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Thread: Saints Row The Third - Official Discussion Thread

  1. #16
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by erisi236 View Post
    I really outta get this game, it's on my list but I keep putting it off.
    If you had fun with the previous games in the series, then you should have a blast with this one.

    I'm currently at 70% completion after 22 hours, and it's the best game of the series. So far it's much more solid, there isn't the ludicrously piss poor balancing of SR2, it looks good, it feels good, it's enjoyable to play, there's plenty to do (although Crib Customisation is essentially non-existant to make way for other things on the disc - such as extensive character customisation and ability upgrading), and so yeah - it's definitely worth getting for a hella good time.

    I've found the Professor Ghenki's Super Ethical Reality Climax activities to be very good fun - arena games where you earn money by shooting the correct billboards that pop up, people dressed in costumes (including Furries), dodge flame and electricity traps, and all to earn money and get to the end before the time runs out. Also - Tank Mayhem is just so much fun.

    -- -------- Post added 01-Dec-2011 at 06:38 PM ---------- Previous post was 27-Nov-2011 at 06:35 PM ----------

    Seems to be they've removed the mission replay ability though - which is thoroughly dunderheaded of them ... so that's a rare step-down compared to SR2.

    Still, spiffing game, and I just completed the main story mode - don't worry though, I won't spoil it.

    However - to anyone who has completed it, did you make the 'Green Choice' or the 'Red Choice' first in the final mission? Answers wrapped in spoiler tags please.

    I did the Green Choice first - saving Shaundi and the Statue etc, i.e. the GOOD ENDING ... then you get the option to replay it a different way, so I did that and killed Killbane and lost Shaundi, and then took out the Dadelus and declared Steelport a City State ... however after that it seemed that the BAD ENDING had superseded the GOOD ENDING I'd originally done - i.e. the statue is blown up and Shaundi can't be contacted.

    Yet I got all the rewards and money for doing the final mission both ways.

    So I might re-do the final three missions all over again (a good 60-80 minutes of gameplay, grrr) but doing the Red Choice first, and then replaying to do the Green Choice to see if that makes the GOOD ENDING be the ending when I'm then off free-roaming afterwards.

    What did anyone else do - Red or Green Choice first? - Don't forget to wrap your response in spoiler tags!

    *EDIT* I've read online that even if you do it Red then Green Choice, when you get around to free roaming afterwards Shaundi will still be dead and the statue will still be blown up ... if that's the case, then what's the point in having the option if you can't have one to be the definitive ending of your game?
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 01-Dec-2011 at 06:07 PM.

  2. #17
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Absolutly loving this game at the moment, has just eaten up so much of my week lol! I mentioned in the shoutbox, my character and my gang are mafia types and im no where near finished yet as i enjoy taking my time and pissing around between missions, i aint in a rush to complete this game!

  3. #18
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    Absolutly loving this game at the moment, has just eaten up so much of my week lol! I mentioned in the shoutbox, my character and my gang are mafia types and im no where near finished yet as i enjoy taking my time and pissing around between missions, i aint in a rush to complete this game!
    Glad you're enjoying it, Andy.

    While there are a couple of downpoints compared to SR2 (e.g. hardly any crib customisation at all, no individual mission replay ability), the vast majority of it is a huge step up from SR2 and I've loved practically every minute of my gameplay so far - I'm now officially over the 30 hour mark (earning me an Achievement in the process ) and right now I'm doing the Vehicle Theft missions ... however I do worry that the very last one won't be do-able because...

    It requires going to Sunset Park to a 'STAG Camp' to half-inch a Condor ... but seeing as I've gotten rid of STAG in the final mission "STAG Film", I don't think it'll be there - and it seems you have to get the vehicle from that location if it tells you to look somewhere specific. I do have Condors in my vehicle garage, but I wonder if that'll work at all - if I can't complete the vehicle theft missions (and get the achievement for it) simply because of that, then that's an idiotic bug to have ... but hopefully not.

