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Thread: Conspiracy theory against barry bonds gains traction

  1. #1
    Chasing Prey

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    Conspiracy theory against barry bonds gains traction

    Union says teams acted in concert against Bonds

    NEW YORK (AP)—The baseball players’ union says it has found evidence teams acted in concert against signing Barry Bonds but it reached an agreement with the commissioner’s office to delay the filing of any grievance.

    The union expressed concern in May about the lack of offers to the home run king. Filing a grievance would trigger proceedings before arbitrator Shyam Das.

    Union general counsel Michael Weiner confirmed the deal with Major League Baseball, which was first reported by

    “There were numerous things that occurred that made me believe that the clubs were acting in concert,” Bonds’ agent, Jeff Borris, said Thursday. “When I testify as a witness in the case, I will delineate each and every one of them.”

    Bonds was indicted last Nov. 15 on charges related to 2003 grand jury testimony during which he denied knowingly using performance-enhancing drugs. No team signed Bonds when he became a free agent after the 2007 season.

    “We have the agreement about the timing of a potential grievance,” Weiner said. “Our investigation revealed a violation of the Basic Agreement. It’s a violation of the Basic Agreement related to Barry Bonds and free agency.”

    Weiner said the section that had been violated was Article XX (e) of the collective bargaining agreement, which states, in part: “Players shall not act in concert with other players and clubs shall not act in concert with other clubs.” Weiner would not say how long the agreement runs to allow the union to file a grievance.

    Baseball attorneys repeatedly have denied that teams acted in concert against Bonds. Management lawyer Dan Halem said Thursday that MLB would have no additional comment.

    Bonds pleaded not guilty to 14 counts of making false declarations to a federal grand jury and one count of obstruction of justice, and his trial is scheduled to start March 2. Any grievance is likely to follow the trial.

    “The timing of the filing of the case is between the players’ union and the commissioner’s office,” Borris said.

    After spending a lot of time during the first half of 2008 trying to get Bonds signed, Borris has stopped his efforts.

    “I am convinced based on MLB’s actions in 2008 that they will never let him wear a major league uniform ever again,” he said.

    The players’ association won three collusion grievances in which owners were found to have conspired against free agents following the 1985, 1986 and 1987 seasons. Management agreed in 1990 to settle those cases for $280 million and also agreed to a provision that future collusion would be subject to triple damages.

    sad,but SO TRUE

    i guess he was good enough to put asses in seats, but not good enough to finish his career on his terms. personally i'd like to see him sock the HR record away even more so its unreachable. the red sox and or rays coulda used him right now so the series would be over.

  2. #2
    Rising Bub666's Avatar

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    No team will ever sign Barry Bonds.He will never play baseball again.

  3. #3
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bub666 View Post
    No team will ever sign Barry Bonds.He will never play baseball again.
    im sure people said the same of a black man running for president and actually having a chance to win.

  4. #4
    Survey Time axlish's Avatar

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    Would you hire someone that you were almost certain will be in jail in the near future? Sure he is good enough to play DH somewhere in the AL, but do you want to pay him 15-20 million a year for 26 home runs?

  5. #5
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by axlish View Post
    Would you hire someone that you were almost certain will be in jail in the near future? Sure he is good enough to play DH somewhere in the AL, but do you want to pay him 15-20 million a year for 26 home runs?

    the red sox were gonna sign him just for the DH spot. he can still hit, no question bout that. and uh.... would u turn down a free walk with the chance of a score?

  6. #6
    Survey Time axlish's Avatar

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    There is no question that there are teams that could use him in that spot, the Rays perhaps, but his legal status and his price tag, as well as age make him undesirable.

  7. #7
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by axlish View Post
    There is no question that there are teams that could use him in that spot, the Rays perhaps, but his legal status and his price tag, as well as age make him undesirable.
    you say this like he doesnt deserve it. yet they'd give any one on the yankees that salary with a smile even though it wont bring a title

  8. #8
    Survey Time axlish's Avatar

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    I wasn't implying whether or not he deserved anything, but I will say that playing baseball is a priveledge, not a right.

    If Alex Rodriguez (who will top Barry's record) wanted 40 million a year, he would never field another ground ball.

    Besides, Barry is a douschebag. He is a locker room cancer. If Barry was 27 years old and not facing felonious perjury charges, yes, someone would sign him.

    So tell me this, is there collusion against Roger Clemens? I doubt he is actively pursuing a team, but do you think anyone would hire him? The guy wasn't even invited to the final game ceremonies at Yankee Stadium.

  9. #9
    Rising Bub666's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by axlish View Post
    So tell me this, is there collusion against Roger Clemens? I doubt he is actively pursuing a team, but do you think anyone would hire him? The guy wasn't even invited to the final game ceremonies at Yankee Stadium.
    Just like Barry Bonds,Roger Clemens is never going to play baseball again.They're both in their mid 40's,no team will sign either of them.

  10. #10
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by axlish View Post
    So tell me this, is there collusion against Roger Clemens? I doubt he is actively pursuing a team, but do you think anyone would hire him? The guy wasn't even invited to the final game ceremonies at Yankee Stadium.
    what do u expect from hank steinbrenner? he's a fat toad.


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