Quote Originally Posted by Dtothe3 View Post
Farcry 2. I have one complaint about this game. Just play it if you haven't already. If you have played it, then go buy it. If you've bought it... What are you doing reading this, go play it some more! But... Where is co-op? That would have secured GOTY with honourable mention to...

While i have to agree its a really awesome game,it starts to get annoying after a while where every single character outside of the ceasfire zones starts firing at you,even if from that distance they would have no idea if you were friend or foe!and the checkpoints respawn very quickly.The missions are a bit bland as well,nearly every single one is "go here,blow that up,kill him" but playing them at different times of the day & tackling them with different weapons makes them a bit more interesting.Other than that though its a beautiful game & you can go/do pretty much whatever you want at any time of day or night in it,and the gun battles are pretty tasty!sitting & watching a sunrise or sunset is quite jaw dropping!