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Thread: Diary of the Dead 2 Production Begins (?)

  1. #31
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    I'll see it, but I'm not hyped. But a zombie film is always a zombie film. I'm sure I'll get some pleasure out of it, and who knows, it might actually turn out to be great.

  2. #32
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    I liked Diary. Good film, entertaining, scary, funny. Not great, nor is it his best but it sure as hell ain't s*it.

  3. #33
    Rising Trin's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    I don't think Day was that hated prior to Land coming out, in fact on the contrary I think it was loved a lot (and still is). The general air of hatred surrounding it seemed to be during the 1980s, by the time HPOTD was off and running Day was generally considered to be a great film and that was always the impression I've gotten from the members over my past decade here.
    That's true. I'd go a step further and say that while Day wasn't a big hit with the critics and with plenty of general horror fans, the GAR faithful quickly warmed up to it.

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    I do think that Land was the 'new kid on the block' and was always going to be somewhat separated from Night, Dawn and Day.
    I think people were willing to accept Land into the series. They were positively giddy over the idea of it. You yourself have said all along that Land was killed because of too high expectations. People don't generate high expectations over a movie they aren't willing to embrace in the first place.

    Attribute all the reasons you want to the relative success of Land and Diary but the simple truth is that the circumstances of the release of these movies is not the issue. The quality of the movies is. If GAR turns out a really great zombie movie all the newness and expectation problems won't matter a bit. People will love it and accept it.

    I'll see Diary 2. I'll see Diary 3, 4, 9, 15, and 99 if it goes that far. And I hope it does.

  4. #34
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I didn't mean "cos it's new, it's not accepted", I meant that there's always gonna be a slight bit of awkwardness when a sequel comes along 20 years later.

    The previous movies have been viewed FAR MANY MORE TIMES than Land has, by the GAR faithful, and it's like a sibling who's say ten years younger, there's always gonna be that awkwardness or degree of separation - but they're STILL accepted into the family. See what I'm trying to get at?

    Also, with a number of fans - those of my age and younger - all three dead flicks had already been made and released before they were born (Day was released the year after I rocked up in the world), or indeed by the time other slightly older fans got around to getting into the flicks, they were again already in existence ... which is a totally different way of viewing a flick. Catching up in hindsight, and then waiting for a movie to come out, then seeing it are two different ways of movie viewing.

    I didn't have that with Land, I was stoked to have a new one, and I see it as a continuation from Day.

    As for "quality", again, clearly only the haters of them see any quality problems, or indeed there are lovers/likers who might see quality issues, or minor problems, but just see beyond them/ignore them as they have far more positives after their viewing of the film.

    As for expectation, again, it's not an issue of "acceptance", it's an issue of fan's minds left to stew and come up with their ideal 4th movie ... but Land was only ever going to be GAR's movie, and it's a case of whether people dig that or not, and I think that some people ended up disliking or flat out hating Land because it didn't meet their expectations. Again - MY view, and SOME people.

    Still though - Land and Diary have both been received positively by the majority of HPOTD.

    That's all I was trying to get at, can't make myself any clearer. I'm not getting arsey either, so calm down people of HPOTD.

  5. #35
    Rising Trin's Avatar

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    Yeah, I get what yer saying. I just get cheesed when people try to find niggly little excuses for why the newer Dead movies are getting criticized that don't acknowledge the #1 reason a movie gets criticized - it's quality. It's like people aren't willing to look the problem in the eye, you know?

    I'm just saying that if the newer Dead movies recieve harsher criticism - maybe, just maybe - it's because they are actually worse movies. Not saying they aren't worthy additions to the series, or that a person is wrong to like them. But it could be evidence that within the series the movies are going downhill. Enough people around here rate Land and Diary as their two least favorites that it makes sense.

    I'm also looking back to when Night & Dawn came out. It was just wow. They were universally loved. It wasn't just zombie fans, or even just horror fans. It didn't take repeated viewings or some indefinite warming up period. Right out of the chute those movies were hits. So forgive me but I scoff at the comments that Land & Diary are well accepted. Yes, within the microcosm of HPOTD they are. That's proven. But by the standards of Night & Dawn they're just not. Nor will they ever be. That ship has sailed.

    I wish they were that loved. It would mean a much brighter future for GAR and zombie movies in general.

    I still have hope that Diary 2 (or whatever future Dead movie we get) is going to be a step up and elevate the franchise back to where it belongs. I'd like to see GAR turning down deals rather than begging for them.