    There was an instance where I might have stalled - getting one of the STAG Humvees - you have to get into trouble anywhere on the map until they arrive, however having got rid of STAG they obviously don't turn up - but I had one in the garage, so I just used that one and that worked - but again, there was no specific location required for the vehicle so it was allowed. Hmmm ... if I can't complete the vehicle theft challenge by one sodding vehicle I'll be pissed.

    Anyway - the character upgrades are awesome. I'm invincible to bullets and explosions, so I'm as good as invincible to everything - so very importantly, I can go on huge, long-winded, massively destructive rampages! Glad to see Volition got that need for sandbox gamers in this sort of game type. Unlimited ammo in certain slots also helps (my chain-fed machine gun with grenade launcher never runs out.

  4. #19
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Im really enjoying all the activities an such, ive only just got to the point where STAG enter steelport so no spoilers please :P

    I really love the SMG's too, i upgraded them so they set people on fire and im dual weilding them too, i also take 75% less damage from bullets but im a long way off being able to get the upgrade for no damage at all..

    I Gotta say, of all the activities, im really disappointed to see the cops activity from saints row 2 didnt make it into the third, that was my favourite activity in SR2, its actually making me want to dig it out and give it another shot.

  5. #20
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    It's interesting which things they've left on the sidelines (I'd totally forgot about the cop missions), however despite the odd missing thing, what is there is awesome.

    The SMGs being able to set people on fire thing - I must have missed that, which upgrade is that?!

    I'm up to 90% completion at the moment ... not sure if I'll bother going for 100% considering the odd challenge will be a bit of a chore to faff about with, but I'm going to do as much as I can be arsed to do. One thing that's strange is I can't seem to pull off a "Nut Shot" at the moment (with a bullet, I mean) - that's one challenge and I'm on 24 out of 25 nut shots, but I keep hitting the bastards in the legs and they don't hold still for long enough.

    You know those phones calls that come in - I've occasionally accidentally gone into one of those (now that I've done all 26 of those things) when I'm just about to enter a car, say, when the call comes in. Perhaps they could have used another less-used button for that? However, the one of those that I really, really, really enjoyed was taking on a shitload of Furris and Mascots outside "Let's Pretend" - it's on onslaught of utter barminess (and really helps towards the Mascot Kills and Emu Destruction challenges).

  6. #21
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Absolutely, i always enjoy a saints row game to be honest, the first one was one of the first games i got when i bought my xbox and they've always made more of a impression on me everytime. While grand theft auto has a brilliant story and i did rack up serious gameplay time on it, i always seem to have more fun on a SR game.

    And MZ, Upgrade your TEK Z-10 SMG's to level 4 and they set people on fire, really good weapon especially when dual weilding too.

    One thing that is bugging me is the glitches, ive noticed quite a few in SR3 so far.. just minor things like cars getting stuck half way through walls, people walking in midair.. but the biggest and most annoying one thats happened to me was when i did the murderbrawl 31 mission..

    After i beat killbane in the ring and got him in a headlock, some writing flashed up for literally a second then i was outside and it gave me achievement for making a choice on killbanes life.. i didnt make any choice, i wasnt touching the controller and the writing flashed up so fast i didnt get to read what it said

    Bugs aside, absolutely brilliant game.. i must be close to clocking up 30 hours on it myself as i was on it near enough all day yesterday and every evening since i got it.

    Last thing..

    Mayor Burt Reynolds!!

    MZ you need to get yourself on xbox live so we can do some co-op gaming.

  7. #22
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Regarding the police thing - did you mean "Fuzz" where you had to go around and cause mayhem as a cop while arresting crooks to get "footage" for a TV show? If so yeah that was a good activity - they should have kept that and got rid of Trail Blazing, which I always thought was a bit dull and a bit of a faff in SR2, and isn't an awful lot better here in SR3 (one particular instance of it is, for me, impossible to beat - meanwhile all other activities I've partaken in I've been fine with ... there's still a number of them left to do, though).

