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Thread: TWD 3x03 "Walk With Me" episode discussion...**SPOILERS WITHIN**

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    TWD 3x03 "Walk With Me" episode discussion...**SPOILERS WITHIN**

    This is the thread for episode 3x03 "Walk With Me" discussion - keep talk of this episode within this thread, and remember, when discussing future comic book plots that might make it into the show, always use SPOILER TAGS. Nobody likes spoilers. If you're unsure of how to use spoiler tags, you can find out how in the HPOTD FAQ (link in my signature) in the section about "BB Code".


  2. #2
    Twitching Cykotic's Avatar

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    So we all knew a certain fan favorite was gonna appear in this episode, and watching it now, i have to say... not disappointed!

    As for Merle.... might be wrong, but has he kinda... mellowed?

    - - - Updated - - -

    actually, the governor is more fucked up than i thought

  3. #3

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    Another epic episode. Season 3 has been so on point.

    Good to see Merle back. Was cool he offered condolences to Andrea. Wonder if he's dealt with his racism? Considering he was kicking it with that very Tyrese looking dude.

    They did a really good job of making the Governor seem likable at first. I've been a fan of the comic for years, and I was even thinking "Are they really gonna make him admirable?" But then when he asked the crash survivor where the rest of the his group was, I knew he was gonna end up killing them.

  4. #4
    Being Attacked

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    Quote Originally Posted by JonOfTheShred View Post
    Another epic episode. Season 3 has been so on point.

    Good to see Merle back. Was cool he offered condolences to Andrea. Wonder if he's dealt with his racism? Considering he was kicking it with that very Tyrese looking dude.

    They did a really good job of making the Governor seem likable at first. I've been a fan of the comic for years, and I was even thinking "Are they really gonna make him admirable?" But then when he asked the crash survivor where the rest of the his group was, I knew he was gonna end up killing them.
    They have apparently addressed Merle's behavior, as is evident when shades of the old Merle surface, and the Governor chastises him.

  5. #5
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Good stuff. This season is just gonna be epic.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  6. #6
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    damn, the governor is fucking brutal. since it wasn't in the comics, i was pretty taken by surprise when they ambushed those soldiers and jacked all their gear....pretty messed up stuff.

    and i was almost squirming in anticipation on the couch once the governor went to his private room and i heard the sounds of the fish tanks....awesome scene from the books that they totally nailed. my guests were pretty aghast at that one, as none of them are familiar with the source material.

    this episode was a bit slower paced, however, as one of my buddies from work actually started nodding off during one the slower parts. i seriously suspect that he's borderline narcoleptic, though, so take that for what it's worth. i thoroughly enjoyed it, and am looking forward to next week. though i doubt it'll happen anytime this week or next, the first encounter between rick and the governor should be quite the conversation...and how about the dixon family reunion? that should be something to see as well.

    season 3 continues to rock beyond belief.

    my only gripe really with this episode is with michonne and her decision to use chains as restraints for her'd think that someone as smart and stealthy as her would realize that chains can make quite a bit of noise....some damn strong ropes would've worked just as well. minor complaint, however, and it really doesn't detract from what was a pretty damn good episode.
    Last edited by ProfessorChaos; 29-Oct-2012 at 04:08 AM. Reason: .

  7. #7

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    It was a pretty good episode. Much slower than the last 2. And it wasn't really the aspects of the story that I'm interested to see. So although it was still good, this was my least favorite of the season so far.
    I just want to see them all surviving together more. I'm waiting to see them find the armory and put on the riot gear and clean house at the prison.
    I know it's only the 3rd ep, but it feels like the introduction of the season is really dragging on. I'd hate for them to spend the majority of the season setting everything up, while the real meat of the season is rushed and packed into the last 7 or 8 episodes.
    The Governor is a pretty good character though. I'm glad they made the changes they made to him. Seems alot more realistic than the comic version.
    But it's almost like they created the characterization of the Gov. with the idea of getting Liam Neeson to play the role but couldn't secure him. So now they're turning Morrissey into Liam Neeson.

  8. #8

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    That was a seriously screwed up episode. Not a comic reader (at least of TWD), so I just take the show as I find it. That said, while they've made the Governor seem to have a veneer of civility and a sort of charisma, there's enough undertone that isn't concealed that its easy to see what's setting off Michonne's alarm bells. Kinda bugs me that after 7 months of Michonne carrying her, that Andrea doesn't have more faith in her partner's instincts, though that could be explained (albeit not entirely satisfactory, at least to/for me) by Michonne's secretive and closed-off nature.

