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Thread: Back To The Future Blu-Ray Pre-Order AMAZON - $50.00

  1. #46
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I'm glad that it was in the Top Ten - it just goes to prove that you don't need these retarded remakes and rehashes and reheats, because here you have an excellent 25 year old movie busting into the Top Ten amidst a bunch of brand new hard hitters. By all means, remake a shit movie - or rather, a movie with a good idea in it that was poorly executed when it was originally made (my example of choice being Drive-in Massacre) ... don't remake cinematic classics, because you'll never ever ever ever ever ever ever be able to match, let alone beat, the original movie's sense of wonder and love and care and fan enjoyment ... and indeed many of these cinematic classics were no sure-thing when they were made, and had their own troubles and weird points along their development journey. BTTF has long-since-become a cinematic classic, but it wasn't the steadiest of ships when it was being made. It's so often the case with classics, they're high stakes games that happened to pay off - and pay off big - you can't just re-do that, it's an entirely pointless exercise and the only real reason those shitty remakes make money is purely because cinemagoers are gluttons for punishment and some of the most curious people on the planet - they want to see how it's been handled, even if that means paying ten bucks to see the turd bonanza in the cinema, thus making it appear to be a success.

    Back to BTTF ... the transfer didn't look much different to me personally, but it didn't look rubbish by any means. I was just all kinds of wrapped up in the film itself all over again and marvelling at just how well it plays ... I think everyone in the screening I went to was having a good time, but just grinning their faces off like I was, so joyous to see this classic and favourite of theirs back on the big screen - and, such as in my case, seeing it for the first time on the big screen as they'd only seen it on video and DVD.

    There was also a lot of pleased chuckles as classic lines got delivered, and I could hear nearby children (with their BTTF-loving parents) giggling along and obviously enjoying themselves. The kids weren't running in and out going to the toilet, they weren't rustling around for sweets; I think everyone was entranced by it and having a quietly great time.

  2. #47
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Footage of Eric Stoltz as Marty McFly...

  3. #48
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I look forward to seeing that whole featurette on the BR when I eventually get it. I'm not shelling out £30 for three movies I've just watched again for the umpteenth time and own on DVD already ... when it's cheap, then I'll get the box set on BR for the extra-extra content that I won't have seen (from both the BR and the 4th disc on the 4-disc DVD, as I've got the 3-disc DVD).

    Seeing those few clips in that though, man, that's weird seeing Stoltz doing those scenes. It must have been strange to re-do five weeks worth of the movie!

  4. #49
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    (from both the BR and the 4th disc on the 4-disc DVD, as I've got the 3-disc DVD).
    Hold on a minute? There's a four disc? Maybe it's different between the R1 and R2 releases, but this is the first i've heard of a four disc set. The one I have is the first dvd release with all three discs in one package and special features spread throughout those three discs. Is there something I'm missing?

    I'm looking forward to seeing more of Stoltz, as well. Hopefully that small clip isn't all they have. I want to seem him with some dialogue. From what I hear, he went for a much darker tone. Kinda obvious in that small father/son clip, too. Fox's reaction is much lighter and funny.

    I'm also hoping they have the "Number Two"(60's) script available on the blu ray. I've heard it's available online, but never really been able to track it down. Or had the patience to sit reading it at a computer desk. So hopefully it will be included on the br discs...
    Last edited by bassman; 12-Oct-2010 at 05:45 PM. Reason: great scott

  5. #50
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    The "4-disc Ultimate Edition".

    I've also seen the same artwork but for American release. I remember being well pissed off, cos I bought the 3-disc DVD and about a month later they announced a 4-discer. So when I eventually get the BR I'll at last be able to see those 4th disc extras I never got to see.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 13-Oct-2010 at 08:39 AM.

  6. #51
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Hrm. Looking around the net it doesn't seem to have any different special features. Looks like they just took the special features from the three movie discs and put them on their own fourth disc. Oh vwell. Will have ze blu ray soon enough.

    This is the set I was talking about, btw. It was the first dvd of BTTF ever released. Same day as the Indy Jones trilogy, if I remember correctly. Strange that I remember that all these years later. Anyway, as I said, they seem to have the same features...

