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Thread: Hellraiser: Revelations - no Doug Bradley?! WTF?!

  1. #1
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Hellraiser: Revelations - no Doug Bradley?! WTF?!

    Did anyone know this was coming out? I didn't, until I noticed this article (see below). I'm not quite sure what to think of this:

    Source: Doug Bradley speaks out on Hellraiser Revelations

    Text from source:

    Every since the ninth film in the Hellraiser franchise, Hellraiser: Revelations, was announced, there's been one question on everyone's mind - Will Doug Bradley be returning to play Pinhead? Can you really even imagine a Hellraisier movie without him? We went straight to the man himself for an answer and got his official statement.

    "I know that many of you will have caught up with the sudden burst of Internet chatter about a new Hellraiser film going into production, and will be keen to know whether I’ve been approached to play Pinhead again, so here’s the deal ..." says Bradley.

    "I have been approached just in this last week (w/b 16 August) regarding a proposed new Hellraiser film. This is not the ‘remake’ which has been endlessly discussed for the last three years: with the working title Hellraiser: Revelations, it will be the ninth film in the series. I would stress that I have had no contact from, or negotiations with, anyone from Dimension Films: rather these contacts have been by way of private discussion with individuals involved with this project."

    Bradley continues, "Following these discussions, and after reading the script and giving it due consideration, I have decided not to participate. The ink is barely dry on the script, and it is scheduled to be in front of the cameras in two weeks time and in the can by the middle of next month (September 2010). The miniscule shooting schedule is more than matched by the budget."

    "Whether or not this means that somebody else will be stepping up to play Pinhead, I have no idea. I guess we can watch this space together ..."

    "One way or another, this does not seem to me to represent a serious attempt to revive the Hellraiser franchise. However, I wish everyone who will be directly involved in the making of this film, good luck with it."

    So, instead of Bradley, we get this bloated bozo:

    Remind you of another screwup like this from the recent past?

    Even Clive Barker is pissed off that his twitter followers are mistaking it for a film made by him. He recently posted this:

    “Hello, my friends. I want to put on record that the flick out there using the word Hellraiser IS NO FUCKIN’ CHILD OF MINE! I have NOTHING to do with the fuckin’ thing. If they claim its from the mind of Clive Barker, it’s a lie. It’s not even from my butt-hole.”

    Víctor García is directing, and has directed such films as Return to House on Haunted Hill and Mirrors 2.

    Oh yeah, this will be a stellar production!

    All this being said, I'm not sure how much of a Hellraiser fan I am. When I was younger, I dug the first and 2nd one (watched again recently, hasn't aged that well), but all the sequels after that completely lost my interest. Regardless, replacing Bradley as Pinhead is a MAJOR mistake.

    Some additional info in case you feel like reading about the backlash a missing Bradley has caused:

    Hellraiser Revelations Trailer & Additional Info

  2. #2
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Doug Bradley is giving of himself to an endeavor far more important than starring in the umpteenth Hellraiser film--The 4th Reich.

    That's right, he's starring in the umpteenth movie about nazi zombies, instead. And since we've only gotten one decent piece of nazi zombie media out of this genre mashup mini-craze, I say he has chosen....not altogether poorly...maybe, possibly (we'll see).

    Anyway, some film with this dude is going direct to video, so the more things change...ya know?

    Wow, I just noticed Savini is set to play Dirlewanger in that movie...damn, that's a questionable move.

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  3. #3
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    Doug Bradley is giving of himself to an endeavor far more important than starring in the umpteenth Hellraiser film--The 4th Reich.
    Oh geez...

    Well, all I can say is if Bradley turned down this production, it must've sucked hard. I mean, he's been in all the other Hellrasiers, and most of them of extremely questionable quality, so if he passed on this one it must be a real stinking pile... probably worse than the nazi zombie flick!

  4. #4
    Dead Doc's Avatar

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    Apparently, production was so rushed that Bradley refused. Jeez, if it sucks harder than Hellworld that's a new record for this series.

    Also, what aspects of the sequel do you find dated Lou? I think Hellbound Hellraiser 2 is one of the best horror sequels ever, it keeps the atmosphere of the original, and expands the mythology and keeping almost everything consistent.
    Last edited by Doc; 19-Oct-2011 at 06:18 PM. Reason: .

