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Thread: News of the World phone hacking

  1. #1
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    News of the World phone hacking

    Like most people i really didnt care about this when it was celebrities whining about their privacy, but now its coming out that terror victims and relatives of murder victims have been targetted by the news of the world, i gotta say thats absolutly outrageous! I really really hope somebody gets sent down for this, particullarly giving that milly dowlers parents false hope for so long, it really beggars beleif and makes you question what goes on in the name of a good story.

    Heads need to roll for this one and looking at the way the public, politicians, sponsors and generally everybody is reacting to the latest developments, it looks as though they will indeed roll.

  2. #2
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Its definitely disgusting, and very revealing about how slimy and untrustworthy the media is. If you want to know what serving & past soldiers think now its been revealed that dead servicemens families were being hacked, look no further than here (caution, much strong language)

  3. #3
    Dead Rancid Carcass's Avatar

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    News of the World shutting down:

    I guess there was simply no way back from this.

  4. #4
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    murdoch washing his hands of it and offering a sacrificial lamb to the masses to get mad at whilst they restructure and continue the practice somewhere else.

    -on a personal note this doesnt surprise me, my relatives constantly pushed for me to switch from film to journalism in college and i even wrote a few things for local papers and i couldnt do it from a moral standpoint. I am a filmmaker, not for money or attention, but to tell stories and entertain people. By and large journalists are the parasitic antithesis to this. Its an industry no longer about reporting the facts. its preying on tragedy and dressing it as freak show. its picking and choosing the worst examples of a thing for sensationalist content and shilling papers, unbias facts be damned. Newspapers are the worst example of this.
    I remember at school the teachers showed us a bunch of papers and said "these are the ones you read for liberal versions of the news and these are the ones you read for conservative" and even as a child this very idea as the norm was reprehensible to me. It's the truth though, an ironic one, that you never get the truth from papers anymore, just some sensationalist flavour of chinese whispers.
    I would bet you good money that not only is this the tip of a very large iceberg but every paper probably does it and lies about it and will do so till they are found out.

  5. #5
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Phone hacking scandle in the UK - Hugh Grant's comments...

    We have a scandle in the UK at the moment as wide spread phone hacking by the press has come to light.

    Saw this (video) interview with Hugh Grant (who helped to blow the story):-

    Worth a watch if only for his final comments to the 'journalist'...
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  6. #6
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I do wish it'd be reclassed as "interception of voicemail" - because that's what it is. It's, by definition, not hacking. Nor is it by definition, phone tapping (both, particularly the former, have been used endlessly to 'sex up' this story ... a story that, frankly, doesn't require sexing up ... but that's the news media for you ).

    Anyway - it's trying to access someone's voicemail by seeing if the password hasn't been changed by the user (from, for example, 12345) - if it hasn't, they gain access that way. That's not hacking - the ones who had messages successfully read without their consent didn't bother changing their password for their voicemail, and some right bastards from the newspapers (and not just the NOTD - indeed, the Mirror is the scummiest and low-down tabloid out there) have gone fishing for gossip, tittle-tattle, and sexed-up 'copy' for their stories to feed an insatiable public need for gossip and tittle-tattle that results in plenty of cash-money ... so considering some of the piousness from some sectors of the media, they should shut the fuck up and act like proper journalists (unlike Johann Hari, for example - but that's a separate journalism scandal) and ask some bloody questions.

    The first of which should have been (months, or indeed years ago) - "if the NOTW is up to this, who else is up to it, and indeed what else are they up to?" - and yet that hasn't been asked. It's 100% untrue that the NOTW is the only one guilty of voicemail interception (and other such illegal practices to get stories), and frankly it's disgusting (on top of the sheer disgust of this story itself) that all the other stones are being left unturned while this rages on. In other words - I call bullshit on the media itself - and I do hope that the dirty practices are not only stopped (at all newspapers), but that they're exposed ... ... did I mention the Daily Mirror? Guido Fawkes showed them to be the dirtiest of the lot sodding months ago ... it's amazing that professional journalists don't do the digging that the blogosphere does.

    The mainstream journos are just a bunch of press release churning pointless expenses-happy, self-important wankers who believe themselves to be Woodward & Bernstein (when they're anything but). That goes for television journalists too - particularly news presenters/commentators.


    -- -------- Post added at 06:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:54 PM ----------

    And another thing - I'm sick of all this 'guilty until proven innocent' garbage that the likes of Ed Milliband pushes all the time. No, in our society - as has been the case for so long now - you are innocent until proven guilty. The operative word being proven - you need proof.

    Coulson was convicted of anything, there was no evidence to do so - but he was bad news nonetheless - a tainted brand, hence he went ... which reminds me, Miliband and Labour should watch their mouths and stop throwing stones about the glass house, what with having Tom Baldwin in the equivalient position in their team (another former NOTW guy). Nor can it be turned to anyone's advantage politically, because the worlds of politics and the media are so closely reliant on one another, it doesn't matter who is in power, there'll be a now-toxic-but-not-then editor of the NOTW or whatever who was hobnobbing with Prime Ministers at Christmas Parties stretching back to whenever ... they joined Dave at a party, but they also joined the Son of the Manse, and Bliar at similar shindigs ... ... so yeah - glass houses, throwing stones, etc.

