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Thread: Fallout: New Vegas

  1. #31
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by SymphonicX View Post
    I know you say "fuck that wireless shit too" but isn't it easier to spent 10 quid on a cheap wireless key than go through all that every time you play a DRM enabled game?!
    I'm sure it would be, but the real root of the problem is: there should be no DRM to begin with. It doesn't work, and it doesn't stop piracy. It punishes LEGIT users, so what's the point of it all? and why should anyone have to spend more money just to play a game they're already paying too much for to begin with?

    That's not directed at your Symphonic, just stating a point about this bullshit DRM garbage. When will these companies realize it's like putting a band-aid on cancer?

    I'm this close to never buying a DRM'd game again. This shit is getting out of hand. Actually, I may have already done that in the past, but I'm not admitting nothin'!

    As far as Fallout New Vegas - I'll get around to it eventually... my son was WAY into Fallout 3, so we'll see how it goes.
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 20-Oct-2010 at 03:37 PM. Reason: because I fucking felt like it!

  2. #32
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    thanks for the brief impressions, slick and aces.

    really looking forward to playing year.

  3. #33
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post

    really looking forward to playing year.
    I'm doing the same thing with more and more games myself nowadays. I'll mention it in this thread if anything pops up that really irks me about game play on this one.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  4. #34
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    while fallout 3 was probably the most engaging game i played when it came out and i got every single achievement and scoured every bit of the wastelands, i still feel cheated by the fact that i paid so much for the full experience compared to just sitting it out a year and saving 50 bucks.

    and fuck the argument (and those who make it) about it being a privilege or a benefit to be able to play the game/DLC earlier than everybody who waits for the GOTY edition. it's the same game/experience, whether you play it a year after it comes out or during the first few weeks/months of release. so why pay more?

  5. #35
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    I'm sure it would be, but the real root of the problem is: there should be no DRM to begin with. It doesn't work, and it doesn't stop piracy. It punishes LEGIT users, so what's the point of it all? and why should anyone have to spend more money just to play a game they're already paying too much for to begin with?

    That's not directed at your Symphonic, just stating a point about this bullshit DRM garbage. When will these companies realize it's like putting a band-aid on cancer?

    I'm this close to never buying a DRM'd game again. This shit is getting out of hand. Actually, I may have already done that in the past, but I'm not admitting nothin'!

    As far as Fallout New Vegas - I'll get around to it eventually... my son was WAY into Fallout 3, so we'll see how it goes.
    You've said it for me there Lou.

    I shouldn't have to buy a wireless set up, nor deal with that wank in the first place anyway, just to play the single player campaign of a game I'd be purchasing legally. I meant WTF?!

    DRM has stopped me buying PC games in the past, and well, it's stopping me buying NV right now ... perhaps they'll wise up when the GOTY edition comes out, eh? Fallout 3 didn't need that shit, so why does this one?

    DRM is utterly stupid, and annoying, and there's absolutely no provision made for people whose gaming rigs aren't connected to the internet (let alone in the same room, or even floor of the house, as the internet connection). I shouldn't be forced to go wireless, and all the problems and consumed time that would introduce, or lug my quad core around the house, just to install a goddamned videogame that I purchased legally.

    As such, the devs have lost out on my money, and I won't be the only one.

    I'm off to look at my wish list and see if any of the PC games on it are free of DRM bullshit ... if there's one there I'll buy that instead.

    I mostly game on 360 these days, but now and then I would like a PC gaming experience, but this DRM stuff flat out IS stopping me from purchasing certain titles. Utterly ludicrous.

  6. #36
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Wow, new Fallout! Totally got under my radar. Steam or no steam, I'm getting this. F3 was one of theh most absorbing games I've ever played.

    It was also one of the most stable too. never had a days problem with it.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  7. #37
    Walking Dead slickwilly13's Avatar

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    New game feature.

    Town/gang/ etc will either like or dislike you depending on your actions. It is even listed on the map. Liked/Neutral/Vilified

  8. #38
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    I'm sure it would be, but the real root of the problem is: there should be no DRM to begin with. It doesn't work, and it doesn't stop piracy. It punishes LEGIT users, so what's the point of it all? and why should anyone have to spend more money just to play a game they're already paying too much for to begin with?

