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Thread: Deadlands 2: Trapped Work Print Status

  1. #1
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Deadlands 2: Trapped Work Print Status

    For the last 4 days in a row I have been hammering out a work print of the film, and as of today I have about 15% of the films edit completed. I originally had over 50% but I scrapped that edit and started over from scratch... simply because there is just so much footage to choose from and I wasn't sure just how I could make the cut work while not only delivering an 80 minute movie, but a film paced well too.

    So I started with the Jim Krut scenes and re-cut that entire sequence from begining to end. Originally it lasted 1:45, now it is over 3:30 alone. Some time ago I posted a clip online of our survivors talking about whats going on while sitting in one of the auditoriums, well I didn't completely kill that sequence, but it has been heavily re-cut and put back together, originally running 4 minutes, now closer to 7 minutes.

    By weeks end I expect to have at least 25% of the film cut together and assembled, as I am cutting I am jotting down notes for needed pick-up shots, and I am also scripting more stuff for the massive salughter that is yet to be filmed. Keep tuned to this post for more updates over the next few weeks.

    BTW, A new trailer for both Trapped and Zombthology are being assembled as I type this post. The Trapped trailer should debut in July.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  2. #2
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Over the weekend I watched about 40 minutes of the film in work print status. I burned a DVD for both LouCipherr(Brian Wright) and one of our other composers to use as a generator for musical ideas.

    We did feel the film looks a little dark, which is caused by my use of Magic Bullet on virtually every single frame, so I am going to go back in a brighten the film up a bit this week.

    The pacing seems good, the audio mix was ****e, which was to be expected. The editing looks to be nice and tight on the action and gore squences. For you gore hounds don't expect the amount of gore found in Deadlands: The Rising, I actually toned this one down a bit

    More updates coming soon.
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  3. #3
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    I burned a DVD for both LouCipherr(Brian Wright)
    speaking of lou - tell that sumbitch hello and he needs to come around a bit more often.

    and on topic, i am really interested in seeing this. all the stuff you have posted has looked pretty damn good.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  4. #4
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Indeed, it's all sounding rather spiffing Sir.

    I certainly look forward to finally getting to see it sometime when it's done.

  5. #5
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    WOW, I can't believe it has been 3 weeks already since the last update. We well the majority of the film, in raw form, is assembled and approximately 60 minutes is what I would considered Semi-Locked (meaning the editing is pretty much done).

    The approximate running time appears to be 1 hour and 44 minutes without beginning and end credits (Add 6 minutes) and without the last big sequence I have yet to shoot( add 5-10 minutes). So we could be looking at a 2 hour + Zombie film in Work print form, however, I will be cutting back most of the film to achieve a 90 minute running time. Thats with opening and end credits.

    I have already compiled about 13 minutes in deleted scenes, nothing major, just sequences I trimmed the fat off of during post production. I am still undecided whether or not I will include those as bonus material on the DVD release.

    On July 19th, I will beholding a work print screening at my house and I invited the cast and some of the crew to join and give me their thoughts.

    I will keep you guys updated as go. Once I assemble the work print another editor will go over my print and tweak the film, then it will be sent for ADR and Sound mixing. (The score is almost complete, since Lou and I, along with 4 other composers are doing the score.)

    Trivia facts:

    Films original Budget: $5,000.00
    Total spent to date: $6,300.00
    Total hours of shot footage: 57 hours
    Total number of Digital Tapes used: 75
    Hard Drive spaced used for footage: 1.7 TB
    Number of cameras used during filming: up to 6 for some sequences (mostly 3 per shooting day.)
    Number of shooting days so far:21 Days (Days remaining approximately 3)
    Number of Extras used: 337
    Number of locations: 7
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  6. #6
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    dont know about you dj but i hate editing, either way i bet your happy to be on the home stretch with something this big huh?

  7. #7
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    I don't hate editing, but this film has been a task simply because of the amount of footage.

    Not too mention that I film things with a very action oriented style, but the film is also a drama and a horror film. So pacing can become an issue.

    One of the sequences I edited last night was originally a 5:50 sequence, but is now over 8 minutes because I had forgot to add in some of the stories more colorful moments. When I added the missing materials it was 10:43, but I trimmed a lot of fat off of it to get it down to 8:13.

    Editing can be fun, but also a task when working with 50+ hours of footage.
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  8. #8
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I'm in two minds about editing, I do like assembling something and being chuffed of it, but then again swimming through tons of footage I don't enjoy.

    Then there's all the uploading and rendering which just bores the tits off me. Also, I can't be doing with a load of techno jargon, so fancier editing isn't something I bother with (things like split screens and green screen and blah blah blah).

    Also, it takes ages and ages, so if I can let someone else editing something, I will.

    Now, if I'm getting paid for it, it's another matter - like a project I'm working on at the moment, I'm shooting and editing it and getting paid to do so. It doesn't require any fancy editing, but the DVD production will go off to someone else, so I'm happy with that.

    Mind you, last year I did loading & logging of footage exclusively for a project, and while I got paid, it was a chore in itself to keep your brain engaged to be honest.

    I do like filming though, it's more immediate and then if you can just hand off your footage to someone else, that's great. Also, I dig the command of directing, I like to organise and such - but not like a producer does (that bores the tits off me also).

