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Thread: Blair Witch sequel

  1. #31
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    I thought the first film was absolutely brilliant, was probably only about 17/18 then but I remember leaving the cinema pretty unnerved by it which is what it set out to do!& symphonicx hit the nail on the head with what he said above!
    The second film was absolute gash though, when it was released I heard it was crap so I never watched it so it wouldnt soil the original for me, but I caught it on film4 one night earlier this year & it was as bad as I imagined

  2. #32
    Dead wayzim's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    Hurm. I'd be down with that. Dug the first one hard (was lucky to walk into it cold, so it really worked for me). Did not hate the second one even (I'd read the book, comic, etc so I was pretty "into" the whole BW mythos by that time). So bring it on. I'd be curious to see if they could capture lighting in a bottle twice.
    The best thing about Blair Witch was the whole Internet hype which elevated the movie beyond it's modest Indie roots. I firmly believe alot of the haters were either taken in or else they're simply people trying too hard to be hip.
    Just my opinion.
    I totally enjoyed the first Book (Blair Witch Project; A dossier), and the two SciFi Channel docudramas. Less so the showtime film (White Enamel ), about the only kid to survive Rustin Parr's killing spree. Unfortunately the mythos stumbled a bit with the second Book (Blair Witch; Book of Shadows ) which totally missed the point of Blair Witch 2.
    Book of Shadows was supposed to be a joke on the popularity of the first movie rather than a true sequel, and it deftly played a number with film-goers. Unfortunately the book didn't understand the film was supposed to be a recreation of events, so it showed the actors as the actual people involved in the coffin rock killings.
    Still, we were supposed to get a prequel about Elly Kedward, way back when. But anything that's carefully scripted and keeps up with the legend ... could be cool.

    Wayne Z

  3. #33
    Dying PJoseph's Avatar

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    I really liked BW2 - it was made by one of my favorite documentary filmmakers (who co-directed Paradise Lost, which is fantastic). Now, you shouldn't HAVE to listen to the film's audio commentary to enjoy a movie, but I felt when I listened to him speak about the film, it was much better for me.

    His take, which is interesting, is that FAKE documentaries are very dangerous. The idea being that people will take the films as truth. And, at the end of BW2, his characters pay for it.

    Not sure if that makes it a great film worth renting again, but at the time, I thought it was pretty good.

    And I did like BW1 - thought that was great. I happened to see a crappy VHS copy being passed around at USA networks when I worked there - a few weeks before the film came out. I had no clue what the hell it was, but my buddy and I watched it in our hotel room late one night. It freaked the living crap out of us.

    Then I saw it in a theater - the pessimism of the audience really ruined the film. You just can't enjoy movies in the theater anymore - audiences suck.

    "See you in L.A., Marvin." - Jack Walsh

  4. #34
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    my favorite thing about the Blair Witch Project 2

    Last edited by clanglee; 05-Oct-2009 at 06:31 AM.
    "When the dead walk, we must stop the killing, or lose the war."


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