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Thread: Skyfall (film) - James Bond

  1. #91
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    So, saw this yesterday.

    First off, it's not as good as 'Casino Royale', but considerably better than 'Quantum of Solace'.

    It made the mistake of chucking in a few throwbacks to older Bond films and that didn't sit well with me. Though, they were subtle enough.

    Javier Bardem is excellent in his role and in one scene does something that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Creepy.

    However, I didn't like the ending, but not because it was crap.
    M dies and that's taking Judy Dench out of the series, which is a HUGE loss IMHO

    Overall, well worth the trip to the cinema. The opening chase scene alone is worth the price of admission.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  2. #92
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    I've just seen that Skyfall writer John Logan has been hired to write the next Bond adventure that is story arc taking place over two films. Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace are tied together, but they weren't intended to be that way from the start, apparently. So this will be the first Bond story to take place over multiple films.

    Also, the producers have acknowleged Christopher Nolan's obsession with the Bond film series and say that they'll likely have discussions with him about future films.

    Even further, and this one sounds like a rumor to me, they've said that they're already eyeing replacements for Daniel Craig and Idris Elba is at the top of the list? I love Elba and have no problem with Bond being black, but it just doesn't seem to fit with me....

  3. #93
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Idris Elba is only slightly younger than Daniel Craig so what would be the point of replacing DC with him?

    I'd say that DC has another film or two in him, if they follow this one up closely enough, but these days it takes longer for a film to materialize than it used to back in Brosnan's days. Pierce Brosnan did 4 Bond films in 7 years, but DC has just now squirted out his third film after 6 years of active Bondiness and I doubt the next one's gonna come on soon.

  4. #94
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Actually, they say they're aiming for a 2014 release for the next film. Apparently the writer has been at work on the script since about the middle of filming on Skyfall.

    Also, the Elba rumor isn't for the very next film. Craig is still signed on to play the character for two more films, iirc. Maybe even more...

  5. #95
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    My thoughts on Skyfall, which I saw at the cinema yesterday afternoon...

    What's it about?
    23rd entry in the long-running spy action series arriving during the 50th anniversary of Bond on the silver screen. A hard-drive detailing the information of undercover operatives is stolen by the blonde-haired baddie Silva, who has a personal grudge to settle that goes straight to the heart of MI6. Naturally, it's up to Bond, James Bond, to get things sorted.
    Who would I recognise in it?
    Daniel Craig, Javier Bardem, Dame Judi Dench, Ralph Fiennes, Naomie Harris, Albert Finney, Ben Whishaw.
    Casino Royale (Craig's first Bond) was superb and brought about a tougher, more hard-edged Bond (building on work first established by Timothy Dalton during his two-Bond-run in the 1980s) - it combined arse kicking with traditional Bond glamour and a great script. The follow-up Quantum of Solace was a bit iffy in some respects - the camerawork during action scenes was shaky-to-the-point-of-frustration and (as a result of the writer's strike at the time) the script was unbalanced, lacking in tension, and failed to really grab the viewer - that said, it wasn't a write-off by any stretch of the imagination. We'd come to expect something greater though with Casino Royale and now, delivered by Sam Mendes, Bond's 50th Anniversary is an enjoyable knock-about triumph.

    Like 1989's Licence To Kill, Skyfall dispatches the traditional mission structure in favour of a far more personal journey for Bond - indeed, things get more personal than we've ever seen before, bringing a heart-felt glimpse of the inner turmoils of this orphaned-child-turned-super-spy. Bardem's big bad Silva will go down as one of the great villains - he's commanding, creepy, and has a disturbing physical affliction, and what's more, his backstory is tied directly to the dark narrative thrust of the entire film. Skyfall is as much about assessing what's come before, as it is about new beginnings. There is 50 years of history on show here, but this is far from a greatest hits re-heat, instead it looks sternly into the future, albeit with time for a few crowd-pleasing nods and winks (the DB5, a new Q, some name drops, familiar music cues etc).

