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Thread: My latest filmproject

  1. #1
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    My latest filmproject

    So, I'm studying practical film and I came around doing this years final project. My own script, I directed etc. etc. There were four projects in all. Mine was the second to get filmed. It turned out... Well, much better than I expected.

    Much of it is thanks to the camera we decided to use. A DSR 500. Digital camera with good a good optic lens.

    It's basicly a cheesy horror film. But much of it was my way of experimenting. The lightning, for instance, is in bright primary colours, such as in a Dario Argento film. Then there's some gothic imagery of a church. Worked out very well. It's gonna be a joy to edit this film. Hopefully, It'll fall under 10 minutes so I can post it on youtube.

  2. #2
    Fresh Meat S&Dproductions's Avatar

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    Like to see it

    Keep us updated!

  3. #3
    Twitching jdog's Avatar

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    awsome man. i am going to shoot a film this fall with friends and such. its going to be a slasher movie with a 80,s vibe to it.
    good luck with the editing and maybe we can see it sometime.
    we keep it real gangsta down here in canada. ehh

  4. #4
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I look forward to checking it out on YouTube as-and-when, sounds cool.

    A documentary I've been working on for a long time now has just been finished (I was DoP, did some editing on it also, as well as technical advice), it's now all about festival touring and then a DVD release, so I'll get to see a copy of the DVD next week I think ... my point being, things seem to be coming along for a variety of us chaps here at HPOTD.

    Hellsing's got his fabled iMac today, Deej has Trapped near the end of shooting, your schooling is coming along nicely ... good things are going on.

  5. #5
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Hellsing's got his fabled iMac today, Deej has Trapped near the end of shooting, your schooling is coming along nicely ... good things are going on.
    plus a good sony hd camera son an' all so i can get shooting on my comedy feature ive been writing.
    though i really want to work more on my lighting and special effects skills, im good with sound but lighting plays a real integral part but i never get it just right yknow?

  6. #6
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Just experiment, get a bunch of shorts under your belt, put something on friggin' YouTube already and just progress as we all do.

  7. #7
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Just experiment, get a bunch of shorts under your belt, put something on friggin' YouTube already and just progress as we all do.
    the reason i put any of my serious stuff on youtube is because theres some pretty dodgy stuff about copyright, like how a few years back any picture you took and mailed via yahoo became copyrighted to yahoo, its something like if you have not shown the video anywhere else before hand youtube gets the copyright for the video or something, im not sure and wouldn't risk it with anything serious till i am yknow? dont

  8. #8
    Dying C5NOTLD's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    the reason i put any of my serious stuff on youtube is because theres some pretty dodgy stuff about copyright, like how a few years back any picture you took and mailed via yahoo became copyrighted to yahoo, its something like if you have not shown the video anywhere else before hand youtube gets the copyright for the video or something, im not sure and wouldn't risk it with anything serious till i am yknow? dont
    That's not how copyrights work. If you copyright your work then it's yours. Not Yahoos. Uploading a video doesn't transfer a copyright.

    On youtube their terms of service states that users may upload videos only with permission of the copyright holder.

    The uploader grants YouTube a license to distribute and modify the uploaded material for any purpose; this license terminates when the uploader deletes the material from the site.

    That's one of the things I don't understand about film schools - why they don't teach their students about copyright law early on. If you are in film school make sure you take business law. Hopefully your school will have a entertainment law course. You should always copyright your work whether you upload it online or not.
    Last edited by C5NOTLD; 11-Apr-2008 at 09:27 PM.

  9. #9
    Fresh Meat GingeUK's Avatar

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    Hellsing, you should check out Shooting People. It's a great place to showcase your work for other people in the industry. You do have to pay £30 a year for the account, but you get some really good daily newsletters showcasing job opportunities that you might be interested in.

  10. #10
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C5NOTLD View Post
    That's not how copyrights work. If you copyright your work then it's yours. Not Yahoos. Uploading a video doesn't transfer a copyright.

    On youtube their terms of service states that users may upload videos only with permission of the copyright holder.

    The uploader grants YouTube a license to distribute and modify the uploaded material for any purpose; this license terminates when the uploader deletes the material from the site.

    That's one of the things I don't understand about film schools - why they don't teach their students about copyright law early on. If you are in film school make sure you take business law. Hopefully your school will have a entertainment law course. You should always copyright your work whether you upload it online or not.
    i know yahoo got into a lot of trouble for it and dont do it anymore, this was around the turn of the century i think.
    and yeah weve spent a good hour of every day on copyright and stuff, if you know your way around it its a lot less constricting than youd think, but you gotta be careful.

    though that new green sheet labours trying to put into effect should grind everyones gears here, that you need permission to shoot film or take pictures or record sound outside your house.
    and that means everywere, if you are standing out on a beach and filming the ocean this bill dictates you need to ask someones permission to film the ocean, and that could be anyone.
    its to give celebrities more privacy and because people are paranoid about pedophilles but this fear mongering is terrible for people who are just getting started let alone beginning to deal with the likes of copyright, risk assesments and on the job insurance and stuff.

    and now folks, stage right mr m.zombie to take on form were i leave off, good fry.

  11. #11
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    though that new green sheet labours trying to put into effect should grind everyones gears here, that you need permission to shoot film or take pictures or record sound outside your house.
    and that means everywere, if you are standing out on a beach and filming the ocean this bill dictates you need to ask someones permission to film the ocean, and that could be anyone.
    its to give celebrities more privacy and because people are paranoid about pedophilles but this fear mongering is terrible for people who are just getting started let alone beginning to deal with the likes of copyright, risk assesments and on the job insurance and stuff.

    and now folks, stage right mr m.zombie to take on form were i leave off, good fry.

    Above: Massive C*nt.

    As for this absolutely retarded idea they've got, the long grass is calling that - YET ANOTHER piece of nonsensical legislation that is both unworkable, and a complete affront to freedom. An absolute waste of time, a complete joke and a massive slap in the face to common sense and getting something worthwhile done when at work.

    Gordon Brown and his stupid f*cking gubment can f*ck himself up his own arse like the gigantic prat he is.


    Hadn't had an anti-Labour de-venoming in a while, so there we go...all neutral PH'd in my gut now.

  12. #12
    Dying C5NOTLD's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    though that new green sheet labours trying to put into effect should grind everyones gears here, that you need permission to shoot film or take pictures or record sound outside your house.
    and that means everywere, if you are standing out on a beach and filming the ocean this bill dictates you need to ask someones permission to film the ocean, and that could be anyone.
    its to give celebrities more privacy and because people are paranoid about pedophilles but this fear mongering is terrible for people who are just getting started let alone beginning to deal with the likes of copyright, risk assesments and on the job insurance and stuff.

    and now folks, stage right mr m.zombie to take on form were i leave off, good fry.
    Wow - that's really disturbing. Especially when you consider doesn't the UK have more govt survelliance cameras mounted on street corners filming everything and everybody than anywhere else? (something like 1 camera for every 14 people)

  13. #13
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Yeah, the UK is apparently the most watched nation in the world - camera wise.

    Traffic cameras are now gonna be used to fine people who drop litter from cars. I certainly don't like people littering, it just seems a bit Orwellian as well as cash-grabbing.

    This retarded green paper (i.e. "yo, we had this idea...") is absolutely unworkable garbage which is a complete affront to basic freedoms, if it even gets to consultation or whatever the next step is, I'd be desperately surprised.

    They don't even give a sh*t anymore, they're not hiding their absolutely disgusting legislation, or ideas, or actions, they just don't give a sh*t anymore. Get these f*ckers out now.


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