  7. #52
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Nope, the 4-disc definitely has more stuff - see here:

    # Disc Four: Bonus Features

    Back to the Future
    # Q&A With Director Robert Zemeckis And Producer Bob Gale At The Usc Film School
    # Enhanced Conversation With Michael J.Fox
    # Deleted Scenes With Commentary From Bob Gale
    # Excerpts From The Original Screenplay
    # Teaser Trailer
    # Production Notes

    Back to the Future Part II
    # Q&A With Director Robert Zemeckis And Producer Bob Gale – Audio Track
    # Deleted Scenes With Commentary From Bob Gale
    # Did You Know That? Universal Animated Anecdotes
    # Production Design
    # Storyboarding
    # Designing The Delorean
    # Time Travel
    # The Evolution Of Visual Effects
    # Huey Lewis And The News “Power Of Love” Music Video
    # Production Notes

    Back to the Future Part III
    # The Making Of Back To The Future Part 3
    # Q&A With Director Robert Zemeckis And Producer Bob Gale – Audio Track
    # Deleted Scenes With Commentary From Bob Gale
    # Did You Know That? Universal Animated Anecdotes
    # Designing The Town Of Hill Valley
    # Designing The Campaign
    # The Secrets Of The Back To The Future Trilogy
    # Faq’s About The Trilogy
    # Production Notes
    While they do seem to have moved some stuff over from some of the individual discs, there's also added content in amongst all that too. Perhaps not loads, but some.

    So anything I missed on that 4th disc, I'll be able to see no doubt over on the BR release ... when I eventually get it.

    Of course, thinking about it, perhaps these extras were already on the R1 release - but not on the R2. Perhaps that's the difference here ... certainly seems to be the case if the comments on the page I linked to are correct in their assumptions.

    I think that's what it'll be, so to me there's new stuff on there (and to Brits in general when that 4-discer was first released), but to Americans then it's stuff you already had from the start - that seems to be the situation.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 13-Oct-2010 at 02:19 PM.

  8. #53
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Yeah, I think you just got to the bottom of it. All of that stuff is included on the three disc set on R1, but looks like they moved some over to a fourth disc on R2. Strange they did it that way...

  9. #54
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Yeah, I think you just got to the bottom of it. All of that stuff is included on the three disc set on R1, but looks like they moved some over to a fourth disc on R2. Strange they did it that way...
    And rather frustrating.

    I do hope we get to a stage where we truly have Region Free home video releases. None of this region locking nonsense, and none of this "for this territory it's this, for another it's that", especially on releases that are sure to sell a bucket load. America recently got a kick arse Evil Dead BR (including the OAR 4x3), but the UK version has less extra features and only the cropped 1.85:1 viewing option.

  10. #55
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Been largely keeping out of the recent posts on this thread, but noticed MZ posted this footage on FB yesterday and had to chime in on how classic and damned trippy this footage is

    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Footage of Eric Stoltz as Marty McFly...

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  11. #56
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Finally, footage of Stoltz as McFly!!! Although it's barely anything, I feel like a kid in a candy store!

  12. #57
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Nobody has said anything about it, so I thought I would give this set a mini HPotD'er review. In short - Buy this set if you're a fan. You won't be disappointed.

    I'm no expert on picture quality or if this would hold up as one of the best transfers, but it's definitely the best looking version of the film available. It's stunning for a long time fan to pop this in and see the detail. As is often the case with older films, the only downside to the clarity of the image is the special effects. The make up effects show their tricks and the visual effects are a bit more obvious, but that's really a minor gripe. I would personally rate the BR transfer as a 9 out of 10. Any fan will love it.

    As for the special features...I was shocked. It's actually a bit more than I expected. The "Tales From the Future" segments are really the only substantial addition from the standard dvd and I expected them to be short and kind of a repeat, but I was wrong. They're long, in-depth, and include interviews with just about all key players. The only missing people I noticed were Crispin Glover(cause he's a douche apparently) and Tom Wilson(Biff). Other than that, we've got the big hitters that failed to appear on the standard DVDs. And is it me, or does the actor that plays Skinner NEVER age?!?

    The entire set is great and definitely worth the purchase from a fan of the series. Maybe even just a casual movie fan. The only downside to this set is the generic menus(the "curve" menu from all Universal BR's) and the way the discs are held in the package. It's hard to describe, but it's a holding mechanism that i've never seen and it feels like you're going to break the disc while taking it out.

    9.5/10. Buy it!


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