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Thread: The Walking Dead: Episode 2: "Guts" (SPOILERS!)

  1. #1
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    The Walking Dead: Episode 2: "Guts" (SPOILERS!)

    Okay, let it begin...

    I was highly disappointed that the department store they were in did not still have an operating Muzak system (I don't care how it was still working, generator, etc.) that was playing "The Gonk" on it.

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  2. #2
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post
    Okay, let it begin...

    I was highly disappointed that the department store they were in did not still have an operating Muzak system (I don't care how it was still working, generator, etc.) that was playing "The Gonk" on it.

    Are you serious????
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  3. #3
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    Are you serious????
    No. But it would have been funny as hell.

    "Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid." - Ronald Wilson Reagan

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  4. #4
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    I will admit there was a DAWN vibe...
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  5. #5
    Just been bitten childofgilead's Avatar

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    Heh, yeah, when they were stumbling over the mannequins, I definitely got the vibe.
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    I was surprised that the at-first-glance workable idea of taking a sewer/subterranean route out of town so definitively had the door slammed on it. The rat-eating zombie was a nice touch, to confirm that Walking Dead Walkers WILL IN FACT EAT ANIMALS if a) they can catch them, and b) There are no humans around to eat. The way the horse being devoured was used to facilitate Rick's escape at least partially was the 1 in that 1-2 confirmation punch to confirm that facet of Walker behavior.

    And you know what? I'll just come out and say it:
    I had NO PROBLEM with the way this Episode handled the "Faking their way past zombies." It did NOT feel goofy or contrived like some crap from Shaun of the Dead. Far from it. It felt as tense and edge-of-the-seat inspiring as they no doubt intended it to be. At least for me it did. Then they capped it off nicely by having it come apart due to the rain.

    What do the rest of you think? I raise the standard in defense of "The Escape Plan Method" IN THIS LIMITED CONTEXT. Hell, it was great to see still more confirmation that AMC is really willing to let them show
    A body being systemically dismembered and eviscerated with a fire axe.

  7. #7
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyldwraith View Post
    I was surprised that the at-first-glance workable idea of taking a sewer/subterranean route out of town so definitively had the door slammed on it. The rat-eating zombie was a nice touch, to confirm that Walking Dead Walkers WILL IN FACT EAT ANIMALS if a) they can catch them, and b) There are no humans around to eat. The way the horse being devoured was used to facilitate Rick's escape at least partially was the 1 in that 1-2 confirmation punch to confirm that facet of Walker behavior.

    And you know what? I'll just come out and say it:
    I had NO PROBLEM with the way this Episode handled the "Faking their way past zombies." It did NOT feel goofy or contrived like some crap from Shaun of the Dead. Far from it. It felt as tense and edge-of-the-seat inspiring as they no doubt intended it to be. At least for me it did. Then they capped it off nicely by having it come apart due to the rain.

    What do the rest of you think? I raise the standard in defense of "The Escape Plan Method" IN THIS LIMITED CONTEXT. Hell, it was great to see still more confirmation that AMC is really willing to let them show
    A body being systemically dismembered and eviscerated with a fire axe.

    Yeah AMC definitely has big set of balls to include what they included in this show so far.
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    With over 11 million total viewers of Episode 1, and what they project to be numbers close to that for Episode 2, I don't see AMC crying foul so long as they can no doubt charge beyond-top-dollar for commercial air-time during the new Walking Dead episode.

    After all, even if HALF of that 11 million total viewers vanish for episode 2 and beyond, TWD would still be in the record-breaking range viewers wise.

    Long Walk The Walking Dead,

  9. #9
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyldwraith View Post
    I had NO PROBLEM with the way this Episode handled the "Faking their way past zombies." It did NOT feel goofy or contrived like some crap from Shaun of the Dead. Far from it. It felt as tense and edge-of-the-seat inspiring as they no doubt intended it to be.
    Are you being sarcastic? Did you miss the gag where Glenn is talking and Rick pretty much tells him to shut up before he blows their cover? A female zombie starts giving Glenn a suspicious look immediately, so he lets out a few intentionally comedic zombie "growls" to get her attention off himself.
    Last edited by MikePizzoff; 08-Nov-2010 at 06:44 AM. Reason: error

  10. #10
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Overall, I feel it was a step down from the opener.

    I didn't like the inclusion of "new" characters. The nigga gangsta (T Dog my arse) and the bog standard white trash Southern KKK lad were fucking stupid. REALLY bad move there by Darabont, as far as I'm concerned.