    Also, not knowing anything about the comics, so this is pure speculation on my part...but mention of the science guy's tea came up a couple times. Having seen what kind of guy the Governor is, I rather suspect that (assuming science guy can manage it) he would in no way hesitate to use some sort of addictive substance laced in the water/drinking materials to provide a further layer of control over the sheep of his little despotic realm. He just seems overly intent on slowing Andrea and Michonne down from leaving, by using the very hammer+anvil approach each time they request their weapons of stating "Ok sure, you can have em just as soon as you're leaving here."

    The reason my suspicions were kinda piqued was Merle's very subdued submission to the Governor, and the unquestioning obedience of all these very militant guys, any one of which could turn a gun on him rather than comply with his bloodthirsty demands. It just doesn't track that someone like the Governor could make it through the INITIAL steps of gaining control over such rough and shady characters. Sure, once he's got an initial strike-team I could see other guys (like Merle) choosing to accept him as the "Alpha" rather than oppose an already-entrenched Governor.

    In any case, my only SUBSTANTIVE complaint about the episode is a conditional one. Regardless of how Andrea REALLY feels about Woodbury, I could see it being smart to go along and get along for a few days while she recovered her health fully and THEN make a break for it. If Andrea gets truly taken in by this sociopath, especially given Michonne's emphatic misgivings, that would trigger my B.S alarm given how they've portrayed Andrea as so ready/quick to question anyone that attempts to assume authority over her actions. As of this episode I'm reserving judgment, because she COULD very well just be using Woodbury as a (conditionally) safe haven in which to recover before heading back out into the wilds she has good reason to fear. There's just no way to tell as of this episode what Andrea is really, deep down, thinking about all this, and what she intends to do. I just think that if my suspicions about drugging the populace have any substance, that seemingly smart tactic of using Woodbury to recover in could blow up in her face BIG TIME.

    After all, there are a variety of pharmaceuticals that AREN'T narcotics and have next to no "active" long as the dosage remains stable. Certain heart medications, and (if one considers non-lethal but debilitating symptoms that would render you unable to survive out in the Walker-controlled territory) mood elevators, certain antidepressant/anti bipolar/anti-psychotic medications. (After all, if your heart rate is hammering away, you're sweating like a pig, frequently vomiting and in the midst of a nearly-suicidal-level emotional crash/depressive episode + having the shakes) you'd basically be as helpless as an unarmed child if you couldn't hold it together long enough to go to ground in a low-profile/easily securable structure such as the one Morgan and his son were occupying. If you factored in needing to go far enough to avoid active human pursuit from Woodbury, someone in that sort of shape would be just as doomed as someone severely physically injured IMO. Most people, having become accustomed to a return to safety, and having natural sheep-like tendencies, wouldn't even have the nerve to try it.

    Further consideration makes the notion of using tea to mask drug-doping giveaways by taste is rather genius. There are so many types of herbal tea, and so many individual combinations of various herbs to make a given recipe, that even a little experimentation would quickly result in a combo/recipe that would be quite palatable, yet strong/"herbal" enough to keep anyone from getting suspicious if there's a bit of an odd aftertaste. Given that so many mental-health medications come in gelcaps you can take apart and pour out the powdered medicine inside, it wouldn't take a ton of medical knowledge to hammer out the details.

    Just a thought. Could just be paranoid musings on my part, but it seems a viable away for such a megalomaniac to hammer home his control. After all, the Governor is so often moving around that he doesn't spend the one on one or one-to-group time with the community members to really seem like he could develop a Koresh-like cult-leader control over the people.
    Last edited by Wyldwraith; 29-Oct-2012 at 05:45 AM. Reason: Additional Thought.

  9. #9

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    I think that science guy was also pouring cup after cup of tea for Andrea. And when the Gov walks into the "lab", he says "did you finish your assignment" and the science guy says "yeah, but your dog's already eating it".
    So whatever they were making, Merle likes it himself.

    I like how both groups are learning the same lessons.
    Last edited by babomb; 29-Oct-2012 at 01:06 PM. Reason: ..

  10. #10
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    My weekly debrief of the episode...


    * As I'd thought, 3x03 focused purely on Andrea, Michonne, The Governor, Merle, and Woodbury. Back at the prison they have safety, shelter, food, medical supplies, and have dealt with the other survivors - they now have time to take a breather - so when you've got a whole bunch of new people and situations to introduce, you're going to require an entire episode to do so.

    * The people of Woodbury refer to walkers as "creepers", "biters" and "lurkers".

