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Thread: TWD 2x10 "18 Miles Out" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN**

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    TWD 2x10 "18 Miles Out" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN**

    Have at it HPOTD'ers - two down, four to go, in the second half of season two.

    Remember - keep all discussion of the episode WITHIN THIS THREAD - many forum members don't get to see the episode until days later (e.g. my fellow Brits and I don't get to see it until the following Friday night at the earliest - five days later), so please don't post any spoilers or general info in other discussion topics or in the shoutbox - thanks for your consideration in this matter.

  2. #2
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    Big episode tonight if Glen Mazarra and Scott Gimples tweets are anything to go by
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  3. #3
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    i can't get enough of this show...for real.

    damn, this show continues to amaze. rick's ongoing trek to badass-ville is a pleasure to watch. the way he laid all his cards on the table to shane and told him how it was going to be was excellent.

    some great morality tests were present tonight in the form of beth's desire to opt-out and what to do with randall. there was some great dialogue on both sides of both arguments, but i've gotta say that i ended up being pretty disgusted with andrea.

    also cool to see lori and maggie taking on larger roles in this episode. i found it odd that they left nearly half the group off-screen tonight, but the episode was intense and well-paced, regardless.

    and how about that cowboy ending?!? i really dig the western vibe they are going with over the last few episodes. i also particularly loved the shot of the lone walker shambling through the field, that was eerie...probably one of the most cinematic shots i've seen in a living-dead film/show. and then they went ahead and ended the episode with that same haunting image.

    damn, this next week is gonna be a long wait, those previews looked just as riveting as this week's show was.

  4. #4
    Twitching sandrock74's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    i also particularly loved the shot of the lone walker shambling through the field, that was eerie...probably one of the most cinematic shots i've seen in a living-dead film/show. and then they went ahead and ended the episode with that same haunting image.
    I agree with you on that! One thing that was asked while watching the episode, did the zombie change direction the second time we saw it? Was it heading "away" from Hershel's farm when Shane first observed it and then it was heading in the direction towards the farm at the end of the episode? Also, I hope they didn't take a straight shot up the road to the Department of Public Works, because the group of zombies did start off after the car! Granted, it would take them days, but they could make their way straight along the road until they happened upon the farm...along with however many other "friends" they pick up along the way.

    Regardless, it was a haunting image of Shanes emotional state, that lone zombie shambling thru the empty field. Very nice!

  5. #5
    Dead Trancelikestate's Avatar

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    Yep def a great one. Randall walked pretty well for having a skewered leg though.

  6. #6
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Trancelikestate View Post
    Yep def a great one. Randall walked pretty well for having a skewered leg though.
    IIRC, before rick had the talk with shane at the beginning of the episode, he said something about have to wait a week for the chance to discuss things.

  7. #7

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    Rick and Shane are even.
    Rick was a hair away from abandoning Shane to the Walkers, but just as Shane did when he had Rick in his crosshairs Rick pulled himself back from the brink at the last moment. Rick's motivation for fighting Shane was wanting time to think about Randall's fate instead of killing him then and there, but in the previews for next week's episode Rick is seen doing everything from making a noose to arguing Randall needs to die for the group to feel safe.

    Maybe it's because the comics are so well-loved by many of the people here, but I just don't get how people fail to recognize they have two completely opposing views when Rick or one of the other "goody-goodies" does something immoral or when the Shane dubbed the wearer of the black hat, or Andrea do almost exactly the same thing. Rick as the self-appointed leader of the group is demanding obedience from Shane in every respect, but when Shane did the same thing while in charge its some nefarious act.

    I really like that they're beginning to make Rick more flexible morally speaking, but the farm and the group's current status quo are beginning to feel stifling. Season 2's theme so far has been all about double-standards and the conflict between expedience and morality, and that's great so far as it goes. However, Rick and Lori are growing increasingly intolerant of any disagreement with their wishes and as yet the writers have given us every reason to believe Rick has been a completely ineffective leader who's only now beginning to conduct himself pragmatically, but no solid reason as to how and why Rick became the unquestioned leader of the group with Lori as his "first lady" in Carol's words. Without a concrete reason why the group continually glosses over any mistakes made by Rick so long as he's doing what he believes to be moral, it's begun to feel like Writer's Fiat concerning Rick.

    I was hoping for more this episode, but this was the first episode of Season 2 I didn't like AT ALL. Even if one contends that Rick never intended to leave Shane behind, and was only letting him sweat it out for a couple of minutes pre-rescue, that would mean that Rick has resorted to brutal coercion.

