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Thread: Kicking off, UK parliamentary style...

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Talking Kicking off, UK parliamentary style...

    I was wondering just a few weeks back what it'd be like if someone barged to that table and just messed it up or grabbed something - and there we are.

    This is all to do with the proposed third runway for Heathrow - which is a really bad idea for several reasons, not least because it'd bulldoze an entire community of 700 homes - I guess the government like China's style.

    And to think that when Terminal 5 was being proposed, they specifically said that a third runway was a preposterous idea and it'd never be sought for - and yet, here we are. B.A and it's cohorts, both in Aviation and Government, can fuck right off.

    And if you think the speaker didn't dispense much power, you should see the guy who's normally in that seat - what a twat.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 16-Jan-2009 at 10:20 AM.

  2. #2
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    I'd love it if he'd wrapped that mace round browns head,that would have been historically brilliant!i too think that extra runway is a waste of time though,and i feel very sorry for the people being forced out of their homes!some of them will have lived there all their lives,possibly even built the house themselves,and along comes that arrogant fuckwit brown & wipes them off the map with the stroke of a pen.
    Its a bit like the wind farm they've started building just down the road from me,there was plenty of opposition against them from residents & a petition was put together,but the man responsible for handing the petition in was actually pro-wind farm & so he just neglected to present the petition & planning permission went through! so now we have those horrible,imposing,inefficient waste of time turbines being built over our homes,great
    Last edited by Tricky; 16-Jan-2009 at 06:55 PM. Reason: 'tarded spelling mistake

  3. #3
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    What is also sick and twisted, is that they bleater on about it being 'for the whole country', yet won't give Parliament (who represent the whole country), a vote on the issue.

    Quite honestly, Labour (aside from the dyed-in-the-wool hardcore ones) would clearly love to just have a one party state, no votes on anything and just have their way.

    The fact that they've gotten the order of power mixed up between them and us is horrifying. It's supposed to be a government serving the nation and providing the opportunity for the nation to use their own responsibility - not the nation bowing down and kissing the foot of government.

    Roll on next election, we simply NEED a change of government. To think of what Labour have pushed through, gotten away with, and driven over in their time is awful.

  4. #4
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    That makes me laugh when they say "its for the whole country" because yet again they've assumed that there is nothing in the UK north of Oxford, if it really was for the whole country then it would be slap bang in the middle so it was equally accessible to all of us,maybe at manchester or somewhere like that!

  5. #5
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    That makes me laugh when they say "its for the whole country" because yet again they've assumed that there is nothing in the UK north of Oxford, if it really was for the whole country then it would be slap bang in the middle so it was equally accessible to all of us,maybe at manchester or somewhere like that!
    I know it's ridiculous! It should be spread out throughout the country somewhere that doesn't involve flood plains or bulldozing over people's communities. And what's more - with the proposed third runway, there would be another community surrounded on three sides by airport. That's messed up too.

    It needs to be spread out - have one in the lower part of the north - so it's higher than the midlands, but not too high up, but certainly fairly high up the country - that'll bring jobs to the north, and it'll share out the transport load - which in turn will free up our roads a bit without everyone driving down to bastard Heathrow and clogging up the M25 or whatever the big one is called (all those motorway names are meaningless to me basically, lol).

    And a high speed train link would also help people do domestic travel easier - rather than a domestic flight, you could get a domestic train journey - as long as the trains are good, on time and have a seat for EVERYONE, none of this shit of standing up for four hours with your face shoved in some sweaty shit's armpit.


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