    * Andrea and Michonne didn't know that anyone who dies becomes a walker - Rick only admitted the truth (as told to him by Dr Edwin Jenner in 1x06 "TS-19") after the herd of walkers had besieged the Greene farm, at which point Andrea had been left behind (apparently taken down by walkers as far as Rick & Co are concerned).

    * Milton is the town's very own Dr Logan. Seeking to find reason amidst the chaos of the zombie apocalypse, he proffers his thesis regarding Michonne's undead bodyguards. Removed of the ability to eat the flesh of the living (arms and lower jaw severed), walkers will become docile and act as repellant to other geeks.

    * Merle seems to be The Governor's head of security, or at least high in those ranks. Losing a hand hasn't stopped him from becoming a sharp shooter with a silenced rifle either. It seems that, near death, he was picked up by their crew in the early days and has been with them since. Maybe he has developed a softer side (Merle seems genuine enough in his condolences to Andrea for the loss of her sister Amy back in the first season), only time will tell. He does seem to have a fractious relationship with Milton, in a relationship that could be referencing the antagonism between Captain Rhodes and Doc Logan in George A. Romero's Day of the Dead - even Milton's lab is reminiscent of the 1985 film.

    * Michonne keeps herself to herself, even Andrea - who has been with the katana-wielding icon of the comics for eight months now - doesn't know who the two undead bodyguards were to Michonne.

    * Information is key - The Governor uses it to brutal ends, all as a means to scavenge and continue to protect the walls that keep Woodbury locked away from the threat of walkers.

    * There's 73 (soon to be 74) residents of Woodbury.

    * Milton is a softly spoken and kind-natured man, a man of ideas rather than action. He's also pretty good at making a pot of tea. Judging by the look on his face after The Governor and his security team return with military vehicles and equipment (but no soldiers), Milton has seen this all before, and doesn't agree with it at all - but from a position of relative weakness, he has been forced to accept the situation in exchange for relative safety.

    * David Morrissey is going to make for an excellent Governor. The actor was able to bring a richly textured performance - his Governor was charming, pleasant, suspicious, two-faced, talented at lying and disarming performances of politics, brutally ruthless, and - behind those wounded eyes - a tortured soul who was once a decent family man. It's a testament to Morrissey's performance that even with everything you've seen, there's a hint of sympathy for the man who has clearly gone through horrendous experiences (prior to our meeting him) that have created the man before us now. In that final scene there is a sense of hurt and extreme depression, of a man who has tumbled down a rabbit hole and discovered only viciousness at the bottom after a bumpy ride on the way down.


    * Examining the decapitated bodies of Michonne's bodyguards, The Governor boldly inserts his fingers into the half-maw of one of them as its eyes continue to look around. The cliffhanger was also a stunning moment for gore fiends, and the helicopter crash included a bi-sected solider. There was even a shredded-looking walker hung from a tree near the entrance.


    * The Governor was extremely ruthless and fear-inducing in the comics, his nasty ways seeming more open and on display. However, what we have here is somewhat of a politician - capable of standing before his townsfolk seemingly with his heart on his sleeve and his head bowed in solemnity and easily lying about the true fate of the soldiers he encountered with his security team (all of whom are clearly entrusted with their silence). The Governor's charm however is tempting if you're only getting half the story though - clearly Andrea has found a little slice of heaven and is perhaps falling for the man's easy surface charms (he likewise appears to have an interest in Andrea - might we see a key plot element from the comics change hands?)


    The Governor - whose real name is never revealed - has already been revealed to be ruthless and charming in equal measure, but there is something darker still lurking behind his eyes which hint at a ravaged soul. A naked woman sleeps in his bed, but judging by the picture on his mantle, she's not his wife - and where is the kid in the picture too? Behind a locked door (the key to which is around the man's neck at all times) lies a generator, a lounger chair, and a novel new use for fish tanks. Fans of the comic would have already guessed this shocking reveal was coming (it was one of the most memorable images from the early volumes of Kirkman's comic), but even still, it teases the viewer with dangerous and dark possibilities of what is to come.

    Quote Originally Posted by JonOfTheShred View Post
    Another epic episode. Season 3 has been so on point.

    Good to see Merle back. Was cool he offered condolences to Andrea. Wonder if he's dealt with his racism? Considering he was kicking it with that very Tyrese looking dude.

