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Thread: Night 90 Blu-ray up for Pre-Order

  1. #61
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    From what I read, he gave his approval on Facebook after viewing the disc at his home within the last 48 hours. TT has posted that and will likely run with it as Director's approval.

    What's strange is why is he just now seeing it? AFTER it's been sold to fans?....

  2. #62
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    From what I read, he gave his approval on Facebook after viewing the disc at his home within the last 48 hours. TT has posted that and will likely run with it as Director's approval.

    What's strange is why is he just now seeing it? AFTER it's been sold to fans?....
    Tom might be going color blind?
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  3. #63
    Dead Mr.G's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    From what I read, he gave his approval on Facebook after viewing the disc at his home within the last 48 hours. TT has posted that and will likely run with it as Director's approval.

    What's strange is why is he just now seeing it? AFTER it's been sold to fans?....
    Spot on! Given the written statement from Twilight Time that references SPHE and Tom Savini what I'd like to know is, why wasn't this info advertised earlier, before there was an issue?

  4. #64
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    This whole thing just doesn't sit right with me, and it's difficult to just simply accept it and move on.

    I have been wanting this on Blu Ray for a long time, and was excited that it was finally being released. I read some of the reactions on here about the "blue tint" and "darkening", so I expected the absolute worst. When I popped it in, and it started up, I couldn't understand what all of the fuss was about, it looked incredible. (The cemetery scene). But then, when Barbara approaches the farm, things changed, and my reaction was "Oh...." in a shocked and appalled manner.

    It doesn't look as bad as people are making it out to seem, but I just can't accept it for the reasons that I have previously stated (distinct shadows despite it being "dusk", sunlight shining through the kitchen window and beaming off of Ben, birds chirping loudly, Ben pulling up to the house in the truck with no lights on even though it is now "dusk", and the montage of the dissolve into night after those outdoor scenes that were darkened). Why mess with it in the first place? The whole point of Blu Ray is to enjoy all of the extra details, but it's hard to do that when they have been darkened and obscured.

    What gets me more than anything is the way that people are defending this. Some say that the transition into night suits the movie (again, there is a montage of the sun going down and the moon rising after the manual darkening of the scenes). Even more baffling are those saying that nobody's memory of the theatrical version is accurate after all of these years, and that VHS and DVD aren't valid formats to gauge and were probably wrong to begin with, almost implying that maybe it looked this way in the theater, even though it has openly been stated that the film was altered. All it takes is common sense to realize this, with the way that the image gradually becomes darker.

    But then again, I'm glad that they appreciate the movie being altered, and I hope for their sake that when Twilight Time releases Christine, that the Plymouth Fury is now Purple rather than Red, and I'm sure they will eat it up and defend it.

    I know they are offering a full refund, but that is not the point. I want this thing restored to the way that it is supposed to look so that I can enjoy it, but that isn't happening apparently.

    It is amusing to me that when people are complimenting Twilight Time for the transfer, the response is "Thank You.....", but when people criticize it, it's "Well, Sony did the transfer..."

    Edit: By simply turning Theater Mode On, I have removed the blue tint and it is at least watchable. The movie is still too dark, and the colors are muted which is a shame.
    Last edited by AnxietyDilemma; 04-Oct-2012 at 08:29 AM. Reason: added more

  5. #65
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    the more i think about it, the more i'm tempted to put a huge scratch on the disc and send it back for a full refund...either that or sell it on ebay. i've not watched the full film on blu-ray yet, as the fucked-up colors are almost too much of a distraction.

    and yes, those of you who missed out on this one can consider yourselves lucky...30 bucks isn't a ton of money to me, it's more of the principle of how badly they messed this up and continue to defend it as if it's an improvement upon the original.

  6. #66
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Pur auld "90". Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. All this broo-ha-ha makes me sad. I always felt it deserved more love than it got, & I get unhappy when, once again, it doesn't get it.

  7. #67
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Aces - From what i've seen, TT is playing the ol' "we're not sure and we're looking into it" card but at the same time posting up that Savini has approved the transfer(within the last day or so, no less - AFTER the discs were shipped to customers). Seems to me like they just dropped the ball and don't want to admit it.
    Thanks for the summation, Bass! Damn this is all so shady.

    Quote Originally Posted by AnxietyDilemma View Post
    Edit: By simply turning Theater Mode On, I have removed the blue tint and it is at least watchable. The movie is still too dark, and the colors are muted which is a shame.
    Good catch! Something to take note of if I ever snag a copy! Thing is, my DVD copy is actually pretty damn good quality...I wonder how difficult it is to get a back up DVD copy of Night '90 nowadays. I'm betting near impossible unless you're paying 10x+ retail*.

    * = Actually, just found a few copies for cheap on ebay (all under $15). Hmmm, a back up copy would be good to have...

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  8. #68
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Maybe they just misinterpreted the meaning of BLU-ray?

  9. #69
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Maybe they just misinterpreted the meaning of BLU-ray?
    Easy Ned, you didn't pay for that joke at Odd Lots, you don't have to try so hard to get your money's worth out of it.

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  10. #70
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    I'm sorry, what? I didn't hear you, I'm blind.

  11. #71
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post

    I'm sorry, what? I didn't hear you, I'm blind.
    AND blue!

  12. #72
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    so, what's the bigger kick to the nuts? the 30th anniversary edition of NotLD '68 or the FUKKEN BLUUUUUUUUEEEEEEE-ray of NotLD '90?

    i'm going with this latest blunder, since at least the 30th anniversary edition of night warned us first that they'd fucked with the original recipe.

  13. #73
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    so, what's the bigger kick to the nuts? the 30th anniversary edition of NotLD '68 or the FUKKEN BLUUUUUUUUEEEEEEE-ray of NotLD '90?

    i'm going with this latest blunder, since at least the 30th anniversary edition of night warned us first that they'd fucked with the original recipe.
    I dunno man. At least it's still the "original". 30th was the Big Bang of of nut kicks to fandom, the echoes of which reverberate through all time & space.

  14. #74
    Just been bitten triste realtà's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Maybe they just misinterpreted the meaning of BLU-ray?
    Also Twilight for night for twilight filter....

    Somebody already did it:
    The first twenty minutes of the film, straight daytime sequences in all past editions, now shift from daylight to day-for-night (or twilight, more specifically) over the course of Barbara’s opening flight from the cemetery and the early events at the farmhouse.
    Last edited by triste realtà; 04-Oct-2012 at 01:44 AM. Reason: fudge pack this

  15. #75
    Ipsissimus Kaos's Avatar
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    Savini is at the stage in his career where he will endorse anything should it increase his profile in any light, good or bad.


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