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Thread: Day of the Dead(original)?

  1. #1
    Fresh Meat

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    Day of the Dead(original)?

    It was always said that because of budget cuts, a budget that went from 7 million to half of that. That is the reason that the original Day was not the film that Romero wanted it to be. Why does'nt Romero recreate/remake that movie in his original vision, his crowning masterpiece. Instead of this crap thats been coming out, Day the remake, Land, an alright film that could have been so much better, and Survival, it was a joke.

  2. #2
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by rickyla29669 View Post
    It was always said that because of budget cuts, a budget that went from 7 million to half of that. That is the reason that the original Day was not the film that Romero wanted it to be. Why does'nt Romero recreate/remake that movie in his original vision, his crowning masterpiece. Instead of this crap thats been coming out, Day the remake, Land, an alright film that could have been so much better, and Survival, it was a joke.
    I see this is your first post. Generally speaking, many people (especially here) consider "Day" to be Romero's finest zombie film and many of us go as far as calling it the BEST zombie film period and, a few of us like me, consider it to be one of the greatest horror films ever made.

    General consensus around here about much of anything is non-existent. But many of us would argue (including me) that Romero has lost his touch. If "Day" were to be re-made today, especially by Romero, it would be shit like most other horror films. Why re-make something that is perfectly good as it is? This is another debate there (remakes).

    "Day" is a crowning masterpiece of cinema as is -- why mess with that?

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  3. #3
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Agree 100% with JDFP here. 'Day of the Dead', while bizzarely crucified (in the States at least) upon it's original release has quite rightly become to be recognised as Romero's masterpiece.

    He shoudn't "remake" 'Day of the Dead', but he could perhaps take his original script and just "make" a new movie based on that.

    Although, I have to admit, I MUCH prefer 'Day of the Dead' as it turned out, to what I read in the oriignal script about 12 years ago....on this very site, I may add.
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  4. #4
    Fresh Meat

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    I consider day to be the weakest of the original trilogy

    The effect are by far the best of the series.

    Story wise it was weak to me.

    It started out good then dragged out in the middle. Of course the ending was awesome.

    I don't consider it a bad film, I just rather watch Dawn.

    edit -- back to the question

    I would love to see a day remake directed by George with cameos from the original.
    Last edited by Boogiedowndead; 12-Sep-2010 at 11:56 PM.

  5. #5
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    I have to disagree with the freshies, here. Day is as good as it gets, and shouldn't be tampered with. I don't think it drags at all, if you're really ready to make the commitment of watching it objectively and with full attention. To me, every second of it is important and interesting. I can understand why some would prefer Dawn, but there's a little more to think about in Day. Also, there are less humans, so that might turn some people off as well. Anyway, Day rules and remakes.... do not. See my thread about Let Me In for more on this.

  6. #6
    Rising Trin's Avatar

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    Anyone who believes that GAR could win with the original Day script needs to give it a fresh read. It was the exact same kind of farce that Survival became.

    A better question in my mind is how did the Day movie get rewritten from that Day script on the fly like that? It's a pretty remarkable transition.
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  7. #7
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Trin View Post

    A better question in my mind is how did the Day movie get rewritten from that Day script on the fly like that? It's a pretty remarkable transition.
    That's actually a great question, I've wondered the same thing as well.

    Philly/Dubious/others? I'd love to hear how this took place. My guess is that Savini or someone else had a hand in helping with a massive re-write with Romero. The film version of "Day" is quite different from the original (not very good, IMO) screenplay.

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  8. #8
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post
    That's actually a great question, I've wondered the same thing as well.

    Philly/Dubious/others? I'd love to hear how this took place. My guess is that Savini or someone else had a hand in helping with a massive re-write with Romero. The film version of "Day" is quite different from the original (not very good, IMO) screenplay.