    They did a really good job of making the Governor seem likable at first. I've been a fan of the comic for years, and I was even thinking "Are they really gonna make him admirable?" But then when he asked the crash survivor where the rest of the his group was, I knew he was gonna end up killing them.
    I think Merle will have realised that his mouth really cost him with the other group - his blatant racism and antagonistic behaviour, as well as general recklessness, cost him his hand and separated him from his brother, heck, it damn near killed him. Clearly he's had to temper himself greatly, and has perhaps learned to be more of a team player (albeit for a messed up team) ... mind you, I get the slight impression that Merle isn't - at heart - down with some of TG's tactics (e.g. slaughtering the soldiers), despite partaking like the other men. I get the sense that if they could not do such things, they'd very happily lead more peaceful (relatively speaking) lives in this world, but TG is ruthless and their silence has been bought.

    I said it above, but I'll say it again, Morrissey did a wonderful job in this episode. Multi-faceted doesn't even do it justice, his character has so many layers, and just the look on his face inside his private room said so much about what's going on in his head - and just with a look on his face. Fantastic. I hope we get plenty of time with The Governor - I think he's going to be a really great villain.

  11. #11
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Excellent episode and I'm loving the pace so far!

    Wyld, good call on the tea, with it being repeatedly referenced over such a short time frame I agree there may well be something to it.

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  12. #12
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    Brilliant episode. Not really sure how anybody could see it as a slow one.
    David Morrissey was fantastic. Very subtle performance. Can't wait to see him and Rick in a scene together.
    There is definately something going on with that tea. Andrea wants to stay a bit longer after drinking it. I suspect the Governor has got everybody doped up and addicted to some substance. There is no tv anymore (not everybody has one of those shiny new floating head ones) so he has to keep the masses docile somehow. Even Merle seemed subdued and quite sympathetic.
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  13. #13
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I'm with kidgloves, I don't consider this episode "slow" by any means. It has less action than the first, sure, but that was an unusually high amount (and suitably so considering the goals for our group at that point in time - and for Mazzara & Co to kick off the new season with a ruddy good bang) - there's still plenty of action littered throughout at consistent intervals too, so the pacing is strong. Of course, action isn't the only thing to keep the pace going - if every scene introduces a new character or a new idea or a new setting or a cliffhanger or some fucked up element, then it keeps you hooked. This is one of those episodes, there's so much info to take in (which is why there's no Rick & Co - you'd just not have the time to cut back to the prison, particularly as they'd be putting their feet up for a day or two at this point) - re-introducing Merle alone requires plenty of pages in itself, exploring the town of Woodbury also requires a good number of screen minutes. You've got to set up so many new spinning plates that everything keeps clicking along at a fair old clip. Impressively written.

    One niggle I had though - the bushes, behind which Andrea and Michonne are hiding. It wasn't obvious from all shots, but a couple of shots made the bushes look a bit thing and small - if you couldn't see two humans and two "creepers"/"biters" hiding behind that, then you'd have to be blind. In one shot in particular it seemed to suggest that there wasn't enough cover to hide Michonne standing up to take out her two mules ... like I said, not evident from most shots, but in a couple their cover seemed to be a bit sparse. Perhaps it was changing slightly from shot-to-shot to allow the camera to get a good look, or get into position, but yeah - a slight niggle there, but that's where suspension of disbelief comes into it - the important stuff that's going on is TG, Merle, the chopper crash etc, not the bushiness of the bush.

    Plus - I'm already a fan of Milton.


    Oh and have a meme ... could only think of this one at the moment.

    Last edited by MinionZombie; 29-Oct-2012 at 08:18 PM.

  14. #14
    Dead facestabber's Avatar

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    Another solid episode. This is just flat out good tv. Since most issues have been covered well I have to touch on a pet peeve of mine. Another group of incompetent military personnel. I understand a statement was being made with the brutality of the Gov but this is another DOTD incompetant military. I loved Day but never could stomach the complete undisciplined and unprofessional behavior of the soldiers. I would have been ok with this scene if the Gov's group took a few losses. This military unit has survived long enough to have dealt with wide ranges of human/civilian behavior. I dont think one retaliatory shot was fired and that is just unrealistic.

    One thing for sure is the Gov is one heck of a bad guy. I would like to kill him myself.

  15. #15
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    The soldiers the Governor's men slaughtered were what was left of an Aviation unit that had spent the last year behind the wire/walls. They had barely escaped the fall of their own camp with what they had on their backs and in the trucks. Their M4s were missing the top sites and they did not have much in the way of supplies. The pilot left them leaderless, lost and worn out. They were beaten before the first shot.

    In hindsight they were "Walker Bait".


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