compare Dawn '04 with Land? I think both versions of Dawn are great and a lot of the bitching aimed at Dawn '04 was pathetic at best. I hope I made my points well enough for people to step back and think about what they were saying. Maybe rethink their complaints a little bit. I find it odd that a zombie fan can't enjoy both these movies. Pretty sad. This was fun.
    Last edited by Redman6565; 01-Jun-2008 at 05:04 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


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