    That's not directed at your Symphonic, just stating a point about this bullshit DRM garbage. When will these companies realize it's like putting a band-aid on cancer?

    I'm this close to never buying a DRM'd game again. This shit is getting out of hand. Actually, I may have already done that in the past, but I'm not admitting nothin'!

    As far as Fallout New Vegas - I'll get around to it eventually... my son was WAY into Fallout 3, so we'll see how it goes.
    As a non PC gamer, I can't relate too much - although I heard the DMR for Assassin's Creed 2 was particularly awful with the user needing to be online before it'll work - is this the same idea?

    ---------- Post added at 01:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:50 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    You've said it for me there Lou.

    I shouldn't have to buy a wireless set up, nor deal with that wank in the first place anyway, just to play the single player campaign of a game I'd be purchasing legally. I meant WTF?!

    DRM has stopped me buying PC games in the past, and well, it's stopping me buying NV right now ... perhaps they'll wise up when the GOTY edition comes out, eh? Fallout 3 didn't need that shit, so why does this one?

    DRM is utterly stupid, and annoying, and there's absolutely no provision made for people whose gaming rigs aren't connected to the internet (let alone in the same room, or even floor of the house, as the internet connection). I shouldn't be forced to go wireless, and all the problems and consumed time that would introduce, or lug my quad core around the house, just to install a goddamned videogame that I purchased legally.

    As such, the devs have lost out on my money, and I won't be the only one.

    I'm off to look at my wish list and see if any of the PC games on it are free of DRM bullshit ... if there's one there I'll buy that instead.

    I mostly game on 360 these days, but now and then I would like a PC gaming experience, but this DRM stuff flat out IS stopping me from purchasing certain titles. Utterly ludicrous.
    I garner from this that you need to be connected to the net 100% of the time you're playing the game? I agree this makes no provisions for offline gamers...what an absolute nightmare...! Personally I couldn't see myself having a HUGE problem for it, as my set up would let me play those kind of games easily and would jump through the hoops they are asking for - however, your situation doesn't seem like much fun just for the right to play a game you've blatantly just purchased from a shop...I felt the same when I had to upgrade my win98 to winxp just to get my ipod working, ugh.
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  9. #39
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Symph - yeah, there's that ridiculous Ubisoft 'always online' nonsense DRM, but even Steam (which seems to be the most common), you have to "activate online" ... they boast about it being "one time only online activation" but that's bullshit cos Steam is rubbish anyway and will probably screw up your settings and forget you've set it to "offline mode" (which happened to me on HL2), but you also have to connect that one time to install the ruddy game - and being that my rig isn't in the same room or floor of the house as the non-wireless internet, then that would require dragging the thing and plugging it all in in another room just for the ruddy game ... and what's more, if you wanted to update the game you'd have to connect to Steam to get the downloads (no more .exe files for the updates with the likes of Steam ), so you're screwed again.

    They should sort this shit out and make a proper way for offline PC gamers to install their LEGALLY PURCHASED games onto their rig to play single player as they wish to, same goes for update files. I'm stunned they haven't bothered, because it's forcing people like me to either pirate the games (the total opposite effect DRM is supposed to have) or flat out NOT GET THE GAME AT ALL.

    Looking at my back catalogue wish list for PC games, the only two titles without DRM needing you to be online in some form or another, is the most recent STALKER game (Call of Pripyat) and Bad Company 2 (which lets you choose online or offline install methods apparently).

  10. #40
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    They should sort this shit out and make a proper way for offline PC gamers to install their LEGALLY PURCHASED games onto their rig to play single player as they wish to, same goes for update files. I'm stunned they haven't bothered, because it's forcing people like me to either pirate the games (the total opposite effect DRM is supposed to have) or flat out NOT GET THE GAME AT ALL.
    Exactly - I bet you 50% of the people pirate these games simply because of the DRM.

    It's sure doing it's job, that DRM crap, eh?

