Quote Originally Posted by kidgloves View Post
To top it all off. Quite a few people have been receiving used/returned/repaired sets of drums that were the original design that didn't stand up too well to prolonged use. My own set of drums are the 1st run model where its been PROVEN that they break after 6/7 months. They have been redesigned so why not give me the new and improved set
They break because people beat on them much too hard and also people do not use the foot pedal correctly, they only place the tip of their foot on it and not their entire foot like it was designed for thusly snapping the pedal in the middle when they stomp on the pedal. Most people I know who have broken the drumset have done so accordingly. So if anything, it has been proven that the drums break after prolonged abuse.

As for the 6/7 months thing, the game has only been out 6 months (Came out in November so Nov to Dec = 1 month Dec to Jan = 2 and so on).

Anyway, it sucks that Europe is getting raped on the price. The game is very fun even at its hefty price tag.