  6. #36
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    *steps in with big clock around neck*

    " Yeahhhhhhh Boyeeeeee!!!!!"

    *crosses arms around chest and stares MZ down*

    "When the dead walk, we must stop the killing, or lose the war."

  7. #37
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    *puts Proton Pack on*

    "Throw it!"

    *gives Clanglee a cheeky grin and gives him a wee zap*

    Ya cheeky beggar.

  8. #38
    Chasing Prey Yojimbo's Avatar

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    (Saying this as one among those who actually liked "Diary")

    Personally, I would have liked to have seen GAR do another zombie film - not a "sequel" per se, but with a new set of characters. (Wondering if they are going to continue in this "sequel" with the first person camera bit?)

    But all that having been said, I agree with those that at least it is another zombie film- always up for that. Not only is it in the particular niche of the horror genre that I enjoy, but it is by George A. Romero, a man who I not only respect but also a director/writer who's films I have consistenly enjoyed watching for over 30+ years.

    I know that unlike me, many of my friends here did not like Diary, but that notwithstanding I am sure that most will concede that as a zombie film "Diary" was far, far better than most of what is being offered to us in the zombie genre.

    As to whether or not I will like this so-called "Diary 2" I will reserve judgement until I get a chance to see it, as those here who are fair minded will also do.
    Originally Posted by EvilNed
    As a much wiser man than I once said: "We must stop the banning - or loose the war."

  9. #39
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    *puts Proton Pack on*

    "Throw it!"

    *gives Clanglee a cheeky grin and gives him a wee zap*

    Ya cheeky beggar.
    *insert Stimpy's happy scream*

    You're my new best friend for that one.

  10. #40
    Walking Dead DubiousComforts's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Trin View Post
    Yeah, I get what yer saying. I just get cheesed when people try to find niggly little excuses for why the newer Dead movies are getting criticized that don't acknowledge the #1 reason a movie gets criticized - it's quality. It's like people aren't willing to look the problem in the eye, you know?
    The "quality" that you're speaking of is in the eye of the beholder. It's obvious to any grade-schooler that Romero's latest films are produced at a far higher technical level than his earlier efforts which are now considered "classics" despite the technical limitations. Neither DAWN nor NIGHT were universally loved when first released. To claim as much now is to look back on the past through rose-colored glasses.

    Just a suggestion, but perhaps you won't feel "cheesed" if you didn't justify your dislike of a film by trying to find criticism with the aspects that others enjoy.

  11. #41
    Dead Mutineer's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    I'll see it, but I'm not hyped. But a zombie film is always a zombie film. I'm sure I'll get some pleasure out of it, and who knows, it might actually turn out to be great.

    True true.

  12. #42
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    *insert Stimpy's happy scream*

    You're my new best friend for that one.

  13. #43
    Rising Trin's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DubiousComforts View Post
    The "quality" that you're speaking of is in the eye of the beholder. It's obvious to any grade-schooler that Romero's latest films are produced at a far higher technical level than his earlier efforts which are now considered "classics" despite the technical limitations. Neither DAWN nor NIGHT were universally loved when first released. To claim as much now is to look back on the past through rose-colored glasses.

    Just a suggestion, but perhaps you won't feel "cheesed" if you didn't justify your dislike of a film by trying to find criticism with the aspects that others enjoy.
    Yes, the quality is in the eye of the beholder. And look at how many people on this forum think Land and Diary are the two worst.

    And any high-schooler can make a film that is better technically than what Romero made in '68. So that makes Diary a better quality film than Night? Day '08 is better quality technically too.

    Rose colored glasses. Feel free to tell yourselves that Land and Diary are doing as well as Night and Dawn did. I'll get out of your way.

  14. #44
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DubiousComforts View Post
    The "quality" that you're speaking of is in the eye of the beholder. It's obvious to any grade-schooler that Romero's latest films are produced at a far higher technical level than his earlier efforts which are now considered "classics" despite the technical limitations. Neither DAWN nor NIGHT were universally loved when first released. To claim as much now is to look back on the past through rose-colored glasses.

    Just a suggestion, but perhaps you won't feel "cheesed" if you didn't justify your dislike of a film by trying to find criticism with the aspects that others enjoy.
    Come on man. . I don't think anyone was suggesting that the technical quality was worse in the new movies. . .The "quality" in this case refers to the story, the passion, and the originality of the first three movies, that is lacking in the last 2. Especially in the case of Diary.
    "When the dead walk, we must stop the killing, or lose the war."

  15. #45
    Filming begins in Toronto on September 15th.

    Click for article.


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