    XBL - I don't have it. Have no interest in XBL, don't have a 360 HDD, don't have a good enough broadband connection for online gaming, and don't fancy spending £50 a year on it anyway ... although I do imagine it must be an even more fun game in Co-Op mode. Does it do Co-Op on one machine and two controllers, or is it purely on XBL? I can't stand it when games have Co-Op but it's only through XBL, which is just stupid - I like sitting side-by-side with a mate in the same room on the same machine battling against/with each other on a game personally (reminds me of the marathon death match sessions at uni on Halo 2 )...

    Glitches wise - I certainly didn't have that one you speak of for Muderbrawl XXXI - indeed I did the mission twice (in order to make a different choice - I wanted the Apoco-Fists instead of the mask). The only ones I've had are people getting stuck in the road/ground after they've been blown up when in a car (so you have them buried up to their waist in the road, hehe), or car wheels popping up and down rapidly when stopped at just the right (or rather wrong) point on the edge of a pavement.

    I once had one where an enemy chopper was supposed to fly in to attack The Ho-Boat, but it was just a red triangle in the distance that never came (so I restarted the mission from the most recent checkpoint and that dislodged that little mistake and allowed me to proceed). Also, fortunately, I was able to finish the Car Theft Challenge (that STAG humvee I needed was at Sunset Park after all - so fortunately someone at Volition had thought about that possibility I mentioned ... now, back in the days of SR2 I doubt that sort of attention would have been paid - indeed I was trepidacious about getting SR3 simply because of how utterly buggy and poorly balanced and half-arsed SR2 was, but SR3 has clearly seen them step up to AAA territory (good for them).

    Ah flaming bullets on the TEK Z-10, eh? I haven't actually upgraded those weapons - must see about trying out some other weapons there. I kind of got settled into a set I quite liked and was focussed on upgrading those in order to get the achievement for having fully upgraded weapons in all slots (which requires you to have purchased all weapons in the second slot, which includes upgrading the baseball bat to have nails in it).

    Oh and I happened upon that one remaining nut shot this afternoon - so I've only got 10 challenges left to complete on that list of 41.

    How long have you had this game? I'm up to something like 34 hours and 92% completion since the day it was released, but you got it at least a week after that, right? Damn Andy, you must be barging it! That said, I can totally understand why - it's very addictive.

    SR2 did have fun stuff in it, but it had an equal amount of anger-inducing bullshit in it, but SR3 is damn near perfect (the only negatives are, relatively speaking, nitpicky things) - so GTA IV had no problem being far better in my mind (I've had well over 200 hours out of GTA IV and the two Episodes From Liberty City), however you can't have anywhere near as much balls out fun and customisation as you can with SR3. I'll be there on launch day for GTA V, but I do hope they redress the balance a bit - while GTA IV was an awesome game, it wasn't perfect, and your fun was limited in numerous ways to secure the double-edged sword of a more serious story and characters. I wouldn't want them to just try and be Saints Row (as that would be daft, very daft) ... but likewise, when you go to have fun in GTA IV you're often working against the grain.

    Volition have really embraced the sandbox environment with SR3, and apparently the sequel is going to be even more over-the-top (so that's pretty bloody OTT then, I'd imagine!)

  8. #23
    Dead Mr. Clean's Avatar

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    This game was sadly too short. I still have a few activities to finish up but that's mainly just achievement hunting. I knocked out ALOT of the activities in the very beginning thinking I would need the respect but didn't reek any rewards from it other than cash. Probably not going to get the DLC just because they don't appear to add much more gameplay for the money.

  9. #24
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    I went through and did all of the activities, and probably a third of the storyline, in around 30 hours time - all with a friend, too. A lot of that time was wasted goofing around and doing stunt jumps and basejumping and whatnot. Still have yet to go back and finish the story, but I've been finishing up GTA IV/TLatD/BoGT (for my sandbox fix).

