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Thread: The Dark Knight to be re-released

  1. #46
    Rising Chic Freak's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    I think Keira is fly, but I recently caught a few of her snipits of off the cuff discussion in interviews etc. and realized how...terribly...young she is, as in 'doesn't have a clue' young.
    Aye, and so whiny. Hence my "allergy", she just brings me out in irritation!

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Chic - I'm off to see Pineapple Express tomorrow, not exactly local - we have to drive to a whole other country to see it, best part of 80 or 90 miles round trip ... and yes, Wales IS another country.

    There is a more local cinema - but again, still in Wales, but closer to the border, it's a small independent cinema, but I haven't been to it in years to be honest. But I used to go there quite a bit back in the day.

    There's positives and negatives to each type of cinema really...
    Yeah, I do like how cosy and old school my current local is, it's like taking a trip back to the 50s which is right up my street really! It's just a bit frustrating when they only have 2-3 choices of a movie of an evening.

    I'm just not dedicated enough to drive 90 miles to see a film! The only time I've done that was to see the Land of the Dead preview at Somerset House, but that was a special occassion!
    La freak, c'est chic!


  2. #47
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    hehe, it is a bit crazy to drive all that distance, but then again it's for the choice and to see films in their first week, in big chairs that are comfortable, on a far bigger screen with better sound ... even if it is all a bit heartless and there's occasionally morons running about in the lobby (although generally it's all rather respectful, only in Step Brothers two weeks ago did we have two stupid girls up at the back screaming some illegibal bit of "comedy" at the screen, nobody knew what they were saying, nobody laughed except them, and they were drowned out by the actual laughter at the actual movie, which was nice and loud in itself).

    It's also a bit of a lads night out on these big trips t'cinema, so you can all laugh and joke during the journey, listen to some choons on the stereo etc you know.

    But yep ... that's rural living for ya, you have to drive in cars to places as they're quite a distance away ... something those Lahdahn-based politicians don't grasp whatsoever.

  3. #48
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    man, after driving that far to see pineapple express your gonna be disappointed. anchorman, hell, walk hard was a funnier movie. pineapple express was so predictable and mediocre i actually walked out with 40 minutes to go, i have NEVER done that before. it was jsut so lame i thought "there is better stuff i can do in the next hour" and promptly left.

    hands down apatows worst flick.

  4. #49
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    man, after driving that far to see pineapple express your gonna be disappointed. anchorman, hell, walk hard was a funnier movie. pineapple express was so predictable and mediocre i actually walked out with 40 minutes to go, i have NEVER done that before. it was jsut so lame i thought "there is better stuff i can do in the next hour" and promptly left.

    hands down apatows worst flick.

    1) You walked out with 40 minutes left - FAIL!
    2) I've rather enjoyed all Apatow flicks.
    3) Total Film really liked it - and 95% of the time I agree with their reviews.
    4) You're a total bucket of jaded most of the time.
    5) I know what I'm gonna like and what I'm gonna hate most of the time.

  5. #50
    Rising Chic Freak's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    It's also a bit of a lads night out on these big trips t'cinema, so you can all laugh and joke during the journey, listen to some choons on the stereo etc you know.
    Yeah I know what you mean, those sorts of evenings are always kind of chilled and cosy. Virtually all my friends from the age of 13 have been male so I'm sort of genderless in their eyes and we have vaguely lads-ish nights out

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    But yep ... that's rural living for ya, you have to drive in cars to places as they're quite a distance away ... something those Lahdahn-based politicians don't grasp whatsoever.
    I'm not even taking my car to London, it's either getting sold to someone gullible or going to Peugot 106 Heaven. It's a shame really as I have a lot of happy memories in that car but there's really no sense keeping it in London with nowhere to park it and a Tube station 5 minutes away.
    La freak, c'est chic!


  6. #51
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Exactly, a car in London doesn't make sense - especially with this Oyster Card stuff (providing they make it more secure!), whereas outside major cities - you simply NEED a car, and the majority of Britain isn't a major city...take that London politicians!

  7. #52
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    I have to agree with Hellsing on this one. Pineapple Express isn't worth the time, gas, and money that you would have to put out, MZ. It has it's moments, but it's easily the worst of Apatow's Productions so far.

    I would say wait and see it through rental or other cheaper/free means..

  8. #53
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by SymphonicX View Post
    hmmm, i disagree. I think it's been a huge part of the promotional drive for this movie - it doesn't need to be in the actual promotional material, it's been banded all over the media since the film was in post after Ledger's death. Sorry to be cynical, but it's an overblown, over-long and choppy movie!! Same thing happened with The Crow, pretty much...that was infamous not for being a good movie, but because Lee died during shooting.

    that wasnt true with the crow at all

  9. #54
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Youze guys are talking wank, seriously, "worst" of Apatow's flicks?

    Surely if that goes to anything, it's Drillbit Taylor, which was just alright.

    As for Pineapple Express - got back just now, F*CKING LOVED IT. No joke, I absolutely loved it, we all had a right laugh. I thought it rocked.

    So ner-ner-ner-ner-nerrrrr.


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