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Thread: so im watching halloween.......

  1. #16
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I watched Rob Zombie's Halloween 2 (theatrical version) t'other night. I'd already seen the Director's Cut, and I have to say the DC was superior to the TC. Two scenes in particular - when Sheriff Brackett (Brad Douriff) finds Annie in the bathroom - holy fuck, Douriff goes into acting-his-ass-off-overdrive. The DC version of the scene is pitch perfect in my view, Douriff's performance is like a wounded dog, really haunting.

    Secondly, the finale. The TC version is shit. The DC version is creepy and far more interesting (plus - Nan Vernon "Love Hurts" used to far better effect in the DC).

    However, as I've said before, H2 really splits me down the middle. For every scene I dig, there are 1.5-to-2 scenes I think are shit - such as the painfully blunt opening text and scene about 'the white horse' (*sigh*), or after the van crashes and that dude just grunts and says "fuck" and makes weird faces for five fucking minutes ... seriously, that moment went on entirely too long, wtf were they thinking?

    The initial aftermath - with Laurie all fucked up and screaming and getting operated on, that was some hardcore stuff and worked very well. In the 1980's Halloween 2 it was fairly sanitised, whereas in RZ's H2 you've been through some serious shit, and it reflects in a far more horrific and realistic manner. So that scenes works really well.

    However, along comes Malcolm MacDowell (who I quite enjoyed as Lumis in H1) as a total twat version of Lumis for 95% of the movie and that ruins every scene he's in ... so yeah, like I said, for every scene I dig, there's two scenes I don't ... a real shame really as I really did quite enjoy H1 (even though the original is still, naturally, the best version ... but I did like how RZ made it his own and took it in a different direction ... H2 was clearly a rush job though, but it did have a handful of excellent moments ... but that doesn't save the movie in general).

    I tell you what's properly shit though - Halloween Resurrection. I caught the last five minutes of that on BBC1 t'other day and my god, what a sack of crap. It's just so friggin' bad ... that's not aged at all well, but then it was shit in 1998, so 12 years just made it shittier to the extreme.

    Halloween 3 - I never saw it for the longest time, then finally did and quite enjoyed it as it's own thing ... even with the annoyingly catchy Shamrock jingle. It's a bit of old nonsense at times, but Atkins rocks, the music rocks, and I really dig that early 80s horror movie vibe to it ... it should have been called something else though. It's not great, but it wasn't anywhere near as bad as I'd thought it was gonna be.

    Halloween 4 through 6 are shit, 7 had something generally interesting about it, but the relentless post-Scream vibe is smothering. It's so "hey look, how cool are we?!" and it's so obvious throughout.

  2. #17
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    I watched Rob Zombie's Halloween 2 (theatrical version) t'other night.
    I told you not to waste your time with that shit.

    I personally can't believe you found even one scene that was redeeming, MZ. While I thought his first attempt at Halloween was a fail of epic proportions, there isn't a "fail scale" large enough to rate how bad H2 was...

    ...and people think "Resurrection" was bad? hah!

  3. #18
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    When the hell are rights going to be squashed the the US see a nice Halloween boxset?! Never, I suppose.

    Why ask a question I'll just answer, myself? I dunno.

  4. #19
    Rising Eyebiter's Avatar

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    Why wait for a studio box set?

    Pick up the individual movies on DVD and store them in this...

    Beware the beast, man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him, drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death.
    - 23rd Sacred Scroll, 6th verse

  5. #20
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eyebiter View Post
    Wow. Those are some nice collectors boxes. If the alien series didn't have the new Blu Ray set, I would have purchased one of his just because they say Legacy instead of "Quadrilogy".

    Speaking of funny words....never seen trilogy spelled this way.

  6. #21
    Dead Mr.G's Avatar

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    I've said it before...but if H3 wasn't titled with 'Halloween' I think it would have been more successful and a solid cult classic.


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