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Thread: My film classes first contracted video

  1. #1
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    My film classes first contracted video

    not oscar worthy but its getting your name out there i guess.

  2. #2
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    It's a good little public info vid I say.

    We've all got to start somewhere. I've been there myself and it's all good experience and you can usually find some such work here and there.

    Did you get full run of that bus for shooting did you?

    You're out there and you've started, Sir.

    Next step, or next-next step rather is your first big project (medium projects come after things like the bus video, or for me it was the BBC Local TV Pilot, then comes your first big project) ... my first "big project" (Contempt of Conscience) will be coming out this year (on DVD and hopefully TV).

    All rungs on the ladder, Sir. Welcome to the long climb.

  3. #3
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    actually i did very little in this one, i was ill on the filming day and ive actually declined to go to this certificate ceremony with the council because i dont feel i did enough to steal other peoples thunder, if i worked my ass off like the school one weve been doing then by all means i would but it just doesnt sit right karam wise with me.

    ...and going to a stuffy council moot at 6pm on my 20th birthdays got nothign to do with avoiding it

    -AND HE PUT DAN SMITH IN THE CREDITS!!!!!, i said "paul, what the hell?!?, im Danny, "dan" is some tracksuit wearing, burberry cap wearing mohawked chav skeezer!"

    he then suggested daniel and whilst thats on my brith certificate its like a cult members name or something.

  4. #4
    Fresh Meat S&Dproductions's Avatar

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    Not bad

    How did you come across the job?

  5. #5
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    the college actually looked for people desireing contracters for jobs, then they just told there liasons to contact us. and now ive done..... 3 videos for local councils, and my teacher training one for nationwide release wich i should be finishing this month ive got no pay but my name on credits so its the beginnings of a showreel yknow?
    In fact i was told today in a lecture that in between the end of this year in 6 weeks and the start of the next one in september its MANDATORY to have done a few projects on your own were you scout out jobs and do them, if you havent done one you dont get into the second year.
    but its all a good kick up the arse really, in 6 weeks ill have a moderatly proffessional website, a small showreel and filmmakers CV and loads of knowledge about working more advanced programs, including special effects and stuff like the 50 odd page production packs a proffesional filmmaker has to do for each project (i was up till midnight wokring on one of those sumbitches....)
    ive actually sort of held off job searching because by the ned of the 2nd year, if i can finish and keep a high calibre of work im sure ill be working proffessionally, the way this course is done you cant not be.
    theyve advised to start on weddings, so other people there will see you, ask for a buisness card and then call up for there own weddings, but the responsibility of recording someones wedding is a bit heavy yknow?, im gonna try for more public info vids and whatnot first.
    but yeah, to get the work make sure even the most insigniicant stuff you film is shot in a crowded area, someone will allways ask what its about and you never know if youll be speaking to your next hirer yknow?

    but overall its not bad, ive got a mac and proffessional editing suites coming next week, a good film camera a few weeks after, and my prof said the school actually turned away requests for us to do videos and said he could, on the sly, pass them onto us to do them ourselves outside of school for moolah for a 2 year course and only 4 grand its definatley worth it, weve covered animation, special effects, blue screen subtitling, commentarys, set building, weve had free runs of buses and bus stations, entire schools and overall im really glad i took the course, like mz said its a small step up the ladder only, but its a good start to give you a rounded base to start a career from.

    im still working on my own stuff, in fact i might, might, be working on something to finally put up on here, just somethign to get me into using my new imac and adobe master collection package and whatnot, ive gotta say though, coinciding with what the guy behind night ''07 said, ive kinda grown tired of , not wathcing horror, god no, but i dont feel the drive to make one myself right now, in fact ive wavered more and more to comedy over the last year, ive been working on a script right now thats got bits fo spaced, superbad and haggard all mixed together, yknow, quotes shamelessly stolen kvein smith style and the like, cus who doesnt like a good ghostbusters or back to the future reference?

  6. #6
    Fresh Meat S&Dproductions's Avatar

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    Sounds Good

    I had gotten a gig at a camp doing videos and shorts. We filmed a few of the plays and such. Had a few guys come up to me and ask about what I was doing and so on. Wish I had a business card to give him.
    The small community projects realy don't interest me but if any ever came my way I wouldn't hesitate to turn them down.

  7. #7
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    these things dont interest me very much either but you gotta start somewere and when i start actually getting paid for these itll pay the bills whilst i work on my own features and shorts and whatnot.

  8. #8
    Fresh Meat S&Dproductions's Avatar

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    Community Videos

    Atleast the paying ones are ok. The camp gig I got paid $8.50 per hour. Didn't pay the bills but it's a gig.
    Knew a guy in my film class in high school who got a job to film a funeral. Kinda creepy if you ask me. Sometimes family's of the deceased have a photographer take pictures too.
    Mainly community gigs don't interest me because it does not coincide with the image. I know image is kinda sellout, but it sells. When you got Wes Craven directing Music of the Heart it kinda makes his track record look bad.
    Directors hate getting classified as horror. I don't! That's my life long dream to be a recognizable horror director. I find if you aim low enough it'll happen.

  9. #9
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    id rather like my stuff to be seen in mroe the kvein smith/judd apatow variety of filmmaking, thats if anyone finds my stuff remotely funny of course.

  10. #10
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    If you want to get your name out there, I suggest putting your registered name, such as Daniel instead of Danny.

  11. #11
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    ...why?, whats your logic to that?, sure on official paperwork ill put daniel but ive been called Danny since, well, forever and if someone can get away witht he likes of "rob zombie" im pretty sure abreviations are okay.

  12. #12
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    ...why?, whats your logic to that?, sure on official paperwork ill put daniel but ive been called Danny since, well, forever and if someone can get away witht he likes of "rob zombie" im pretty sure abreviations are okay.
    Because it's always best to get your REAL name out there, and not some nickname by which you are not registered, in case somebody tries to look you up and has an offer or so. It makes them easier for them, and a greater benefit for you.

  13. #13
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    ive never done any work, or even school exams a anything other than danny, when i was in the paper for an award for this it said "Danny", if people want to look me up, Danny Smith's what to look for, the only thing that says otherwise is my birth certificate.

  14. #14
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    If people wanna get in touch with you, they'll do it via the internet, via your CV, via someone that knows you/knows of you/through an organisation you're involved with.

    I've had works through people that know somebody I've worked with, or through an organisation I've been involved with. Personally anyway, I've found all work comes through either my own findings, or through other people.


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