    Craig's performance is all-at-once steely-eyed and vulnerable, and it never fails in a film that's got a surprisingly brisk pace for a flick clocking in at 143 minutes. Mark Kermode made intriguing allusions to Straw Dogs come the big show down, and after seeing it, that makes a lot of sense - we get plenty of bang for our buck, but rather than escalate the action to ludicrous size, Mendes wisely keeps things claustrophobic and personal. Glamour and brooding darkness are both rendered beautifully thanks to lensing duties being fulfilled by Roger Deakins - the gorgeous sights of Shanghai ultimately giving way to the rugged and cold Scottish countryside.

    It's exactly everything you want a great Bond movie to be - and more - packing in as much retrospection as introspection. The pace is masterful, the performances strong, and the script is packed with plenty of moral drama, exoticism, and head-banging action. Great.
    What was annoying though, was there were so many people at the screening - with so many single and double seat gaps throughout the main seating area (we were in a group of three) - that we had to go to the 2nd row. Right at the front. Mere feet from the screen. That's annoying as hell. Gazing up at a screen and getting a weird angle on the image is rubbish - they shouldn't have seats that close to the screen, and if you must insist on having a "seat gap" between you and some strangers, keep it to one seat for crying out loud.

    A definite Blu-Ray pre-order for me - it'll be nice to see the film head-on, when the time comes.

    I remember when I went to see Goldeneye in the cinema back in 1995 with my dad, back in the days when visiting the cinema was a rare treat (not like kids today, who are never out of the cinema ... when I was a kid in 1993, we went to see Jurassic Park, and that was the only movie we saw in the cinema that entire year ... these kids today don't know they're born, etc ) ... ... anyway, when we went I wasn't even a teenager yet and thought that sitting in the front row was the best way to see a movie (I've since changed my stance ), but even still, in that cinema there was a good 20-25ft between the front row and the screen, meanwhile at the Cineworld we go to you've got about 10ft.

    Bloody good film, mind. The entire audience was really into it - I think there's a real celebratory mood in the nation with Bond this year (well, we have had the Jubilee, and then the Olympics, and now Bond's 50th - so a good year for the UK ) - everyone chuckled and laughed at the right moments, and it was rather enjoyable. Some people over to our left could have done with SHUTTING THE FUCK UP WITH THEIR CRINKLY POPCORN BAG AND THEIR EMPTY COKE CAN GETTING KNOCKED OVER ALL THE TIME though.

  6. #96
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Saw it today and loved every second of it. Can't add much more than what's been said above, but I just hope this level of quality is maintained in future films. I loved the mix of Craig's new hard edged Bond and the classic staples of the series. Without spoiling it, when he walked into a certain room near the end of the movie I nearly pissed myself with joy. Or maybe that had something to do with refusing to take a bathroom break throughout the flick....

    Hopefully Mendes will return for the next entry or more.

  7. #97
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Saw it today and loved every second of it. Can't add much more than what's been said above, but I just hope this level of quality is maintained in future films. I loved the mix of Craig's new hard edged Bond and the classic staples of the series. Without spoiling it, when he walked into a certain room near the end of the movie I nearly pissed myself with joy. Or maybe that had something to do with refusing to take a bathroom break throughout the flick....

    Hopefully Mendes will return for the next entry or more.
    Glad you enjoyed it bassman. Aye, said room made me very happy too, even though it's just been in recent weeks that I caught up on Dr. No through Licence To Kill, I devoured them all hungrily. In a way it was quite good, because the familiar tropes of the series were reinforced in a short period of time, and it was cool to see the evolution of the series over a few weeks.

    Skyfall is easily one of the best films of the year ... it could even be the best film I've seen this year. Mendes & Co hit the nail on the head with this one. Fantastic.

  8. #98
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    The only minor complaint I have with Skyfall is....well...Christopher Nolan. Mendes stated during production that Nolan's The Dark Knight was a big influence on him and I think that may shine through a bit too much. Of course he used IMAX cameras(those scenes looked PHENOMENAL, btw), but there are also scenes similar to TDK, and the score often reminded me of TDK. Like I said, a minor complaint but I did notice it.

    I remember reading an interview with Mendes(who once said he would not do a 007 film) in which he said TDK changed his opinion that it could be done. Might have influenced him a bit too much in some areas...