    I just want to see less yes-person behavior from the bulk of the group and more characters thinking critically about everything that's happened. T-Dog, Glenn, Daryl and Carol all need to stop following the path of least resistance and begin expressing themselves significantly and come down on Rick's, Shane's or neither side. As it stands this is one area where the plot is too cut-and-dried. Lori & Dale anti-Shane, Andrea and Carl pro-Shane, while everyone else is allowing the situation to continue escalating due to their refusal to examine the issues at hand and decide how they feel about the significant actions that are taken. If we have to deal with Macbeth-meets-highschool-drama, we need more voices being heard and more character development from every character but Rick, Shane, Dale and Lori. Andrea is getting there, and Glenn still has both his moments and his great potential, but as it stands nothing is really moving Glenn forward.

    On another note, the stabbing of zombies in the head and through the fence looked very cool even if it seemed a bit less realistic than one might hope. Stabbing into the crown of the skull would be the most difficult way to breach the brain with a knife, and the thickness of the bone plus the two tough layers beneath the bone of the skull leaves a great deal of potential to end up with a knife you can't extract from the skull it's lodged in.

    All in all I'm still quite interested to see where this Season ends up, but I'm hoping the interactions between group members are shifted away from the highschool-ish and into a more believable mixture of opposing perspectives...and I hope that the writers will at least find a way to work in "the reveal" as everyone realizes they're doing the very same thing as those they condemn for the same behavior.

  8. #8
    Twitching Cykotic's Avatar

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    Best kills of the series so far in my opinion. I thought rick was gonna leave him on the bus there for a moment but, I guess not.

    Also, what do you think the significance of the lone zombie in the field is... Am I thinking too much into it or does it symbolize the fact that Shane (in his mind) is alone in this world.... much like the walker in the field?

    Why am I being philosophical at 06:47 in the morning?

    (Also, I think stabbing a walker in the skull would be somewhat easy due to the decomposition... just saying)
    Last edited by Cykotic; 27-Feb-2012 at 05:49 AM. Reason: Forgot to add something

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    The discussion about the apparent lack of bite marks on the corpses of the security guards, culminating in Shane trying to persuade himself that they must have been scratched, seems like another big hint that everyone rises after death. Shane seemed obviously disturbed, like part of him is already afraid that that might be the case. Rick's quickness at suggesting that the guards had been scratched could fit with the theory that Jenner told him that everyone is infected, but Rick doesn't want to give that away yet.
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  10. #10
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Loved this episode.. my favorite of this season by far. Really good stuff. I believe Rick really was planning on leaving Shane until he saw the two dead cops laying side by side, and remembered their past relationship. Great action in this episode, and they broke it up with just enough dialogue for this to be the most entrancing episode thus far.
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  11. #11
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Hands down the best episode of this whole series, thus far. So much intensity, not only on Rick/Shane's end, but also back at the farm. Great stuff. I like that Rick has become so badass that he can say that shit to Shane, then hand him a gun, and turn his back on him (physically, not metaphorically) with no care.

    I have been waiting a bit for them to say something about scratches infecting... I could swear that there was a quick part a few episodes back with someone being scratched and then was shady about it. Maybe during the whole barn fiasco? I suppose they would have turned by now, though, so that theory is kind of out the window...

    Also, I thought they were definitely foreshadowing to an eminent zombie attack on the farm, with the zombies shambling out after the car after they escape the compound.

    How many episodes are left? 2? 3?

  12. #12
    Twitching krisvds's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyldwraith View Post
    Maybe it's because the comics are so well-loved by many of the people here, but I just don't get how people fail to recognize they have two completely opposing views when Rick or one of the other "goody-goodies" does something immoral or when the Shane dubbed the wearer of the black hat, or Andrea do almost exactly the same thing. Rick as the self-appointed leader of the group is demanding obedience from Shane in every respect, but when Shane did the same thing while in charge its some nefarious act.
    i guess you are seeing these characters a bit too black and white? Rick is never, just a good guy; not in the comics, not on tv. He's more complex than that and one of the reasons TWD is so well loved...

  13. #13
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    The tension in these last 3 episodes is a very noticeable change from the earlier ones. Bit that got me is when they arrived at that truck stop/school and were looking around all you could hear was the wind howling. That sort of thing really gives me the creeps. No jump scares needed.
    Looks like Mazarra knows what he's doing and the writers are getting a grip on the universe of TWD.

    Excellent episode.
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  14. #14
    Fresh Meat Ultra Magnus's Avatar

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    Shit just got real! The next 3 episodes will be epic! Can't wait til next week's episode!

  15. #15
    Dead erisi236's Avatar

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    For whatever reason my fav part of the whole episode was when Shane was trapped in the bus and off'd the first ghoul. He gave this just really funny kind of insane laugh, "ahaha oh shit!", something about that tickled my fancy.

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