    Ah I'll shut up now, besides, I need a bathroom break.

  9. #9
    Survey Time axlish's Avatar

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    Hey DJ, I do written reviews for Deadpit. If you'd like, I'll do a write up for you over there, 5 or 6 paragraphs and some screenshots. Just let me know.

  10. #10
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Thanks Axlish...

    When the film is ready I will hit you up. I won't be sending any work prints out for review this time around though, I decided to wait until the entire film is complete.
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    Survey Time axlish's Avatar

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    Yeah I think that is for the best, it is hard to review a workprint. "I liked it so if they don't **** it up in post, check it out!"

  12. #12
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    New Update....

    The work print is nearly completed. I had a system crash just after my last report and had to start from scratch again, luckily as I trim the new files I rename and Save them to make it easier to find.

    I am about 80% done on the new work print and the film looks to be running 117 Minutes without end credits or opening credits. With the end credits which are completed and together the film runs 125 minutes, which in my opinion is just a little too long. On July 19th I am having a sit down party to watch the first working version of the film with some of the cast and crew and from there I will decide what needs to be cut from the film.

    I figure we will cut about 20 more minutes out of the film. I am aiming for a running time somewhere between 80 and 100 minutes. 100 is my max, 80 is my minimum.

    Will keep you all posted.
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  13. #13
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Another new Update:

    This past weekend, Director and Friend, Lonnie Martin(Women's Studies) and I sat down and watched the 45 minutes of the film that was edited and coherent. He gave me some notes on the opening 15 minutes, and that was about it, the 24:00 mark til the 60 minute mark of the film he had no comments or notes, he sat back and said he was in awwww. He turned to me and said "this kicks the **** out of Deadlands 1 by 10 miles..." I believe that was his quote. He mentioned the darker tone of the film, honing in on the dialog and the violence. Although Dead 2 doesn't have the amount of gore in Dead 1, I ratched up the overall violence and tension quite a bit.

    Dead 2 moves at a very quick pace, and I am looking at ways to slow it down just a bit. Although Lonnie had no complaints, I felt it was moving too fast and maybe jumped ahead a little too fast, so I am wondering what will be done to fix this pacing problem.

    Lonnie and I also discussed Dead 3, which is on the cusp of getting made, but if anyone here follows my My Space blog I may not be involved with Dead 3. I am seriously debating whether I want to continue making films, right to the point I am considering not finishing Dead 2. The experience of dealing with the industry to make a big budget Dead film has been one of the worst of my life. The studio praises the script Lonnie and I turned in, but then wants to water it down with dumb ****ing changes that will only hurt the story, not too mention they want free re-writes. Lonnie and I discussed this and while I have not made my final decision on Dead 3, if I do not direct I said the only way I would sign off on the rights is if Lonnie directs.

    Finishing Dead 2 is another issue. Because of the BS going on with Dead 3, I was so pissed that I stopped all production on Dead 2. Contacted the cast & crew and announced I would sell the film to the producers of Zombthology to finish. While making movies can be fun, it can also be a nightmare. The business behind it is very shady and can be one of the biggest back stabbing events you can ever go through. Now I have had no problems with the producers of Dead 2, in fact they have pretty much let me do my own thing from the get go, and those are the kind of people I like to work with, but getting involved in a bigger production makes things a bigger pain in the ass and as I said the situation with Dead 3 has turned me off to filmmaking as a whole.

    However, I may just finish Dead 2 and call it quits from there. My entire goal was too only make one film, doing Dead 2 was a bonus, and a fun bonus so I may finish this one just to get it done, and leave it in the air from there. Only time will tell.

    Last edited by DjfunkmasterG; 21-Jul-2008 at 07:15 PM.
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  14. #14
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    ****! I'm stunned things have left such a bad taste in your mouth regarding the industry
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  15. #15
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Whatever you do Deej, at the very least finish Deadlands 2 - because from what I've seen, it looks f*cking awesome.

    All I can say really, is to try and not think about Deadlands 3 too much as possible, and try not to connect it to Deadlands 2 - they seem to be quite different in terms of levels of filmmaking, Dead 2 being more indie, and Dead 3 being bigger as you say - even studio level.

    You're a fighter by nature, at least that's how it seems, so perhaps with Deadlands 3, just fight your corner and be stubborn as hell (within reason, not stubborn like Hitler or something, lol, but you know what I mean).

    If they studio wants to get it made, they'll want to get it made, but you just have to show you won't be pushed around.

    Whatever you f*ckin' do - FINISH DEADLANDS 2.

    Seriously dude, that movie is looking f*cking awesome, and in turn I think it could buy you more wrestling power with the suits.

    Only make decisions on a calm mind, I know I've felt really down in the dumps with my career (it's a long road alright), sometimes I get so blasted down that I do think "I might as well say f*cking it", but that's not the best attitude.

    It's about working through the sh*t and the knocks.

    So essentially:

    2) Stand your ground, and just flat-out refuse silly suggestions from the suits and explain why with common sense. It's a case of two dams holding back water, which one's gonna crack first? Don't let it be you.

    Keep fighting on, I guarantee you Deadlands 2 will be well-received, I believe in that film so much and I know it'll do really well.

    You've got talent, Sir, keep going.


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