    So - being that a police investigation into all this is underway - surely it was stupid of Miliband to froth at the mouth (stones, glass houses, remember) ... you can't get involved in an on-going police investigation ... that's, you know, what's the concept? Oh yeah - that's how the fucking law works, you dumb shit!

    Investigations have to be conducted, without outside influence, proof has to be found, trials have to be conducted - and then only then can someone possibly be convicted. Indeed, they might very well be foudn *shock horror* innocent of something. The trouble is that shit sticks and the smell lingers around the afflicted from there-on afterwards, regardless of the fact they've been proven innocent. It's something that is perpetuated by the newspaper and TV news industries, who have little regard for the rule of law and the respect of an innocent verdict ... this assumed guilt bullshit, and this guilt by association. It's pretty ridiculous, and well, it's just not cricket ... the media perpetuates it, and of course it then sinks into the populace at large. We've all been guilty of presuming someone to be guilty - just by their names being associated with something - a suggestion is made (sometimes based on literally fuck all evidence) and the mental link has been made to ruin a reputation.

    Indeed it's been shown to happen time and again with high profile murder cases - you get people who are totally innocent being hounded by the press, getting presumed guilt thrust upon them, and then oh hang about, they're totally innocent afterall. Nevermind, we won't apologise to them for ruining their lives, let's go and chase this ambulance over here, or make up some horse shit over there, or what have you...

    /rant #2

    -- -------- Post added at 07:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:52 PM ----------

    And this is worth a squizz:
    Remember Operation Motorman? You may not, because little was made it at the time — and nothing like the current phone hacking furore. Yet many of the themes are identical. In 2003, a private investigator called Steve Whittamore was busted. His job was to simply to snoop out information for various newspaper groups, often using illegal methods. They'd pay him, he'd hand over the information. It really was that simple. Until, that is, the Information Commissioner got its hands on his records, which included details of some of the transactions made between him and his client journalists. By 2006, it had emerged how many journalists had been caught paying Whittamore for information, and which publications they worked for. It was by no means limited to one or two titles, but dozens. In his cover piece for The Spectator this week (available to read here), Peter Oborne writes of that case: "The truth is that very few newspapers can declare themselves entirely innocent of buying illegal information from private detectives." Writing for the Evening Standard yesterday, our former editor Matthew d'Ancona also alighted on the Whittamore scandal. "It does not excuse any of the terrible things the News of the World is presently alleged to have done," he observes, "But it does provide some perspective."

    We added a pair of graphs to Peter's article, which I've pasted at the top of this post for CoffeeHousers. They reveal a striking correlation. Turns out, those papers whose journalists were most implicated in the Whittamore bust are also those who have devoted the least number of reports to the phone hacking story. A coincidence? Perhaps. But, in any case, it certainly doesn’t inspire confidence.

  7. #7
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Obviously i dont give a crap about celebrities and politicians getting their names dragged through mud but when murdered children are being targetting and the actions of this journalist have potentially altered the way the investigation went and dragged her relatives through more despair than nesscessary then it gets disgusting and offensive and thats why i think someone needs locking up for this. Dont even get me started on the allegations that former (Deceased) soldiers have potentially been hacked too!

    And yes mz it is hacking, not all hacking is matrix style guys in black coats running fancy scripts and opening backdoors, in fact 90% of hacking is guess work and by its very defination, it means getting access to information which you are not entitled to access. So guessing somebodies password on their voicemail and using that to access it and listen to their messages is legally hacking.

  8. #8
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rancid Carcass View Post
    News of the World shutting down:

    I guess there was simply no way back from this.
    WOW! Just WOW!

    -- -------- Post added at 07:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:44 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    Obviously i dont give a crap about celebrities and politicians getting their names dragged through mud
    Sorry! Can't agree with any reason that justifies anyones personal space being abused in such a way, celebrity, politician or not!
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  9. #9
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    From a while back (September 2010):
    * Calling someone's mobile, waiting for it to go to voicemail and then entering their four digit pin (0000) is not hacking. Hacking is about circumventing security, not being presented with them and passing them.

    ** Calling someone's mobile, waiting for it to go to voicemail and then entering their four digit pin (0000) is not tapping. Tapping is the covert act of real-time interception of active communication links.

  10. #10
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Sorry! Can't agree with any reason that justifies anyones personal space being abused in such a way, celebrity, politician or not!

    Agree 100%.
    I won't chime too much in on this debate, working for some partly owned NI company.

    I absolutely detest, however, this idea that because someone writes a song, makes a movie, writes a book, makes a TV show, stars in a play, or whatever, that we OWN them, we have a total and absolute right to their private lives. Clearly, in my eyes, this is wrong. Having their phones intercepted (MZ is absolutely right about the phrase "hacking" unnecessarily sensationalising these stories - hacking is traditionally asosciated with circumventing security in the same way theft is different from robbery.) or their bins gone through so WE can know about that person's relationship with his or her father/mother/lover madness. How is this our right? How is this shit even interesting? Why do they deserve their names to be dragged through ANYTHING?