    IIRC Romero came right down to the wire on when he HAD to contractually deliver a screenplay, took a couple weeks off down there in Florida & knocked out the re-write. He couldn't do the more elaborate & highly ambitious ideas he originally had, so in his opinion he took some of the ideas & boiled them down to their essence in the re-write. He talks about it in "The Zombies That Ate Pittsburgh".

    Oddly enough, I think you can see some of the echoes of that unproduced original script in "Land'.

  9. #9
    Dead Mr.G's Avatar

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    I agree with the majority (not that it's the best of the 3) and say no to the remake. For every NOTLD 90 you get PSYCHO or The Fog. GAR needs to leave well enough alone.

  10. #10
    Dying Ghost Of War's Avatar

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    If Day were made to the original script in the first place, I think it would have sucked a biggun. Day Of The Dead, as it is, is the best horror movie ever made, and one of the best movies ever made. Land took some of the original Day scripts ideas, and while Land is an ok film IMO, can you imagine following Dawn Of The Dead with something like that? Nah.
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  11. #11
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Having recently given the original Day script another read....I think some of you are being a bit harsh. Yes it's not as good as the Day we have now(the best of the series), but it's also no Survival. Okay, so the training of zombies and "circle shirts" would be very tricky to pull off on screen without being laughable, but other than that I actually thought it was a great script.

    The opening scenes of the original Day script would have been incredible on screen, imo. The entire dock sequence is intense. The script is great up until the elevator opens on the island. After that, the army zeds come out and it gets a bit flimsy, but I think with the right attention it could've been handled in an appropriate way. Hell....Romero ended up handling Bub in a FANTASTIC way in the theatrical film. There aren't too many differences between Bub in the original script and the Bub we have now. Other than the leather gun slingin' belt, of course. And what happened to Toby Tyler(something like that)? I thought he was an interesting character that got dropped for some reason. Obviously Sarah was blended in with the scientists, but Tyler was just dropped. Well....I guess you could say he was kinda blended into Miguel. And the Governor! What a character that could've been! I kept picturing a Dom Delouise or Jabba The Hutt styled character.

    And although I've always preferred not knowing what caused the dead to rise, I thought it was interesting to have the last dead guy not come back. And the whole exchange with Sarah and John about keeping a guard on the body until it turned to dust and the wind carried it away? Fantastic stuff. The "THE END(I promise) can fuck off, though. Another thing I didn't like about the original script is that Rhodes somehow didn't seem as menacing. Maybe Pilato's performance brought a lot to the table, but as written in the original script, he didn't seem all that bad...

    So I think if you were to take out or adjust a few things here and there, the original script isn't SO bad. With the right TLC it could have been an awesome movie. Not the "Ben Hur" of zombie movies as they say on the documentary, but it could've been interesting. I guess we'll never really know. But I love what we have now.
    Last edited by bassman; 17-Sep-2010 at 12:15 PM.

  12. #12
    Being Attacked

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    I'm really kinda surprised to hear so many people feel Day of the Dead is GARs best work. I really am curious as to why you all feel that way. While it is certainly better than some of his other work, I always felt it was by far the weakest of the original three.


  13. #13
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Day, while having hammy moments is really one of Romero's best. I think DAWN is still his Masterpiece although he prefers DAY the most. There was talk of a 3D remake some time ago, and I said even if I remade it I would eliminate the zombie army. However, Day of the Dead (original script form) was remade, it is called LAND of the DEAD.

    If you read the Day script, and then watch LAND... some much stuff was carried over to LAND it is quite astounding. However, Romero himself proved how stupid the zombie army idea is/was with Big Daddy.
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  14. #14
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    If you read the Day script, and then watch LAND... some much stuff was carried over to LAND it is quite astounding.
    Having just went through it a few days ago, I would have to disagree. The only things similar between Day(original script) and Land are more smart/trained zombies, and the whole class ranking within the compound. Other than that I didn't see anything else that screamed Land of the Dead in that script...

  15. #15
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Watch Land again... if you can stomach it. That is pretty much Day of the Dead and Romero has admitted most of Land was derived from the original Day script.
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