  11. #41
    Walking Dead slickwilly13's Avatar

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    The glitches I have found so far. A little bit of slow down when you move to certain areas. The gun jerks a bit when examining something. A few minor freeze ups. One freeze up that caused me to restart.

  12. #42
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slickwilly13 View Post
    The glitches I have found so far....
    For the 360 I have had some of the same as follows:

    A little bit of slow down when you move to certain areas.
    I have noticed a slight slow down in some instances, as well. Slight for me, but sometimes I would get that in FO3, as well.

    The gun jerks a bit when examining something.
    I noticed that this will happen on occasion, too. A little annoying, especially at first, then I got used to zooming for a split second and releasing, which tends to pop the rifle back out of the way when I shift back in to normal view.

    A few minor freeze ups. One freeze up that caused me to restart.
    None for me yet.

    I didn't get FO3 anywhere near release, so I don't know if these sorts of issues were present pre-patch for that game, as well. Nothing too bad for me, so far.

    I only have one real concern and it's still all based on anecdotal experiences so far and taste oriented, so I'll chime in with that if it seems founded after more than the little game play I've put in to date.
    Last edited by AcesandEights; 21-Oct-2010 at 03:08 PM. Reason: ...

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  13. #43
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    Exactly - I bet you 50% of the people pirate these games simply because of the DRM.

    It's sure doing it's job, that DRM crap, eh?
    In fact it's made me entirely fed up with the PC gaming market almost entirely now. I've had enough of this DRM bullshit, this insistence on using Steam bullshit, on the sheer difficulty in finding patches (Call of Pripyat for example is impossible to find patches for, unless you want it in German or Russian), and Bad Company 2 on the PC has a patch which only a few places have, and takes forever to download (because it's like 835mb in size!) ... so as a result of this sheer amount of faffing involved even in games without DRM, I've said FUCK YOU to the PC gaming world until they can sort themselves out.

    Seriously. FUCK IT.

    And I was quite looking forward to playing New Vegas on the PC as well ... and same for a whole host of other games, but the DRM/Steam issue poked it's clodhopper bully boots into everything and forced me away. *does a very sarcastic slow clap* Well done PC gaming industry, really, bravo...

  14. #44
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    i'm not into PC gaming at all, never have been. this DRM thing is really raising a red flag. can someone break it down barney-style for a total PC-gaming virgin like myself?

    i'm looking at getting that "dead state" game when it drops, and am thinking maybe new vegas on PC may be a better choice than giving any more money to MS.

    on related note, i really am about to come to a head with MS over their bullshit antics. been looking into upgrading my tv set and getting on the blu-ray bandwagon, so i'm being tempted by the ps3....i'll still keep the xbox, but i'm really starting to hate MS and their "ONLY ON XBOX LIVE" bullshit and honestly feel they are fucking up the gaming industry these days.

  15. #45
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    i'm not into PC gaming at all, never have been. this DRM thing is really raising a red flag. can someone break it down barney-style for a total PC-gaming virgin like myself?
    My basic take on it...

    It's the company you bought the game from forcing you to connect to a site/set of servers for verification that you've bought an actual, legal copy of the game. This is done either during a phase of accessing the game (every time you boot the game up, for example) or continuously, the whole duration throughout the game play, basically forcing clients to rely on a third party program and set of servers (which can go down or have their own problems which mean you can't play the game while their having the tech issue on their side). You also have a problem playing the game if you don't have an internet connection, either because you can't do the one-time authentication DRM or you can't get regular updates/authentication from the servers for the games that require frequent or constant authentication.

    All of this is done to help ensure pirates don't access the server, but it doesn't really help the problem and only really inconveniences honest paying customers.

    Someone will come along and explain more eloquently than I just did. I only do a little PC gaming right now.

    Please note that not all games have stringent DRM authentication, so check up on the game you're interested in as it progresses, or see if the company putting it out has a history of pain in the ass digital rights management policies/platforms.
    Last edited by AcesandEights; 21-Oct-2010 at 05:21 PM. Reason: typity-typoe

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