    I think that this game is a must-buy for pretty much anyone. Not only is it fun as hell, but the world is pretty massive, the comedy is actually funny, and its super easy (and fun as hell) teaming up with a friend online.

    And, yeah, most reviews I've read about the first expansion pack have been "STAY AWAY" because it hardly has a few hours worth of content. Not too sure about the second pack, though - the one that makes your character become a movie star.
    Last edited by MikePizzoff; 02-May-2012 at 11:44 AM. Reason: .

  10. #25
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I don't have XBL, so I wouldn't be getting the DLC anyway, but regardless from what I've seen it seems to strike me more as content that should have been on the disc in the first place, and I don't play by those rules.

    As for SR3 - I loved it. Massive improvement over SR2, except for a couple of omissions that I've mentioned elsewhere in this thread, but I had a blast with it and want to play more of it again sometime soon. Which reminds me - does anyone know if you can start a new game (to replay all the missions), but keep all of your stats and abilities that you've already gained from your original play through? I'd be a pain in the arse to get all those abilities back again, and would put me off replaying you see - anyone know? I can find naff all about that online.

  11. #26
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    I went through and did all of the activities, and probably a third of the storyline, in around 30 hours time - all with a friend, too. A lot of that time was wasted goofing around and doing stunt jumps and basejumping and whatnot. Still have yet to go back and finish the story, but I've been finishing up GTA IV/TLatD/BoGT (for my sandbox fix).

    I think that this game is a must-buy for pretty much anyone. Not only is it fun as hell, but the world is pretty massive, the comedy is actually funny, and its super easy (and fun as hell) teaming up with a friend online.

    And, yeah, most reviews I've read about the first expansion pack have been "STAY AWAY" because it hardly has a few hours worth of content. Not too sure about the second pack, though - the one that makes your character become a movie star.
    You mentioned multiplayer? Can 4-5 of you play togethor in someway?
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  12. #27
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Nick - no idea about your stats carrying over. I haven't finished the storyline (as I said) so I dunno whether or not there's a way to access missions.

    Neil - Nah, only you and 1 other person can team up online, but you can do ANYTHING together (storyline, side quests, find hidden packages, etc) and the stats will carry over to both games. However, only the host's storyline progression will save.

  13. #28
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    This game is on my wish list... So when it drops in price I'll grab it

    -- -------- Post added at 01:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:39 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    Neil - Nah, only you and 1 other person can team up online, but you can do ANYTHING together (storyline, side quests, find hidden packages, etc) and the stats will carry over to both games. However, only the host's storyline progression will save.
    That's a shame. There's 4-5 of us who play online regularly and we have a hard time finding things we can all play!
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  14. #29
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    As for SR3 - I loved it. Massive improvement over SR2, except for a couple of omissions that I've mentioned elsewhere in this thread, but I had a blast with it and want to play more of it again sometime soon. Which reminds me - does anyone know if you can start a new game (to replay all the missions), but keep all of your stats and abilities that you've already gained from your original play through? I'd be a pain in the arse to get all those abilities back again, and would put me off replaying you see - anyone know? I can find naff all about that online.
    Yeah in your original game, just make sure you manually save it at some point and you can start a new game with a new character.

    Has to be a manual save becuase obviously the autosave will overwrite itself.

  15. #30
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    Yeah in your original game, just make sure you manually save it at some point and you can start a new game with a new character.

    Has to be a manual save becuase obviously the autosave will overwrite itself.
    Not quite following your there, chief ... I've got a few saves at different stages (but obviously one where I'm at 100%) ... so if I copy that one to another memory unit (yeah I work on memory units, big deal, wanna fight about it? /familyguy), and then in that one select "new game" or whatever the option would be, I would retain all my progression (invincibility, unlimited ammo, unlimited stamina, etc etc etc) and also keep my current figure/player configuration (i.e. what my character looks like), but play through the game from the beginning (and possibly save to another separate slot too)?


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