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Thread: UK FOLK - "Moving Wallpaper", ITV-1, Fridays...

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Cool UK FOLK - "Moving Wallpaper", ITV-1, Fridays...

    First episode was on last night (it's series 2 of the show, I never watched series 1) - anyway, it was a sort of spoof show set behind the scenes of actual soap opera/drama "Echo Beach" (yeah, that thing Jason Donovan was in).

    Anyway, Echo Beach got canned, but ITV have kept the rather successful comedy spin-off to it that is "Moving Wallpaper".

    First episode was on last night, it'll probably get repeated - but the reason I'm posting it here is, the programme makers in "Moving Wallpaper" are contractually obliged to get another chance with a new pilot - the pilot will be "Renaissance" - which is about zombies.

    Initially you see a lot of the production team scoffing at the idea, going on about 'who would do a zombie series?!' - to which I protested "E4 - Dead Set - have some of that on your face!" () ... ... anyway, there was a scene in a script meeting where they're deciding how the pilot should pan out, and finally we see a character in one of these shows on mainstream television talking about zombies properly.

    A woman in the meeting flags up the question of what are they using - zombies or infected - and then proceeds to make the distinction, flagging up to folk that 28 Days Later IS NOT A ZOMBIE MOVIE, and then mentions Dawn of the Dead having actual dead people getting up and walking around.

    So bravo on the writers for putting that little bit in.

    Anyway, thought you UK folk might fancy having a gander if you didn't already spot it. First episode was on last night, but you should be able to find a repeat somewhere.

    Fridays, 9pm, ITV-1 (followed by that very mixed sketch show with Al Murray).
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 07-Mar-2009 at 12:14 PM.

  2. #2
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    A woman in the meeting flags up the question of what are they using - zombies or infected - and then proceeds to make the distinction, flagging up to folk that 28 Days Later IS NOT A ZOMBIE MOVIE, and then mentions Dawn of the Dead having actual dead people getting up and walking around.
    Except for the fact that 28 Days Later is a zombiefilm. It falls into that category, it falls into that genre, it uses all the same conventions, it asks all the same questions, it's every little bit of zombiefilm... Except that there is a minor distinction between their infected and regular zombies.

  3. #3
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    It's my thread, and I'll have no dissent!

    *marches around a bit*

  4. #4
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Second episode was on last night, and aye, it appears to be downloadable online.

    Anyway, we got a bit of zombie action in this one - very Shaun of the Dead inspired shamblers I'd say.

    There was also talk about why zombies don't talk, as well as the idea of "zombie leaders".

    Anyone else watching this? It's a damn funny show.


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