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Thread: TWD 3x01 "Seed" episode discussion **SPOILERS WITHIN**

  1. #31

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    I would've liked to see them going house to house in that 7 months between seasons. That's one of the things I always thought would be the most interesting during an apocalypse.
    But seeing them developing into a well formed unit is another aspect of an apocalypse that interests me.
    I could care less about the gore and spectacular kills also. To be honest, I think that aspect is way overdone. The walkers have too much of a cartoonish look, which is further exaggerated during kill scenes. I wish they would step that down a notch. I don't understand why they chose that specific aspect to adhere so strictly to the comics. They're so free about straying from the source material in so many other aspects. But they choose the single aspect that should be dialed down from the comics, and vamp it up even higher.

  2. #32
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Thought the first episode was great and if it's an indication of where they're going, then I'm a happy camper.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  3. #33
    Dead facestabber's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by babomb View Post
    I would've liked to see them going house to house in that 7 months between seasons. That's one of the things I always thought would be the most interesting during an apocalypse.
    But seeing them developing into a well formed unit is another aspect of an apocalypse that interests me.
    I could care less about the gore and spectacular kills also. To be honest, I think that aspect is way overdone. The walkers have too much of a cartoonish look, which is further exaggerated during kill scenes. I wish they would step that down a notch. I don't understand why they chose that specific aspect to adhere so strictly to the comics. They're so free about straying from the source material in so many other aspects. But they choose the single aspect that should be dialed down from the comics, and vamp it up even higher.
    The house clearing was cool but they showed us how they did it. I think showing the same tactics over and over would get boring. And for time constraints of the show alone the story needs to move forward.

    Illinois Valley huh? Lasalle/Peru area?
    Last edited by facestabber; 16-Oct-2012 at 04:06 AM. Reason: Grammar

  4. #34

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    Quote Originally Posted by facestabber View Post
    Illinois Valley huh? Lasalle/Peru area?
    Right outside Spring Valley. You been here?

  5. #35
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Enjoyed the episode...

    I thought the only let down was Herschel getting chomped. The zombie just sitting there still for several minutes given all the noise and commotion seemed a bit contrived.

    Would have preferred:-
    - a legless zombie to have crawled out of an open door next to him and chomped his leg?
    - a previously thwacked zombie on the ground to have slowly come around. And to have seen it twitching in a quick shot prior to it then coming around enough to chomp.

    But anyway, generally a good episode if a little thick on action, and thin on drama... The drama is no doubt now about to hit the fan

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by babomb View Post
    I would've liked to see them going house to house in that 7 months between seasons. That's one of the things I always thought would be the most interesting during an apocalypse.
    I think they did a good job with quickly getting us up to speed. The group are obviously now used to getting into locations, clearing them, and grabbing what they can. They're also clearly hitting rock bottom with the indication that even dog food is deemed attractive now.
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  6. #36

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    I loved this episode. Felt so much closer to the tone of the comics, if only because so much of the comics was IN the prison. But damn...several moments in the show I did a triumphant fist pump.

    This episode could have used an extra half hour to an hour to really explore the taking over of the prison. Maybe an extra 15 - 30 minutes in the intro of them traveling around, then an extra half hour on the end with them clearing out walkers. Considering the ratings, they should basically open each season / half season with a MOVIE - a 2 hour spectacle - or at least mirror the length of the pilot. :B

    I think them developing into bad-asses post farm should have been the second half of Season 2. Not enough zombie movies follow a group as they TRAVEL, it's always about holing up. But the prison is so badass in the comic, I still can't wait for the rest of the season.

  7. #37
    Just been bitten Zombie Snack's Avatar

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    I lived in Lasalle and in depue back in the 1990's. I drove a truck for a company located very near Sapp Bros truck stop. The trucks had MCT on them.

  8. #38
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    It's meme time - knocked these two up last night:


    Now onto more of what you good people have been saying...

    Quote Originally Posted by kidgloves View Post
    Also loved the fact that T-Dog got to utter the first word/noise of the season after hardly any involvement last season. I wouldn't be surprised if Mazzara intentionally wrote the cold open like that.
    I didn't notice that. I'll have to look again when it's on FX come Friday. Maybe a cheeky little nod & wink from Mazzara.

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    Loved how they had a tough time with the zombie guards in riot gear.

    As a rule, if their names rhyme then they have to hook up.
    1) Agreed. A good way to spice up your common or garden zombie. I'm looking forward to seeing our group wearing some riot gear to take on zombies - we got a smidge of that, but I'm talking fully decked out and taking names.

    2) I saw an IGN interview with Michael Rooker and he kept saying "Merle and Derle" ... make of that what you will, in that case.

    Quote Originally Posted by facestabber View Post
    The house clearing was cool but they showed us how they did it. I think showing the same tactics over and over would get boring. And for time constraints of the show alone the story needs to move forward.
    Big old agreement on that. It was a very efficient way of getting across everything we needed to know about their current situation, as well as how they'd been surviving on the road for months - and all without dialogue. Plus, it would have been time & cost prohibitive to have numerous houses and locations to shoot such a montage in. Montages take a lot of resources to put together, so if you can get across the same info in one location - do it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Enjoyed the episode...

    I thought the only let down was Herschel getting chomped. The zombie just sitting there still for several minutes given all the noise and commotion seemed a bit contrived.

    Would have preferred:-
    - a legless zombie to have crawled out of an open door next to him and chomped his leg?
    - a previously thwacked zombie on the ground to have slowly come around. And to have seen it twitching in a quick shot prior to it then coming around enough to chomp.