    The zombie "stink up" method was stupid in the comic and it's equally stupid here. Rain WOULD NOT wash off such a stench, in fact it would probably make it smell worse. Would have been better to drop this particular schtick altogether.

    ...and zombies eating rats? No thanks. Such things would require a level of dexterity that would be way beyond the average corpse. Completely un-necessary in my opinion.

    The good points continue to be the zombies, whose make up and meanace remain excellent and after all that's the main attraction of the show, despite all the pre-air bollocks talk about characters and that noise.
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  11. #11
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    While I hear what your say shoot, I have to disagree. The world we live in have people like the racist bigot, and to think that wouldn't exist in the TV zombie infested world would be trying to look at the apocalypse with rose colored glasses. Remember, the strongest are the most likely to survive, and while Michael Rooker's character maybe dumber than a bag of bricks, he was strong, and not afraid to do what it takes to survive. So in essence his existence is both believable and inevitable in this scenario. yeah is may seem cliched because of how many other films have done this, but the fact is the world is what it is, and Darabont I am sure thought about this when writing the screenplay and probably used the same thought process I am using now.
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    I'm kind of torn on the episode.

    I felt that it was weaker overall than the first one, but I can't exactly put my finger on why. It might be because it was more action-oriented (side note: for some reason, the way Rick shoots a gun bugs me; I feel like he should be saying "PEW PEW" when he does it), and I prefer focus on character development rather than action. Don't get me wrong, I love me some zombie casualties. I just really enjoy a character-driven story.

    On the other hand, I really like how the show is deviating from the comics. I said on another post that I really hoped the show would be like Dexter, where the cast of characters were the same but the plots were independent of the books. It gives the comic readers the ability to watch the show and still be surprised by the twists and turns. I loved how Glenn was leading Rick through the city and all of a sudden, there's this group of survivors (which obviously didn't happen in the comics during the escape from the city).

    All in all it was still a great episode. I'm not really disappointed because I knew going in that it would be hard for it to be as fantastic as the first episode. On its own merits it was still a great piece to the story, though.

  13. #13
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    I feel the Ep#2 isn't as strong as Ep#1, so i gave it a B+ to Epi#1 A+. I do think though the action oriented tone is why it is so different from Episode #1 which was basically Rick learning about his New World.

    I will give Kudos to one moment though

    is when Rick was going to chop up the zombie but stopped to learn who he was and what he had left when he died
    Last edited by DjfunkmasterG; 08-Nov-2010 at 12:03 PM. Reason: Blah Blah Blah, this function is fucking DUMB, turn it off
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  14. #14
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Why are you guys using spoiler tags in a thread clearly labeled "(SPOILERS!)"?

    It was a good episode. It didn't wow me as much as Darabonts, but that was expected.

    As for the's Atlanta, dude. They're everywhere.

  15. #15
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    While I hear what your say shoot, I have to disagree. The world we live in have people like the racist bigot, and to think that wouldn't exist in the TV zombie infested world would be trying to look at the apocalypse with rose colored glasses. Remember, the strongest are the most likely to survive, and while Michael Rooker's character maybe dumber than a bag of bricks, he was strong, and not afraid to do what it takes to survive. So in essence his existence is both believable and inevitable in this scenario. yeah is may seem cliched because of how many other films have done this, but the fact is the world is what it is, and Darabont I am sure thought about this when writing the screenplay and probably used the same thought process I am using now.
    I agree, these people exist. But it's insertion into 'The Walking Dead' is hackneyed and cliched and completely un-necessary. Also, things just happened to kick off with Rooker's "nigger" comments etc at that moment. It's just a bit tiresome and from the very second Rooker appeared on screen I knew what was going to happen. Sure, I have no problem with Rooker's "Dixon" surviving and he's obviously been surviving with this group for a period of time. It's just a bad insertion into the script. If I was the leader of that particular group, there's no bloody way those two would be together in such a salvage and gather operation (or any other op) and neither would I put myself near them. For all the yap about "character" before the show started, this is a real letdown.

    And as for this "T-dog" nonsense...sorry, but the shit's hit the fan. I don't care what nick-name you gave yourself buddy, but your Terrence to me, not some idiotic rappa tag. "T-Dog"...ha ha, feck off. Grab a gun and start shooting fat boy.

    The flip side is Glen, who I felt was spot on.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....


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