  5. #5
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    For the record, my fav Pinhead installment:

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  6. #6
    Walking Dead slickwilly13's Avatar

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    You did not know Doug Bradley was not playing Pinhead in the newest movie? "L" That is too funny. It was revealed months ago. Too bad you did not watch the movie, first. "evil grin"

    -- -------- Post added at 02:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:13 PM ----------

    From what I read a while back, they rushed the movie in order to keep the rights to the series.

  7. #7
    Rising Eyebiter's Avatar

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    Once your horror franchise takes the leap into space, it's tough to recover from...

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  8. #8
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Wow, there used to not even be a wiki article on the movie. And since it was an ashcan copy, why bother to pony up more money for Doug Bradley?
    He wasn't even supposed to play Pinhead in the remake that I keep waiting on. He sounded kind of butthurt over it, no pun intended.
    Yeah, the first two movies are the bomb, and the third is watchable. The rest are just horrid. I saw the trailer for the newest one, and boy does it look sucky. It's amazing just how far down in the toilet that franchise went. What a waste of a great villain in Pinhead.

  9. #9
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Jesus! there was 9 Hellraiser films? WTF?
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  10. #10
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc View Post
    Also, what aspects of the sequel do you find dated Lou? I think Hellbound Hellraiser 2 is one of the best horror sequels ever, it keeps the atmosphere of the original, and expands the mythology and keeping almost everything consistent.
    Well, I said both feel dated to me - they just have a look and a feel that doesn't seem to translate over the years and make it feel somewhat fresh and not dated. I always use Carpenter's "The Thing" as a model - if you watch that movie, other than the hairstyles and the computer MacCready is playing chess on, it wouldn't be a far stretch to think that the movie was only made a few years ago. Of course, that's just my opinion, YMMV. I didn't feel that way when I went back and rewatched Hellraiser 1 & 2.

    Now, I will say Part 2 was indeed a very very good sequel. It was certainly better than the first IMO. The special effects in the first one (for example, the lightning effects on pinhead at the end of the flick) are just cringeworthy. The practical & makeup effects weren't, though.

    Quote Originally Posted by slickwilly13 View Post
    You did not know Doug Bradley was not playing Pinhead in the newest movie? "L" That is too funny. It was revealed months ago. Too bad you did not watch the movie, first. "evil grin"
    No, I had no idea, but then again it's not like I'm keeping up on the Hellraiser franchise. Oh, and I'm glad I didn't see the movie first! This one is one I'll opt to skip.
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 20-Oct-2011 at 12:58 PM. Reason: bacon pinhead

  11. #11
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Used to like the series as a kid, but I'm not so sure I'd be into it these days. Tried watching the first one about 3 years ago but fell asleep half-way through it... and I never fall asleep during movies.

  12. #12
    Walking Dead slickwilly13's Avatar

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    I just read that Clive Barker will write the remake and Doug Bradley will be back as Pinhead. See? He came back.

  13. #13
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    Jesus! there was 9 Hellraiser films? WTF?
    Yep. I did a weekend marathon with them a few years was quite ironic that each film got progressively worse and I started feeling like I was in Hell as I tortured myself by sticking with them until the end. I almost epected Pinhead and his crew to turn up in my living room! "we have such sights to show you..."
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  14. #14
    Twitching krisvds's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Legion2213 View Post
    Yep. I did a weekend marathon with them a few years was quite ironic that each film got progressively worse and I started feeling like I was in Hell as I tortured myself by sticking with them until the end. I almost epected Pinhead and his crew to turn up in my living room! "we have such sights to show you..."
    hehe. Too true.

    I must admit I'd rather read a third installment in the 'books of the art' than see an update of the original Hellraiser.

  15. #15
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Yeah, I just read on Clive's fb something about they're pushing for an R rating for the remake, but that he's writing/planning something unrated and erotic as hell for his next venture, lol.
    I'm personally dying for the Nightbreed Cabal cut, hopefully on blu-ray.
    But yeah, if he's in on the remake, then it's gonna be a doozy!!!
    I could care less, though, if Doug Bradley is Pinhead again. He's kind of whiny...


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