    I get it with people who are in positions of power - or people who exert influence over others - a good example is the Andrew Marr case - a political commentator who tried to get a super injunction over the details of his affair - his job is to question politicians about these and many other issues - so transparency is required for him to be a credible journo!!!

    Tell me where its necessary for us to know who Liz Hurley shagged as a 16 year old? Tell me what exactly is compromised by that pathetic, pointless drivel?
    Innocent victims of merciless crimes, fall prey to some madman's impulsive designs.

    Step after step we try controlling our fate. When we finally start living, it's become too late.

  11. #11
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Symph makes a number of important points there - agreed on them all.

    I wonder how many people decrying the alleged (nothing has been proven in a court of law yet ... funny how Ed Milliband et al have forgotten the basic, fundamental functions of law in this country) actions of some at the NOTW are prone to a bit of gossip themselves. How many of them have marvelled at the horse shit spread about in rags like Heat Magazine, for instance?

    Clearly, a line has seemingly been approached at speed and crossed with little thought by those alleged to have done the deed. However, the shocking lack of exploration of the issue (i.e. what other illegal methods have been going on, and what other newspapers have been involved). Indeed there was an investigation into this sort of thing back in 2003 - and it was found that it was a mess - but the then Labour government did nothing about it, nor did they do anything about it prior to an election because they didn't want the papers turning on them ... so Milliband's righteous indignation rather makes me change the channel to something less hypocritical (he even met Murdoch a couple of weeks ago - and yet raised not a single concern with the man).

    When it comes to hypocrisy and credibility - I think the public have a right to know - especially in the world of politics. Indeed, the Andrew Marr example is a perfect one. When it comes to chasing celebs and public figures to get a picture of them (*ahem* Princess Dianna *ahem*), and finding out/totally making up some gossip about some random celeb, then why is that of any importance? There are too many fame whores in our society today (perpetuated by garbage like X-Factor and reality TV in general) where vapid sacks of flesh gain millions for literally doing nothing of importance or note or talent or even vague intrigue, and those who follow these morons further perpetuate the cycle of uselessness.


  12. #12
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    My girlfriend works for a large PR firm and I hear all sorts about the dirty ins & outs from the media, its a real eye opener! She does the PR for the army & housing associations but also has to write press releases for the tabloids and magazines etc, some of which are purely fictional but put out as news! Or the PR firm writes the articles, then some journalist puts their name to it & prints it as their own in the papers I get to hear what all these super injunctions are about as well, obviously I keep it quiet though as I cant afford lawsuits on my paupers slary!
    One thing though its amusing how that Rebakah Brooks managed to keep her divorce from Ross Kemp entirely out of the tabloids, I've heard stories about what really happened there, funny how she can hide that but prints out intimate details or pure gossip about anyone else famous who is getting a divorce or having a break up

  13. #13
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    WOW! Just WOW!

    -- -------- Post added at 07:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:44 PM ----------

    Sorry! Can't agree with any reason that justifies anyones personal space being abused in such a way, celebrity, politician or not!
    Quote Originally Posted by SymphonicX View Post
    Agree 100%.
    I won't chime too much in on this debate, working for some partly owned NI company.

    I absolutely detest, however, this idea that because someone writes a song, makes a movie, writes a book, makes a TV show, stars in a play, or whatever, that we OWN them, we have a total and absolute right to their private lives. Clearly, in my eyes, this is wrong. Having their phones intercepted (MZ is absolutely right about the phrase "hacking" unnecessarily sensationalising these stories - hacking is traditionally asosciated with circumventing security in the same way theft is different from robbery.) or their bins gone through so WE can know about that person's relationship with his or her father/mother/lover madness. How is this our right? How is this shit even interesting? Why do they deserve their names to be dragged through ANYTHING?

    I get it with people who are in positions of power - or people who exert influence over others - a good example is the Andrew Marr case - a political commentator who tried to get a super injunction over the details of his affair - his job is to question politicians about these and many other issues - so transparency is required for him to be a credible journo!!!

    Tell me where its necessary for us to know who Liz Hurley shagged as a 16 year old? Tell me what exactly is compromised by that pathetic, pointless drivel?
    While i agree with you guys in principle and pointing out what i was saying was that i really dont care about the latest celebrity exploits, it also causes me no offense. In other words, i dont care either way.

    But you have to admit, there is a world of difference between posting the latest sleazy football players antics becuase his name sells and interfering in and jeopordising in a police investigation into a murdered child, that is the part that offends me.

  14. #14
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    But you have to admit, there is a world of difference between posting the latest sleazy football players antics becuase his name sells and interfering in and jeopordising in a police investigation into a murdered child, that is the part that offends me.
    morally yes, ethically its all the same.

  15. #15
    Dead Purge's Avatar

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    Boy, I would just hate to see this cause any problems for Murdoch.

    Really, I would.

    No really, I would.


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