    But anyway, generally a good episode if a little thick on action, and thin on drama... The drama is no doubt now about to hit the fan
    I was thinking about that walker, and perhaps it's a case of they each respond in different ways - some are a bit quicker to catch on, they have more of their wits about them. The first time they pass it, they do so quickly, and perhaps that merely sparked a little juice in it's brain but they'd passed by before it really caught on - then when Hershel swung by a second time - right on top of it practically - it suddenly caught on to what was happening in front of it and finally reacted/engaged.

    If I remember correctly, it was a legless walker that performed this same bite (to a different character) during the prison arc in the comics - underneath a car, again IIRC.

    As for drama - I think by this point we're very invested in the characters, so we have a greater understanding, a lot of ground work has been conducted, so we don't have to lay it all out at length - we can be more efficient. However, there will also be a want to continue the epic finale of season two into the opening of season three to hook people in, which is good creative and business sense (you want people to see your product). I'd imagine we'll delve deeper into all these things in future episodes - e.g. Michonne and Andrea who only got two scenes in this episode, will no doubt get a lot more in 3x02. Also, by the very nature of taking over the prison, they have to do it themselves in a quick manner - so likewise the pace of the show will be much quicker and punchier. It's more about achieving a goal which will allow them to rest up - at which point their minds can turn to other things (e.g. Lori's worries about her baby - a good conversation, I felt - those would be very legitimate concerns in a zombie apocalypse where everyone is infected).

    Quote Originally Posted by JonOfTheShred View Post
    But damn...several moments in the show I did a triumphant fist pump.

    This episode could have used an extra half hour to an hour to really explore the taking over of the prison. Maybe an extra 15 - 30 minutes in the intro of them traveling around, then an extra half hour on the end with them clearing out walkers. Considering the ratings, they should basically open each season / half season with a MOVIE - a 2 hour spectacle - or at least mirror the length of the pilot. :B
    I had many grin-inducing moments, particularly the gas mask zombie with the putrefied face - to quote myself: "HAHA! NICE!" with a massive grin on my face.

    As they always say, leave them wanting more - but yes, a longer episode would have been most welcome. But I suppose with so much action and so on, they have to balance their budget. Mazzara did speak of it, but it would have meant them adding a 17th episode to the order, which would have - as he said - messed around with the pacing of the episodes they had laid out (a link was posted elsewhere by a fellow member to an interview with Mazzara). So that makes sense - but as a total TWD nerd, yeah sure, I'd have loved a two hour premiere.

  9. #39
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Mazzara did speak of it, but it would have meant them adding a 17th episode to the order, which would have - as he said - messed around with the pacing of the episodes they had laid out ....
    That's one of the biggest reasons Season Two's progression felt a bit unbalanced at times.

    My only real gripe for this episode was the conversation between Lori and Hershel. I understand that the character likely would worry about the baby dying and possibly returning as a walker, but I seriously hope it stays at just that - A frightened character. They mentioned in the S2 commentary that they had already considered a zombie baby on the highway, gave up on it, and might use it in future seasons. Surely they wouldn't play a Dawn04 with Lori?....

  10. #40
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    One thing that does bother me slightly about the TV series (compared to the comics) is how small the group really is now.. they're not leaving alot of room for them to kill main characters while keeping the dynamic of the group realistic if you get what i mean.

    I mean in the TV show, in the prison you have rick, lori, carl, carol, glenn, maggie, beth, daryl and herschel.

    In the comics in the prison, you have rick, lori, carl, carol, sophia, andrea, dale, glenn, tyreese, julie, chris, michonne, herschel, otis, maggie, allen.. Correct me if ive missed anyone?

    The group just seems far too small to realistically survive a zombie situation to me.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by babomb View Post
    Right outside Spring Valley. You been here?
    So you were/are a Hall Red Devil. I'm from Mendota.

    Thought it was cool to see carol with AK47s and Hershel with an M4. Assuming those were found clearing houses. I don't recall seeing shotguns so I'm guessing they used up the ammo. Would have been nice to have a 12 gauge with 7 rnd mag on point with buckshot clearing those halls.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post

    I mean in the TV show, in the prison you have rick, lori, carl, carol, glenn, maggie, beth, daryl and herschel.
    And T-Dog

  13. #43
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by AnxietyDilemma View Post
    And T-Dog
    Sorry how could i forget t-dog!!

    My point is still valid though, the group feels far too small now, even with the introduction of the inmates.

  14. #44
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    T-Dog had more lines in this episode than in the entirety of season 2.
    Last edited by EvilNed; 16-Oct-2012 at 03:40 PM. Reason: weää

  15. #45
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    well, i have decided to give this show one last and final chance. i did enjoy the new episode quite a bit with one exception: who in their right mind exposes the only person in their group with advanced medical knowledge to danger? that was dumb as a box of hand rubbed rocks. Hershel would be under an acrylic dome with air holes in it until he's needed.

    at least they knew enough not to break formation in the prison yard scene.

    the one thing i find most intriguing is that the character that i would not bother 5 mins of my time with in real life, is the one that i find myself most interested in and the one i'd most want protecting my back: Daryl. he's a redneck peckerwood and there's no doubt about that but in a situation like this where social distinctions breakdown, there is no one else in the group i'd trust more.
    Last edited by Mike70; 16-Oct-2012 at 08:36 PM. Reason: d
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."


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