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Thread: "Stalkers in the fukushima zone"

  1. #1
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    "Stalkers in the fukushima zone"

    probably need vlc to watch that but man thats an eeiry 10 minutes.

    If you cant watch it its some amateur footage by two japanese guys who just got in their car with two rad counters and headed into what folks are calling 'the zone' in an eeiry parody of the term coined in roadside picnic for the chernobyl no mans land.
    Difference is this is near a still failing reactor, gotta commend them for their crazy on that point.

    The video is just eeire though.

    Early on they run into a pack of dogs made up of 5 or 6 different breeds roaming the streets together, all wearing collars and wagging their tails when they realise humans have approached them.
    it was pretty interesting to see, we assume tame animals instantly revert to their animal nature but it looks like, form the reports in the area, they seem to be sticking together because they're just lonely- which must be an impact from being raised by man no?

    Heading in they see the rads climb as they encounter destroyed roads, abandoned ghost towns and bridges over valleys that are just completely gone. Cattle just free and roaming the streets in tiny herds.

    All in all its a very spooky 10 minutes. All the moreso after they announced today that fukushima is indeed a level 7 nuclear disaster on the same level as chernobyl. Especially when russia is goddamn massive and pripyats no go zone remains a spec they have been able to ignore and let nature attempt to retake.
    This is a very narrow choke point on the northern island of japan and the public officials are stating 'possible worst case scenario right now is that eastern japan is simply ruined'.

    It's fucking crazy that , in this day and age where every nation is paranoid about terrorists and civil wars and such that an earthquake- a natural event the earth has been doing forever- can cause an accident of such an undoable, lasting scale.

    Lets just say im glad England isn't near any large fault lines or anything. jesus...

  2. #2
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Video didn't work, even with the newest VLC.

    Anyway, I'm a huge fan of Shadow of Chernobyl, but those guys are fucking mental.

    Let's hope it's not the "worst case" scenario in the end, eh? Although did I hear something a while back - before the shitty goddamned rubbish we call "Television News" started pissing their britches about the evils of Nuclear Energy - that the systems used in Japan were different to what is used elsewhere? I vaguely recall some snifter of something about that, but the memory is like a fart in the wind in my mind.

    Anyway, unsurprisingly when a ruddy Tsunami strikes a nuclear reactor, shit goes pear shaped quick. What also boggles my mind, kinda, are these people who are heading right into the heart of the disaster to try and clean it up - they've fully acknowledged they're sacrificing their lives for the protection of many more than themselves ... these people are very brave and I hope that they're given the treatment and care they deserve when this situation is stabilised and Japan gets back on its feet again.

  3. #3
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    What also boggles my mind, kinda, are these people who are heading right into the heart of the disaster to try and clean it up - they've fully acknowledged they're sacrificing their lives for the protection of many more than themselves ... these people are very brave and I hope that they're given the treatment and care they deserve when this situation is stabilised and Japan gets back on its feet again.

    Hate to sound judgemental but i doubt it. Already some poor folks who escaped from the area are reported as being treated almost like lepers or disease carriers. Its a little reminiscent of how they treated folks from around hiroshima in the 40's, unemployable, undesired null people that they would ignore or avoid. I know we like to think the human race is past that but its like someone in a small room sneezing during a viral outbreak. everyones flat against the walls away from them worming for an exit y'know? But yeah they are doing something pretty damn noble if it permanently damages them. I mean the clean up guys at chernobyl that are only allowed near the concrete sarcophagus work for 5 minutes a day but get crazy money for the health damaging effects and i think these guys are still working for minimum wage.
    Last edited by Danny; 12-Apr-2011 at 10:32 AM. Reason: sdfdsff

  4. #4
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Great video. I just wish he could have pulled the camera away from his geiger counter. Gave me a headache.

    Speaking of heads....these guys should have theirs examined....

  5. #5
    Rising Eyebiter's Avatar

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    Article in the local newspaper recently about all the safes that people are finding in the debris. Apparently many older people in Japan didn't use banks, instead keeping their cash at home. Only a matter of time before looters start searching the radioactive landscape for buried treasure.


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