  9. #99
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Skyfall has become the most successful film at the UK box office ever apparently.

    So far it's made £94,277,612 in its 40 days on release, beating the previous highest-grosser, James Cameron's 'Avatar', which made £94,025,632 over 11 months.
    Now that's quite something, isn't it?!

    Plus by the looks of it, it's going great guns world wide!

    So far, the film has made $248,219,280 (£154,288,388) in the US, and a huge $871,219,280 (£541466,267) worldwide, according to movie stats site Box Office Mojo, making it the highest grossing Bond film of all time.
    Fantastic news. It certainly was a belter of a flick.

  10. #100
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Just saw it. It was better than I expected, but I'm still finding it hard to understand why people were shitting their pants over it.
    Javier Bardem is definitely creepy alright. He was giving off some weird albino vibes, and talking about rats eating each other...
    Still, not bad, just a little long. Kind of meant to get around to re-seeing the last two, but I'm a lazy bastard.

    And please GAWD no to the Idris Elba rumours. Either way, I'd be happier with a Remo Williams revival instead. Chiun like a mofo.

  11. #101
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by rongravy View Post
    Just saw it. It was better than I expected, but I'm still finding it hard to understand why people were shitting their pants over it.
    Javier Bardem is definitely creepy alright. He was giving off some weird albino vibes, and talking about rats eating each other...
    Still, not bad, just a little long. Kind of meant to get around to re-seeing the last two, but I'm a lazy bastard.

    And please GAWD no to the Idris Elba rumours. Either way, I'd be happier with a Remo Williams revival instead. Chiun like a mofo.
    The script was pretty appalling TBH, but somehow it managed to survive it to be a reasonable good Bond film IMHO.

    Better than a Quantum of Solace but no where near as good as Casino Royale...
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  12. #102
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    "Appalling script"?!

    What planet are you people on? Skyfall was great. Casino Royale is still drop-dead fantastic, and Quantum of Solace is definitely better as a sort of fourth act for CR ... QoS was nowhere near as good as CR, but having recently re-watched both of those flicks, QoS isn't anywhere near as bad as some folks bang on about out there in the land of the interwebtubes. There's some pretty ropey Bond movies in decades past that it's easily better than - it just wasn't CR, but it was decent all-the-same.

    Skyfall was so entertaining though. I felt it struck the perfect balance between action spectacle and the eye of an artist (DoP Roger Deakins), as well as moving forward with the franchise, but also paying tribute to 50 years of Bond movie history. It has purpose, it has depth, it has arresting drama, balls-out-and-swinging action, and great performances.

  13. #103
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Yeh, sort of agree with Neil here. The script could have done with a bit of pruning here and there. While 'Quantum of Solace' was probably too short, 'Skyfall' is definitely too long.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  14. #104
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    I love Skyfall and a lot of this is just silly nitpicking, but I still had a good laugh with it...

  15. #105
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    "Appalling script"?!

    What planet are you people on? Skyfall was great. Casino Royale is still drop-dead fantastic, and Quantum of Solace is definitely better as a sort of fourth act for CR ... QoS was nowhere near as good as CR, but having recently re-watched both of those flicks, QoS isn't anywhere near as bad as some folks bang on about out there in the land of the interwebtubes. There's some pretty ropey Bond movies in decades past that it's easily better than - it just wasn't CR, but it was decent all-the-same.

    Skyfall was so entertaining though. I felt it struck the perfect balance between action spectacle and the eye of an artist (DoP Roger Deakins), as well as moving forward with the franchise, but also paying tribute to 50 years of Bond movie history. It has purpose, it has depth, it has arresting drama, balls-out-and-swinging action, and great performances.
    The script was terrible - The most contrived rediculous unecessarily over the top way to try and kill someone ever... Why didn't he just go to London and shoot her? Or blow up her car? Instead the whole nonsense to get caught on purpose, to then escape again, and then have the escape route ready to get to the hearing she just happened to be at that particular day? Pah! Daft!

    But as I said, the quality of the style in the film somehow gets away with it...
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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